Chapter Ninety Two.

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It was an early morning. Night and day mixed with the sky as the sun had just started to ascend from the horizon. The air was thin and cold, and everyone could feel it nibbling at their skin. 

Mal stood on the large platform. Gone the usual leather, and now replaced with a tight metal armour. It was a very basic armour, but made from an alloy of metals that Chad had worked on. The shoulders had three plates connected as they descend in size, with the gauntlets tight around her wrists. She had the same armour as everyone else, the only difference was the crown emblazed on the breastplate. (See photo below for a basic look)

"Is everyone ready?" Mal asks as she looks around

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"Is everyone ready?" Mal asks as she looks around. Everyone separated into their own groups. Mal was met by determined looks. This was years of planning for her, and years for them just thinking of taking back their home. And the day had finally arrived.

"I've been ready for years" Jay states as he tightens the strap for his gauntlets up before flexing his fingers.

"Good. Everyone knows the plan, three teams. Three attacks. We need to strike quickly and fiercely. When Alpha and Bravo team are done, Harry and Chad will hold the positions as everyone else assists on the push on the Castle. We know it's the most fortified, and when we take that we can erect the barrier. Anna, Sarah and Jenna. You've got your pendants, right?" She asks and they present the pendants hanging off their neck.

"Each team has a magic user of some kind. Alpha team has Audrey, Bravo Team has Jane, and Charlie team has Mal." Evie states as she steps out of her group to face everyone. "Once you have taken your target, get your team to the Castle. If we are lucky, the two teams will help with the assault on the Castle, allowing us to take it. Once we take it, Audrey and Jane will put up the barrier, which will wipe out the rest of the forces."

"Why not just erect the barrier when we arrive?" Carlos questions.

"Because we don't know if it's going to work. We need the key positions in Auradon incase it fails." Audrey answers and Carlos nods.

"This is it, guys. The moment we've all waited for. The time where we rise and take on the Dragon Empire, or fall trying." Mal calls, and a wave of cheers are sent towards her. She looks at Audrey and nods, her eyes igniting with power as her group are engulfed with pink energy. Mal then nods at Jane, who flicks her wand and her group fade into specs of light. Mal jumps down from above to her group, revealing her arm and she focuses on the Rune.

"I really hope this works" as it glows green. It was ever so slightly different than the one she used to get Josh and her to the Isle, as it used her memory as the targeting point. So as her arm seared with pain, she forces herself to remember the castle. Remember everything about it. How it looked, how it felt, every single memory from it.

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