Chapter Twenty Eight.

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Josh came around, and quickly got a feel for his surroundings. He was in some sort of ship. And his guess, was Uma's ship. And he looks up to see Ben, leaning against the wall.

"Well I was surprised when they took Audrey and came back with you, with wound and knocked out." Ben says as he helps Josh up from the floor.

"Well, it got Audrey to be safe. That's what matters."Josh sighs and Ben nods.

"What did Uma want?" he asked and Josh looks down at the floor.

"Fairy Godmothers wand." Josh says and Ben tenses up at the mention of it.

"Oh dear god. That isn't good. They must have a plan or something. They'd not actually give Uma the wand. Surely" Ben says, more to himself than Josh.

"I would think so. But I don't know. All I know is that we have a day till we know if we live or die." Josnh sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. "You all should not of come here, Ben. Me and Mal were fine on our own"

"But this isn't your home, not anymore." Ben pushes and Josh shakes his head.

"It is, I need to be kept in check. My powers... They're getting out of control. And this place, Atleast if I lose control I'm not harming anyone whose innocent." Josh tells Ben who shakes his head as he walks across the room.

"You could of said something, Josh! We could of helped!" Ben says and Josh groans and rolls his eyes.

"No you couldn't, Ben! This power isn't normal. It's different. And something I don't think anyone could fix. And something is broken in me. I feel so angry, all the time. I'm a threat to Auradon, and it is better for me not to be there." Josh retorts as they hear the doors above open, and the blue haired pirate comes down.

"Hello, Josh." Uma smiles as she walks over to him and scans him. "Very heroic of you to take Audrey's place." She smirks.

"Well I wasn't going to let you carry on torturing her." He remarks and Uma sighs as she sits against the wall.

"I'm sorry about that. It wasn't my plan. But... Alot of people hate Auradonians. You know that, Josh" She points out, and Josh doesn't speak for a second as he looks at Ben for a second.

"You have a point." He finally says.

"Alot of what happens on this Isle is done out of hatred. Even me. I hate Mal got to go to Auradon. She didn't even fight for any of us to come. So when I get that wand, I'm bringing down the barrier." She explains and Josh raises his eyebrow at her.

"That'll just become the Next Isle of the Lost, Uma." He points out.

"No. It won't. I have it planned out. We just need some sort of border control. We need to keep everyone in check." She tells him and Josh nods.

"I guess it's not the worse idea" Josh sighs and Uma smiles at him.

"Of course it isn't. It's my idea. Alot of us kids didn't get a choice of being here. I want them to have the choice of who they become. Is that so bad?" Uma says and Josh shakes his head.

"I guess I never thought about other kids." Ben admits as he looks at the two. "It was always the plan to let others into Auradon. But... I don't know, you don't wanna hear my excuses."

"You're right. I don't. You have let us down... But Josh, if you join us. We can show Mal that we are not being evil for no reason. We are doing it to better the kids here. They deserve to have a good life." Uma says as she stands up and steps towards Josh, extending her hand. Josh looks at it for a few seconds.

"Don't do it Josh." Ben tells him. Not exactly trusting the Villian Kid. After all, she had him and Audrey kidnapped.

"Quiet, Beasty" She hisses as she turns her attention back to Josh.

"I'm in, Uma... But I'm not dressing as a pirate" He says as he shakes her hand, Uma laughs and nods.

"I think we can cope with that deal." She says as she draws her sword and taps the top of the room, and the trap door she came in from opened up.

"Has Flame boy joined us?" Harry asked with his usual smile. Josh still hated him. But their goal was admirable, so he will put up with him. For now.

"He's now part of our crew. Let him up." Uma says and Harry nods and moves out of the way to let Josh up, the two exchanging glares as he passes him and jumps up onto the deck of the ship. He looks around and nods slowly.

"Never been on the ship before. Its... Quaint" Josh comments and Harry laughs as he spins his hook around.

"So was you lil' apartment. We didn't find anything worth stealing though. Kinda disappointing, lad." He smirks.

"Go through my stuff again, and you'll find yourself six feet under" He warns Harry.

"Oh, you really do have a fire inside don't ya lad" He says.

"Harry!" Uma barks and Harry turns at her. "You best calm it down, or you'll be the one who gets hurt"

"Fine" He huffs as he walks away and Uma sighs and rubs her forehead.

"Sorry about him. He... Had a bad childhood. And that's saying something for this place" She comments and Josh nods.

"Yeah. Mal mentioned it to me. I'm surprised he hasn't killed his Dad yet." Josh says.

"I think if it carries on, he will" Uma says as she looks at Harry with a sad look. And Josh notices and places his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He tell her. He didn't need to say anything else. It spoke volumes to the pirate.

"Is... Is it really as good as it seems in Auradon?" She asks quietly and Josh nods.

"It really is, Uma. You'll love it. But it's different from the Isle." He tells her and she nods.

"I could do with different" She admits. "I know my parents are still around... But I kinda get how you feel. Most of the time it feels like I'm only someone to work for my mom, and not her daughter." She says as she walks over to the edge of the boat and leans against the fence that surrounds the deck.

"It's not the best life. But I deal with it. U have people I trust by my side." Josh smiles as he joins her. Uma looks at her watch and nods at Harry, who pulls Ben up from below and ties him onto the deck and walks him to the post and ties him up. Ben glared at Josh.

"You know. I hope they don't come back for me. You don't deserve to go back to Auradon" Ben spits and Josh is taken aback. Could Ben not see why Josh was doing this? He had to help them on the Isle. As he once promised to do. So Josh pulled Uma's sword from her sheath and brings it up and forces it into Ben's arm, causing him to scream in pain. His anger was reaching new heights as his eyes darkened, almost becoming black.

"I'm just doing what you failed to do. You were to help the kids here! Not leave them!" Josh says angrily.

"Yes, but I won't put the Isle in danger to do that!" Ben says, his voice cracking from the pain of the sword.

"Your way is too slow." Josh says as he pulls the sword out and throws it Uma, who had a small smile as she saw Josh giving into his anger.


"We've got the wand." Jay says as him and Carlos step out with Lonnie following.

"Lonnie, what are you doing here?" Audrey asked.

"I made them bring me. You need all the help you can get right?" She smiles and Audrey scoffs.

"Yeah, because you have what it takes to do what needs to be done." She says with a small amount of anger in her voice.

"Hey! She is here to help!" Jay points out and Audrey rolls her eyes.

"Keep her out of my way. She'll just slow me down. I'm here to get Josh, that's all" She says as she pulls out her dagger. The one Josh had gifted her and felt a small smile play on her lips.

She wasn't going to leave without Josh. So if he was staying on the Isle, so be it. She will too.

So, This is where the story will deviate massively from the Original Movies now. The basic premises will be kept the same, but it will be largely different. I hope that is okay with people! And I wonder why Audrey is now angry.... Hmmmmmm.... Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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