Chapter Thirty Five

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"So, if he kills even one of us. We lose?" Josh asks and Anna nods.

"Or even brings them to his side. We need five direct descendants of the Dragon King to win. So we got to hope that they all are alive and he doesn't sway them." Anna tells him and he nods.

"Okay. Well... Did this Monk guy tell you to come here?"

"No. I mean, I knew you were here. But I just.. Followed my feelings. Kind of. Its hard to explain. You'll know the feeling if we are attacked. I think it's some sort of magic." She shrugs.

"Okay. Well... I don't think we can do anything till then. So for now, I gotta get back to taking over this Island. There's alot of kids that are being taking advantage of. If my takeover is going to do anything, it's going to be free them. And, I mean, the power won't be all bad." He grins and Anna nods.

"Well, what can I do?" She asks and Josh scans Anna.

"How's your combat prowess?"

"I could probably kick your ass." She smirks and Josh laughs.

"Oh, that's cute. But no. Let's see how well you do then" He says as he backs away a few paces and stands ready. Knee's bent slightly and his arms open, ready to move them wherever needed. Anna smiles as she charges with a decent pace, her small stature enabled her to be fast and agile. And it showed as she sent a quick jab into Josh's chest with enough force to knock him back, and she expertly twirls around and brings her foot across his face. Sending him nearly to the floor. Which caused Josh to grin as he reeled back. Anna chuckles and goes again, rolling and sweeps her feet, but Josh jumps up and brings his foot into her face. Anna rolls back and just manages to regain herself from completely falling to the ground she pushes herself up but Josh was already on her, bringing his fist into her stomach then grabbing her neck and pinning her to the post nearby.

"You conceded?" He asks with a smirk, causing Anna to roll her eyes and relax.

"Okay. You win. But I almost had you" Just comments and Josh shrugs.

"I've been in many fights where people have almost had me. Yet I won. I was able to see how you fight. And it's fast, so I was able to judge your moves and counter them"He explains as he takes his hand from her neck and she nods.

"Maybe you could teach me how to do that. I was mainly taught how to fight offensively. But you could teach me how to fight defensively as well" She puts out and Josh nods.

"Yeah. And you'll be able to move quicker. Your smaller and more agile. Could work to your advantage" Josh ponders.

"Well. I best get to know everyone... Shall I say im your sister or keep it quiet?" She asks.

"I got no secrets. So you can tell them" He let's her know and she nods and smiles and heads off, and Audrey walks over to him.

"How'd it go?" She asks as she hooks her arm around his.

"It went good. I know a lot more about myself now. And... Its nice having someone whose like me, you know?" Josh says and Audrey smiles.

"Well, she seems nice enough. And I saw her nearly kick your ass" She smirks.

"Yes, but I won!" Josh defends herself and Audrey laughs.

"Oh, darling. You are so defensive." Audrey says and the two share a laugh. But Josh quickly stops as he feels something.

Something wasn't right. He couldn't explain it, but he looked over at Anna and she must of felt it too.

Danger is coming.

And as if on cue, one of the pirates neck is sliced open as he drops to the floor at the entrance to the Dock. Josh's face warps with anger as he grabs his sword ready.

"So! I heard there's a new captain of this crew! Where is he!" A woman yells as she steps forward from the shadows. She was dressed in a tight leather leggings and a black leather jacket, with the hood up which covered the top part of her face.

"Who wants to know" Harry says as he, Gil and Anna are first to meet them, standing on the end of the bridge.

"Oh, you don't know me? That's good then. Because I'm not one to be known of unless I want too. I run The Cartel." She smirks.

"Assassins on the Isle for hire. So, what made you think coming here was a good idea, hmmm?" Josh asks as he steps in front of Harry, Anna and Gil.

"Oh, you know how it is. Power vacuum. And I want more territory. This is probably the best chance I'm going to get for a while. But I must say, Joshy. I'm surprised it's you. I thought you was all couped up in Auradon. But I was wrong. You lead the pirates now. What a funny turn of events." She chuckles and Josh rolls his eyes.

"Look. We just took out the Eternals. And I am more than happy to wipe off the Cartel off the Isle as well. Do you really want to go there?" He asks as he steps forward, and so does she and they both stand a few feet apart. And her face twists with a grin.

"Oh I do. Boys!" She screams and her assassins step out of the shadows, approaching his crew and holding knives to their throats. All but Anna, as she had gotten close who was in a position where it was impossible to sneak up on. "So, I'll give you a choice. Let all these pathetic excuses of crew members live and give us all your territory. Or we kill them, and take it from you anyway" She offers and Josh looks around. He and Anna was outnumbered. He would be able to take out only half with his powers maximum. And without knowing Anna's power capacities, he can not work out if she would be enough to take them out.

He has no other choice. So he sheaths his sword and takes a deep breath.

No! You idiot! Don't surrender! A somewhat familiar voice calls in his head. It was a woman, and he knew that he recognised it. But he couldn't pinpoint it.

What the hell am I meant to do? He asks the voice.

Grab the girls hand! Channel your power into each other, and then direct it. It tells him and he nods ever so slightly to acknowledge what the voice said.

"Do you trust me?" He whispers to Anna, turning his head ever so slightly so he could see her, and she nods. "When I grab your hand. Channel your power's into our hands then direct it to the attackers." He commands her before grasping her hand in his. Causing the Cartel leader to laugh.

"Aw. Thats cute. You must be jealous princess" She smirks as she looks at Audrey, whose eyes were glowing a bright green. Her rage was at peak point. She was about to snap. You could see it in her eyes. And as Audrey grew closer to snapping, a ball of fire was forming above Anna's and Josh's hand, which had electricity surge into it and exploding out of it.

"Let go of me!" Audrey screams as green energy erupts from her body, sending the person who was holding her flying backwards into the sea.

Josh and Anna eyes shoot open, and the energy above their hand surges into massive shock wave.

This was no longer a battle.

A war on the Isle was just started.

So, The Cartel are going to be a big player in the story now. They will be Josh's main rival in the story. And we get some more Josh and Anna, along with Audrey losing control. And who do you think the voice is in his head? Hmmmm. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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