Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen

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It had been three weeks since they had set sail from Auradon. Everyone on the fleet did what they could to keep busy. Some helped run the ship, making sure they were on track. Some played cards in the underbelly of the ships, gambling money that none of them had. They all said when the war ended, the money would be paid. But most of them knew that was wishful thinking.

"You know, This might be the biggest crew I've ever sailed with." Skylar comments as she sat on the edge of the ship, Josh leaning against it next to her, her sword in her hand as she idley spins it by the tip of the blade.

"Well, big mission." Josh responds. "You know we will be passing the Valentina Islands on our way."

"I am." Skylar nods. "although I would be surprised if it's left standing how it was before we left. The Empire probably have taken control of it."

"I didn't think of that." Josh admits. It was true, he was so focused on Arcadia, he didn't even think about what his father would've done after he and the Valentinians left.

"It'll be wise to go there first. If we pass them and they are able to send word about our invasion, it'll be over before it starts." Skylar tells Josh, who nods.

"It'll be best to send a small team, Audrey can get us in undetected." Josh adds and Skylar nods.

Josh pushes himself and walks over to the back of the ship, where a row of ships followed them. He simply picks up a pink flag and waves it, and within a moment Audrey appears in a puff of pink energy.

"You called?" Audrey asks.

"We are making a pit stop." Skylar responds. "The Empire probably made base on Valentina. We should take it out so they don't know we are coming."

"Okay. And what would you like me to do?" Audrey asks, slightly confused.

"Get me Jay, Evie and Harry." Josh answers. "Should be all we need. Valentina won't have a large force."

"I will come with you." Beca calls, walking up from the underbelly of the ship. "I'm already going stir crazy on this ship."

"We won't reach Valentina for Atleast another two days." Skylar points out. "That's if the winds are kind."

"Or, I could just get us there now." Audrey points out. "once I know a place,  I can always get us there."

"It's too soon." Josh shakes his head. "They miss a call, the Empire will know somethings up and bolster Arcadia's defenses. We can't risk it. When we hit Valentina, we will be a day out from Arcadia, at that point it'll be too late for them to call for reinforcements and for them to get there on time."

"Fair enough." Audrey shrugs her shoulders.

"Then we wait." Beca sighs as she heads back off into the underbelly of the ship. It was obvious that Beca really wanted to get off the ship.

"I never thought I'd be so bored out at sea." Audrey huff's as she looks out from the side of the ship. "I mean, it's everything I've wanted for the past few years. Peaceful, quiet. But... I guess it's just not what I expected when I thought we'd be out at sea."

"Why do you think we always got black out drunk." Skylar asks Audrey. "But your highness decided booze was a waste of space. I managed to get one crate on, and even then she wasn't happy."

"Yeah, well Mal isn't on here." Josh grumbles. He had to agree with the two, it was incredibly boring. He was use to having something to do. Someone to fight, train, something to keep his mind going. But for the past day, he's been forced into doing nothing.

"Well.", Skylar pushes herself straight and draws out her cutlass, her eyes fixed on Josh with a grin. "How about we make it fun?" Josh raises his eyebrow at Skylar, then looks at the sword.

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