Chapter Forty Seven.

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"So, we just rode on the back of a Dragon, and no one is going to talk about it?" Anna ask as Mal emerges from a spiral of green mist.

"We've done it before" Evie comments and Anna looks at her with raised eyebrows.

"What? I'm not boring" Evie shrugs as she walks off, Anna smirking as she watches the blue-haired beauty.

"So, we should get to the School first. See if we can find Fairy Godmother and find out the damage." Mal commands, and Uma raises an eyebrow at Mal.

'Who put you in charge?" She asks as she folds her arms. Mal just rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry, do you know where you're going?" Mal asked as she copied Uma's stance whose lips just tighten in response, causing Mal to grin. "Thought so" She says as she strides in front, leading everyone. Anna rolls her eyes at Mal, and Evie catches it.

"Got something to say?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and Anna scowls at her.

"If I did, you'd know" Anna throws back as she barges past Evie. Even though she was beautiful, Anna wouldn't mind forcing a knife through her gut.

"So, Ann." Harry calls as she falls in line with her. "What do ya think of our chances of savin Josh and Audrey ?" He asked, obviously worried about his captain and teammate.

"I don't know. I hope we can bring them back. But if not, we might have to kill them." She says and Harry looks at her with shock. "Look, I don't want to kill them. But if they're trapped inside themselves, it feels like we have to. To give their souls a way out" Anna answers, her eyes focused on the ground. The thought of killing her own brother terrified her. But if it gave Josh a way out. She would have to take it.

"Hey. I'm there with you." Harry says softly as he grabs her hand and squeezes it slightly. Anna smiles and leans on his shoulder.

"I know Harry, I know" She whispers.

"Yo, Anna. I wanna talk to you" Uma calls from behind, the two spin around to look at her.

"I'll go piss off Jay then" Harry smirks, causing both Uma and Anna to laugh as he trods along.

"What's up?" Anna asked, slightly defensive. Uma notices this and chuckles slightly.

"Don't worry. I ain't got any quarrel with you. Quite the opposite actually. Gil tells me that you helped keep my crew safe." She states.

"Not just me." Anna points out and Uma nods.

"Yeah, Josh and Audrey. Even with their... Less desirable turn. They still made sure my crew stayed safe. So I'm gonna make sure we get 'em back. I owe them" Uma says and Anna smiles and nods slightly.

"Thank you, Uma" Anna smiles and Uma returns the nod. And the group come up to a large stone mansion. And they see all over the courtyard.

"Woah." Harry whistles.

"Guys, look!" Carlos yells as the group walk over to the swarm of people, all asleep.

"Audrey and Josh must of put most of Auradon to sleep" Mal observes. Carlos' eyes widen as he runs over to a nearby table.

"Dude!" He yells with joy.

"Carlos! Audrey and Josh have gone mad!" Dude yells and Anna looks at the dog with confusion.

"It talks?" She questions and Dude growls at her.

"It has a name. And it is a he, thank you very much" He bites back.

"God this place is wierd" Anna sighs as she rests her forehead in her hand.

"You get use to it" Evie shrugs as she saunters over and checks the pulse of the nearest person. "Their pulse is steady." She observes and pulls open his eyelids. "They're okay. Just sleeping" Evie announces.

"You're a doctor?" Anna asked and Evie shrugs.

"I have many skills." She tells Anna.

"Not bad, Blue. Not bad at all" Anna says as she looks around, making note of her surroundings and all points of escape if they need to get out.

"We should check the school." Uma announces and Mal rolls her eyes.

"Why would they be there? They're after Ben. That's where Audrey's pain began. When he rejected her. If I'm right, then they'll will be after anyone who wronged her. Me and Ben are probably at the top of that list." Mal points out.

"Why rule out the possibility that she could be here? I mean, isn't that kinda stupid?" Uma argues.

"Okay. I know she won't be here though" Mal sighs in exasperation and Uma rolls her eyes at Mal.

"Even if she isn't here, we might find a clue to where she could be" Anna points out.

"Anna's right." Evie agrees and Anna looks at her with shock.

"You're agreeing with me? That must of been hard."

"Not at all. You made a good point." Evie smiles, which Anna returned without even knowing.

"Oh... Well, thanks blue." Anna says and Evie winks at her as she saunters off towards the School, everyone looks between the two.

"Damn. You can feel it can't ya" Harry says as he feels the air and smirks "Tension."

"Harry!" Both Anna and Evie exclaim, then catch each others eye and scowls.

"I mean, it wasn't that great of an idea" Evie backtracks and Anna rolls her eyes.

"Whatever, Blue." She says as everyone heads into the school.


"They're heading into the school" Audrey tells Josh as she looks into the scepters crystal. "And they've got the pirates with them." She adds and Josh scowls.

"Unloyal bastards." He growls as he slams his fist into the table, fire spitting out of his clenched fist.

"Maybe we should teach them a lesson on what we do to Unloyal subjects" Audrey smirks as she walks over and runs her finger over Josh's shoulder.

"I think you're right. And I have a plan. Get me there" Josh commands and Audrey nods as she points the Scepter at Josh as a cloud of smoke whirls around him, and within a second he is gone.

So, More Anna and Evie. Is it bad how much I love writing them? I'm straying off the original script quite alot as I can't find a good one online. So apologies if you wanted accuracy. Then again if you made it this far, you probably don't care as half of the story isn't accurate to the movies script. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and Josh is going to be interacting with the VK's next chapter!

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