Chapter One Hundred and Four.

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"What's... What's the point if. I can't give you any peace in your last moments?" Josh questioned Audrey as he held her in his arms. Blood covered both of them, but it was only Audrey's. Josh's voice shook as he tried to control it, his face shone with the tears that crawled down his face. Audrey thought that dying would be painful. That she would be pleading for the pain to go. But she didn't feel the pain, she was at peace. She had saved Josh. That's all that mattered to her in this moment. The man she loved was safe. That was worth the sacrifice.

"I am at peace, Josh. I saved the man I love." She whispers, and she could feel some invisible force pulling her. Her mind felt like it was folding in on itself as her vision blurred, and all too quickly she was absorbed into the darkness. Was this death? Audrey didn't know, but something felt off too her. She wasn't an expert in death, but she was sure she would just... Go. But she was still thinking, how was that possible?

"Ah, the anomaly." A voice calls from the darkness. Audrey tried to look around, but she had no form. She couldn't look around. "Oh, my apologies. My realm doesn't normally have visitors. I will create a world more.... Suited for you." The voice says, and Audrey instantly felt her mind unfold as she finds herself somehow in Auradon. Her old cottage from long ago. She looks down and notices she had a body again. And her chest was... Well it had no knife in it.

"Is this more suitable for you?" She hears the voice call from behind, turning around she saw nothing. "I have tried my best to suit it to what your mind is comfortable with." He adds.

"I... I can't see you?" Audrey mutters. And within a flash, a figure emerges from the air. It was Josh.

"Josh?" She asked hopefully.

"I'm afraid not. Your mind told me this is someone you hold dear. So it was best form for me to take." Josh says. It even had his voice now.

"Woah. That's... Trippy." Audrey comments. "But, I thought I died. I sorta thought that that was it, you know? Game over." Audrey says.

"Death is just the beginning of another form. I... Intercepted you on your way to the next form of life I guess you could call it." Josh comments, his eyes looking around.

"And why would you do that?" Audrey asks.

"My goals are exceedingly complicated. But you, Audrey, are an anomaly in life. You are exceedingly powerful, and your role was meant to be far greater. But your death... Let's just say it wasn't meant to happen. But time is... Well it's as you would say it 'trippy' and it can be altered to what was foreseen." Josh explains.

"What makes how powerful I am, an Anomaly?" Audrey questions.

"Your ability to control magic. It is... Almost impossible. The only ones known to control it as you do are the Hades, Dovahkin and Astroma." Josh answers. Audrey knew the story, since Hades had told them years ago.

"So, who are you exactly?" Audrey asks and Josh has a small smirk play on his lips.

"I am a trader of sorts. Of souls. And your soul is worth a good trade. But, I have one prize for you in mind." Josh states and Audrey looks at him with s curious look.

"And what do you want for me?" Audrey asks.

"You will see. I must make the offer when the time is right. I have of course laid certain... Hints. A memory projected, maybe a visit to the potential trader. You see, that staff you wielded was made from a being called Reluvus. A god, in your people's eyes. It's soul was within that staff, and no one could fully control it. Until you." Josh states as a bench appears Infront of them, and Josh indicates it sit on it. Audrey does and Josh sits beside him.

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