Chapter Forty Nine

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"What the hell is this?" Anna asks as they look around at the armour seemingly coming to life.

"Audrey. She's using the sceptre. We gotta defend Josh!" She yells and everyone nods.

Watch your back
Watch your back
We can counter their attacks
Hit 'em till the armour cracks!

Celia sprints over to the door and watches from afar as the knights slowly move towards the group.

" This could get a little sticky.
Handling them could be tricky.
But I know the best way fall back let lead.
You take the line and and we'll bring em to their knees" Uma sings, stood in front of the platform that Josh was sprawled across.

"Swords in the air if your with me.
They got us outnumbered one to fift-ay
Victory is ours cus I've got a strategy
You take the left and the rest of you can follow me" Mal sings as she slides in Uma's way.

"This is my crew."

"This is my Turf"

"This is my Squad" Uma and Mal argue as they push each other, but are met by a sword slicing down the middle of them, they look to see alot of knights advancing.

"Uma, take left!" Mal yells as the two swerve around and quickly swipe their feet from under them. But as they take on down, another two come up in their place.

"There's too many of them!" Anna yells as her hands sizzle with electricity, sending blasts against them but to very little progress.

"We need to retreat" Jay calls as he forces his foot into the chest of one attacking him, before narrowly dodging another blow.

"I've got this" A voice calls from the center of the room. Everyone spins to see Josh, his eyes blazing orange as an equally bright flame dances around his hands. His eyes slowly scan his surroundings, then flicks his hands as the flames impact with the ground and split off in different directions, weaving through everyone's feet and almost grabbing the knight and melting them down within seconds. And as the last one melts away, the flames extinguish with a faint puff of smoke.

"Woah" Uma whistles as Josh falls to his knees, clutching his chest. Mal is the first by his side.

"Josh, is that you?" She asks, her voice full of hope and he looks at her for a few seconds. His face unreadable.

"Josh. It's Evie. Is that you" Evie says in a soft voice, as if he was fragile. Which he was at this moment.

"What.... What have I done" He whimpers as he looks up, his bright orange eyes sparkled with unshed tears. "What did i become" He says as he forces his fist into the ground, fire erupts from his clench fist.

"Josh. That wasn't you." Mal tries.

"But Mal, it was. For the past year all I've wanted to do is hurt people. I enjoyed it.... Oh my god." He cries as he runs his shaking hand through his hair.

"Josh, that isn't true." Harry steps up and kneels by him. "When you first became Capt'n. You saved a whole bunch of kiddies. You saved my life countless times, and Gils, and Anna. You did good, mate. But the curse took its hold on you. That wasn't your fault." Harry comforts him and it seemingly works as his shaking calms slightly.

"But... I killed so many people." He says. And everyone looks at Mal.

"That wasn't your doing. That was my Mother's. The fact that the ember brought you back proves it. You will have to live with the people you killed, but most of them were bad people. I mean, you took on the leader of the Cartel. Neither of us could of done that" Mal indicates to herself and Uma, and Uma doesn't make a crack at Mal. "The good you've done, even with the curse, outweighs the bad." Mal whispers and Josh looks up at her. And their eyes keep locked for a few seconds before Mal throws her arms around Josh, and he returns the embrace.

"I'm so sorry, Mal." He whispers in her ear. And a smile forms on Mal's face as a tear falls down her face.

"I forgive you Josh. I'm just so glad to have you back" She says as he pulls away but plants a kiss on his forehead. Josh slowly stands up and looks around at everyone.

"I am sorry for the pain that I have caused you all." Josh says.

"Hey, you looked after my crew. You're good in my books" Uma tells Josh and he sends a smile at her.

"Thanks Uma" He nods.

"I don't think we can stay mad at you, you were cursed by a powerful dragon lady" Carlos shrugs with a small smile, letting Josh know he was okay with him.

"I ain't exactly happy with what you've done. You have scared alot of people. But I know it wasn't you." Jay tells Josh before reaching and squeezing his shoulder.

"You're one of us, Josh. We know that sometimes you have only the bad options." Evie smiles as she pulls him into a tight hug. "I missed you Josh" She says with joy in her voice.

"I missed you too, Evie" He chuckles, then his eyes set on Celia. Her eyes mixed with rage and fear. Josh takes a second before walking over to her, noticing her hand slipping into her jacket to grab a weapon she had hidden Josh guessed.

"Celia, right?" He asked, and she provides a small nod. "Look, I can't excuse what I did. But it wasn't me. I wish I could take back what I made the Isle, but I cant. Malificents influence is strong, and it made options become very singular. To cause pain. So... I'm sorry you had to live through that. And know when this is all over, I will try to redeem myself" He says as her eyes scan him slowly. Then her hand slides out of her jacket with no weapon.

"I met you before. I know exactly who you are most of us on the Isle do. It'll just take some time for people to forget what you did" She tells him and he nods.

"I'll redeem myself. I promise" He tells her and she nods before leaving the room. Everyone looks between Anna and Josh and they silently leave them alone. Evie walks past Anna and squeezes her arm gently and flashes a small smile before leaving.

"So. You're back I see" Anna says as she leans against the wall.

"Yup. This is the real me." Josh replies with a small laugh. "Prefer this or the psychologically insane me?" He asks and Anna rolls her eyes with a small grin.

"You know the answer. And don't act like you was bad all the time. When I first met you, you was a good guy. You were fighting for safety of people on the Isle." Anna tells him.

"I think that has to do with you. Everytime I was with you, its like the darkness I felt faded away. As if you repelled it." He explains. "I think our bond halted it for a while. And I do remember feeling the least angry when I was with you. Like I had mostly my own mind."

"So. What are you going to do about Audrey?" Anna asks and Josh sighs.

"I'm gonna save her. She's under the same curse as me. But she somehow got powers from it aswell. So it makes it difficult. But I will save her. I'm not giving up on her." Josh tells Anna who smiles warmly at her brother.

"Atleast there was always one constant with you. Your love for Audrey." She says and Josh nods.

"I will always love her. You haven't seen the real her sadly. But she is strong, kind, and powerful in a difference way you've seen her." He tells Anna with a smile on his face.

"I believe you. Now let's go save her" Anna says as the two head out to catch up with the others.


"No!" Audrey screams as bashes her scepter against the floor, a wave of green energy blasts out and envelops the whole cabin, her eyes blazing with rage. Everything that the energy touched began to dissolve into dust. And Audrey noticed and focused on her rage. It was the fuel to her powers. All she had to do is learn to control it. So her mind focused on a single object. A mug on the table and she let everything around her dissappear as all she could see was the mug. And she imagined it dissolving away, and it did. A wicked smile forms as she reaches out and rubs her fingers on the pile of dust on the table. She was becoming a Goddess And with the scepter, and her ever growing powers. She would rule Auradon as a Goddess. But she needed right hand. And there was only ever one person for her.

If she was going to rule Auradon. She was going to get Josh back.

So, long chapter for me. Not alot happening but Josh is finally back, and Audrey's powers are growing rapidly. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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