Chapter Sixty Six.

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Execute order 66. (sorry I had too with the chapter number)

"I expected something more... Tyrannical." Audrey says as the four enter the town. The guards at the entrance had let them straight in. The disguise was working well.

"Tell me about it" Mal says as the four look around. It was full of regular people. Walking around going about their day. Phones in hand, people laughing away. It was different to what the group had expected. But the thing they did notice is just how full the walled town was. People almost pressed together. Bodies twisting and turning to avoid bashing into people. But they seemed so use to it, only slight annoyance was on their face.

"We need to get a good layout of the town. We know that the towers are good vantage points and defences, but if we are going to make a base in one we are going to need to know what will be a good command center" Audrey says and everyone nods.

"That's if all towns are the same" Hades points out and even behind the masks of the three he could tell they were glaring at him, and he shrugs. As they venture on, they see more and of armed people. Patrols of some kind.

"I think we should head back. We are bound to be found out if we carry on" Josh states.

"You four!" A man calls.

"Too late." Josh sighs and they turn to see a man dressed in similar clothing to them. But the shoulders were armoured and had dragons emblaze on them.

"What are your numbers. I haven't seen you before" He asks and the four share a look. His eyes drift to their chests. "Where are your numbers?" He asks and Josh feels his body heat up, forcing the power into his hand ready to strike.

"Oh you know how it is, getting the cleaned is a nightmare." Hades steps forward. Mal stands directly behind him and fits her wrist launchers on and loads two knives into them ready. Audrey's hand clenches as the ring begins to glow.

"Names. Now" the man demands.

"Oh our names... Ah fuck it" Hades says as he lunges forward to grab his neck. But the man pulls himself back and Hades misses them.

"Attack formation five!" The man tells as guards swarm around them, drawing swords out and surrounds them.

"Well this isn't good" Josh chimes as his hands ignite with a bright flame.

"Surrender. We have you outnumbered." The man snarls and Josh chuckles as he grabs his mask and rips it off.

"You should of had more men" He retorts as he pushes his hands to his sides, waves of flames erupt and strike the guards. Mal had already began to unload her daggers before grabbing two larger ones from her jacker and charging to her left, grabbing her mask and pulling it off and using it as a projectile to distract one of the men, and she leaps forcing her daggers into one of the men, who flops down.

"Kill them!" The man who stopped them yells and the guards charge towards them. Audrey laughs as she raises her hand, the ring transforming back into the scepter and she bring sit up. Energy blasting out and spiraling around the guards, sending them flying across the alleyway and into the walls. The screams of the bystanders erupted as they ran away from the commotion. Hades had already advanced on the man who seemed to be a captain of the guards. His hair ignites with blue flames.

"You might want to surrender" Hades tells him as he flexes his fingers, reveling the ember in his left hand.

"I am the Captain of the guard. By will of the Dragon King I will never surrender!" the captain yells as he pulls his sword that was holstered on his back. It was almost identical to Josh. And he notices and takes his own out and walks over.

"I've got this one, Hades" Josh, says and Hades looks between the two and nods and falls back to assist Mal and Audrey fend of the other guards.

"A captains sword I see. Who did you steal that from?" He questions.

"I won it in combat. From the Isle of the Lost" Josh states and the Captains fave widens in realisation.

"You... You are a Descendant of the Dragon." He says. "The prophecy. Oh how the King will be glad to know I brought the Kingdoms ascension into certainty" He smirks as he charges forward, bringing the sword into a high strike. Josh blocks it but was surprised with the force behind it. Nearly knocking him back, but he was able to adjust his stance to stop himself.

"You'll be seeing my father. But in a god damn body bag" Josh says as he is able to force the Captains sword back and initiates in a number of fast strikes. Ones that the Captain was just able to block, but it put him on the defensive. Exactly what Josh wanted. He kept pushing, making sure he doesn't leave a chance to be attacked until he wanted it. And he does. He brings his sword up slightly higher than his other blows, but leaves his left hand loose on the sword
And the captain falls for the bait. Hoe brings his own sword up and goes for a jab into Josh's chest. But Josh catches it. He feels pain surge in his hand as it slices open, but he caught it. And feels power surge through his hand as a flame erupts and wraps around the blade, causing it to melt in his hand. The captains eyes widen on shock as he let's go of the handle as it started to sizzle. Josh brings his own sword to the Captains neck.

"Yield" Josh demands.

"Never!" He retorts and Josh shrugs and brings the sword across his neck, and the body and head fall separately. Pools of blood form as Josh backs away.

"Audrey. Get us out of here!" Josh yells as he holsters his sword and sends a wave flames to cover her. She nods and taps the the scepter against the floor, and the four were gone in a whirlwind of pink mist.

So, I focused on the Scouting group this chapter. I hoped you liked it! And we got a pool at the Dragon Empire finally! What do you think? Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

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