Chapter Twenty Four

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As Josh approached Mals room, he could hear her crying, so he doesn't even knock he just bursts into the room to see Mal sat on the end of her bed, her old gear on.

"Mal, what's happening?" He asked and she looks at him, tears rolling down her face.

"I don't belong here! I... I... I'm going back to the Isle, Josh. I'm leaving Auradon. I just can't stand it, there so much pressure on me. I need to go back to what I do best. Being a villain. So I'm going back to the Isle!" She cried as she groans and chucks the old dress across the room in anger.

"Are you sure you want to go back, Mal? Uma will have all your old territory and it's not like you'll be that popular over there" He reminds her, but she doesn't budge.

"I can't be here anymore, Josh. I need to go." She tells him and he sighs and nods.

"Well, let's go then" He says and Mal's eyes widen in surprise as she shakes her head.

"I can't ask you to come with me, Josh. You love it here." She says but Josh shrugs his shoulders.

"Maybe so, but I love you as well, Mal. I am not letting you go alone. And anyway, I need to go back... My powers, they're going out of control." He tells her and she tilts her head in Confusion. "It's like I get this rage flood through me, but it doesn't feel like my own. I know it isn't my own. And when that happened the last time I couldn't control my powers. I need to get away before I hurt someone" He tells her.

"You could talk to Fairy Godmother." She tries but Josh shakes his head.

"No, I'm going with you. It works for everyone. And if you think I'm leaving you on your own, you're an idiot" He smiles and Mal returns it as she walks over and hugs him tightly.

"Thank you, Josh." She says as her face buries into his chest, his arms wrapping around her shoulders.

"You always have me Mal. You should know that now." He says and she smiles as she stands on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek. He smiles as he takes her hand squeezes it softly. "We are going to take back our territory, aren't we?" He smiles and Mal grins at him and nods.

"Well it was mine, but yeah it'll become ours." She says as she zips up her jacket and grabs two helmets and passes Josh one and they head out.


The two reach where the barrier was and opened their helmets. Mal turned to look at Josh.

"Last chance to turn back." She warns him.

"Not a chance" He tells her and she nods and they both slide the visor back down.

"Noble Steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere" She chimes and a golden energy wraps around the bike as it revs up.

"Right, let's see if this works" She mutters as she revs the bike. Up and it charges towards the end of the cliff. And it works, it soars across the sky as if the bridge was up.

"Thank god that worked" Josh sighs and the two share a laugh as it crosses the Barrier, the bike shakes as it seemingly looses power, but it plods along to the Isle and Mal revs it. Up and drives it down the alleyway and parks it up, and the two dismout and hide it under some rag covers and put the helmets with it.

"God, its weird to be back" She laughs as she looks around, seeing everyone give the two weird looks. And Josh see's two guys he recognised as he curses.

"Shit! Mal, we got trouble" He says as the two walk over, but Mal steps forward, arms folded.

"We got a problem here, boys?" She says with a smirk as she looks between them.

"Little Joshy shouldn't of come back. We're going to carve his guts out now" One of them grins as he draws a knife, and a few more guys come around. Josh counted Six.

"Yeah, not a chance you dick." Mal responds as she pulls out her own dagger and so did Josh.

"Oh, Mal. You don't run this place anymore. So killing you will be a pleasure" One says as he lunges forward, trying to strike Mal in the chest but it fails as she slides back, further than his arm could reach and grabs his wrist, pulls him towards her and forces the dagger into his stomach and she just pushes him onto the floor. Then two came forward to attack Mal as the other three attack Josh.

Josh takes a few steps back to give him and Mal more room to fight.

"You're fucking dead, Flamey" One snarls as he pulls two knives out and flips them so they run parallel with his forearm.

"Please, you couldn't kill a fly" Josh taunts and the three charge forward, with no strategy of attack. Which really made it a lot easier for Josh. He ducks under their blows and grabs one of their arms and pulls it up, blocking a strike and injuring him with the other guys knife and her yelps in pain as he drops his own knife. Josh easily catches it as he pulls him forward and forces the knife into his stomach and pulls up, completely slicing his chest in half before kicking him back. He then pulls his leg up and forces it into the one of the other guys knee, hearing it crack and he falls down, allowing Josh to slice his neck open easily. The other attacker scowls as he straightens up and hold his two knives tight.

"You're gonna pay for that you bastard!" He yells as he charges forward, slicing with his knifes with speed. Josh was only just able to dodge the blows as he looked for an opening in his attacks. And he see's it. As he brings his right blade down, Josh is able to step back just far enough to dodge the attack, but was close enough to grab his wrist and with some immense speed, bringing his other hand to force the hand in the opposite direction, hearing the bone break and flips him over his back. Josh runs his hand through his hair before turning around to face him.

"You tried so hard. Yet, you failed" He smirks as he pulls up his foot and forces it into his neck, hearing it shatter under his foot and the life drains from his eyes. Josh turns around to see if Malcneeded any help, but she had just forced the last guys head into the alley way wall before bringing her dagger across his neck and letting the body drop to the floor. Mal and Josh share a look.

"Is it me, or did we enjoy that quite a lot" Mal smiles and Josh nods.

"Oh yes. Think it's been a while since we got into a proper fight." Josh says and Mal nods.

"Just before we went to Auradon, I think. I had to come save your ass from them pirate dicks of Uma's." She smirks and Josh scoffs.

"Please, I had them under control" He defends and Mall laughs.

"There were about ten of them, one of them stabbed you in the chest!" She points out and Josh shrugs.

"Still had them" He says and Mal shales her head as she walks over with her eyes narrowed.

"I saved you and you know it" She presses her finger into his chest and the two share a laugh.

"Come on, let's go to our place" She says as the two walk down the alleyway to Mal's and the other VK's hideout.

So, Mal and Josh are back in the Isle. And they went straight into trouble. And they dealed with it. Like I said, this will be darker than the movies so yes there is killing. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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