Chapter Eleven.

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"I got a problem" Josh says as he walks into his dorm room. Carlos and Jay stand up, both of their hands go to the belts to uncover their hidden weapons and Josh raises his hands. "Not that type of problem." He sighs and the two relax.

"Well what problem then?" Carlos throws his hands in the air.

"Well I got two girls that are into me." Josh says and Jay grins.

"Doesn't sound like a problem to me" He remarks.

"It does when I don't want to fuck them both about. We both know what happened last time that happened" He states and Jay and Carlos share a chuckle.

"Surprised Mal and Evie didn't kill you" Jay says and Josh nods his head in agreement.

"Tell me about it. How I managed them to be cool about it I don't know. But this is different. Not just some random hookup." Josh says and the two nod.

"I'm guessing one is Audrey, the other is Lonnie?" Jay asks and Josh nods. "Well, I guess it's whoever you feel the most yourself with. Take Evie for example. When she was going for Chad, she wasn't who she really is. But with Doug, she can be herself. It's nice to see" Jay says and Josh smiles at him. It's obvious he cares about all his friends. If it wasn't for the plan, he would do well here Josh felt. And when he looked at Carlos cuddling his dog. He thought the same for him.

It shame that the plan was in motion. They would of done good here.

"Well, maybe I shouldn't worry. They'll all hate us in a few weeks anyway" Josh shrugs but Jay grabs his shoulder.

"Make your time here worth it. Enjoy yourself. Find who makes you happy. And maybe they'll not hate you for it." Jay says and Josh nods before walking over to his bed and lying in it, running his hand through his hair.

"This is not the problems I expected when I came here" Josh chuckles and recieves a pillow thrown at him by Jay. Josh then looks at the time and shoots straight back up and curses.

"Fuck! I gotta meet Audrey." He says as he rushes out of the room, grabbing his jacket and chucking it over his shoulder and shrugging it on and walking out.


Josh walks out to see Audrey leaning on the hood of her sports car. Josh raised his eyebrow in surprises and whistled. "Nice car" He comments and Audrey smirks.

"It helps to be a princess" She says as she spins the keys around her fingers.

"Looks fast." Josh observes and Audrey winks and chucks him the keys.

"Can you drive?" Audrey asks and Josh chuckles and nods.

"How do you think I made money on the Isle? Selling cupcakes?" He throws back with a grin as he jogs over to the drivers side and slides in. Audrey's brows furrow in confusion as she walks around and slides into the passenger.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"It doesn't matter, I guess" Josh shrugs as he goes to put the keys into the ignition and he releases the handbrake but Audrey pulls it back up and glares at him.

"No, tell me" She says. There wasn't any malice behind her request. More worry.

"it's just, a main source of money on the Isle that wasn't... that illegal was street racing. The Isle had old bangers from years ago, we fix them up and race with them. I got good. It's also how I made a lot of enemies there. I modded my car in some... unique ways." Josh says. "Street races had no rules. And I made sure i won." Josh adds as his hand grips the handbrake tightly, but he feels Audrey's hand wrap around his and squeezes it gently.

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