Chapter Sixty.

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"So, a training regime. Never thought myself as a teacher" Harry chuckles as they enter the fencing room. Which Anna was going to make into the room for training.

"Tell me about it. But aside from Josh, we are probably the most experienced. I was trained by a monk, and you was both Uma's and Josh's right hand man."Anna explains. As she looks around the room. "We are going to need training gear for a start. Wooden weapons, completely change this room to practise maneuvers. Mainly defensive."

"Wow. You seem sure" Harry observes.

"Well I saw them first hand, Harry. I know what we are up against" Anna replies sternly. Harry raises his eyebrow at her.

"You've never talked about what happened there ya know." Harry comments.

"It's not exactly a good memory."

"But it could provide a lil' insight to what we are up against." He argues and Anna seems to be getting ready to argue back, but she let's out a large sigh.

"You're right. But... I don't exactly know what to tell you. I woke up to what seemed the world on fire. The screams of my people covered the land. As I ran out of my home, I saw blood everywhere. My neighbours mutilated and burnt to a crisp... The Monk I had lived with knew what was happening, and we ran straight to the shore. I saw countless Dragon Soldiers slaughtering my people. And we had to fight them. They are incredibly offensive, quick and strong. I took out 3,but my Monk... Wasn't so lucky. They got a lucky hit and stabbed him in the chest. I took them out and he told me where to go. A small boat was located in a small cave packed with a month's supply of food and water. He told me to head to Auradon's Isle of the Lost. And you know the story from there." Anna says, her eyes were closed the entire time. As if she was picturing the chaos and destruction she saw.

"Ann. I'm... I'm sorry" Harry says softly as he walks over to her and places his hand on her shoulder, and she reaches and squeezes his hand with a sad smile.

"Thanks, Harry. But I need to put my all into this. I lost one home. I'm not losing another" She states and Harry nods once as he pulls away and looks around.

"We gonna need some funding. We gotta wait for Audrey and Evie to come back with some spending for our wee project" Harry states and Anna nods.

"So, we gonna fight?" Anna questions and Harry laughs as he draws his sword and throws it aside.

"Let's get fiesty" He says and Anna tilts her head slightly as she charges forward, sending calculated punches, which Harry is able to block and parry with ease, stepping back after every blow to ensure he doesn't get overwhelmed. As Anna pulls back a punch, Harry pushes forward, blocking the stroke with one hand and getting a hit into Anna's chest. She stumbles back and Harry has already leaped up and round house kicked her, then falling to the floor and swiping her feet from under her.

"Damn, that was impressive" Anna chuckles as she holds her hand out, and Harry pulls her up.

"I got alot of tricks up my sleeve" He grins as the two continue to trade blows, noting on what to teach people as they do.


"Our defence budget is severely lacking" Audrey sighs as she scans the computer screen, rubbing her forehead.

"That's not good." Evie admits as she walks over and glanced at the screen. "Oh my god, is that all?" she exclaims and Audrey nods.

"This place has never seen war. They don't know the value of defence. So that'll set us back alot. We need a good defence budget for a baseline of getting funds for a war." Audrey says Evies eyes raised in surprise.

"Wow you're pretty clued up about this" Evie admits and Audrey shrugs.

"I was preparing for most of my life to be Queen. So I was taught how to work budgets." She says as she scans another document and smirks.

"Found something. We have a large kind of doomsday budget. Which has a massive sum. This could easily knock us up to a good baseline. And if we pull funds from places that are not exactly necessary, we can make this work" Audrey says as she types away, and then turns to Evie who smiles.

"That's good. We are gonna need every penny of it" Evie smiles as she wraps her arm around Audrey and hugs her. Something that filled Audrey with a warm feeling. How Evie just hugged her. She had friends now. Friends who cared about her. And it was an amazing feeling.


"I'm not looking forward to this" Uma sighs as they stood outside a small meeting room. Mal nods in agreement as he bit her nail.

"Neither am I. We have to tell them the place they built is going to be invaded. It will destroy them." Mal says. And as she does, Belle's, Adam and Fairy Godmother turn down the hall to see the two.

"You called us here, what is wrong Mal?" Belle's asks, causing Uma and Mal to share an uneasy luck.

"We should sit down" Uma states as she opens the door to the room and the five sit around a small round table.

"As you know, last year Regantara was attacked by the Dragon Empire. And you know that both Josh and Anna are descendants of the King himself. Well they have come to tell us that Regantara wasn't his only target." Mal explains.

"What's his other target?" Adam asked, he knew exactly what it was. Otherwise this meeting wouldn't be neccesary. But he had to be sure.

"Auradon. Well, not just Auradon. He plans to take the whole world." Mal tells him and Fairy Godmother let's out a gasp as she places her hand on her chest. Belle's eyes widen with a mix of surprise and fear. But Adam just sighs as he leans back in his chair and takes off his glasses.

"So you are saying that we are expecting an attack?" He asks somewhat calmly and the two nod.

"How can Josh and Anna be sure? Or even be trusted. Espically Josh. He invaded Auradon himself!" Adam yells and Uma shoots up and leans over to face Adam, her hands planted firmly on the table.

"You might want to remember that both Josh and Anna saved Auradon. He was under a curse. And you know exactly what that is like. They tell the truth. So you need to stop making excuses now. This. Is. Coming. So you need to come back to reality" Uma says sternly and Adam looks Uma directly in the eye. And she doesn't waver. She locks eyes with Adam.

"Okay. I'm sorry. It's just... Auradon has never seen conflict. It's a tough thing to think about" Adam apologies.

"So I'm guessing Ben is dealing with the situation?" Bella asked and the two nod.

"I'm not sure this will be a battle we can win" Fairy Godmother states and everyone looks at her with a comfused look.

"What makes you say that?" Uma asks, folding her arms as she bucks to her left side.

"The Dragon Empire has legends surrounding them. And they are all true. We dont have a chance against them" She says, her voice already full of defeat.

"You're wrong" Mal smashes her first against the table, gaining everyone's attention. "Auradon has been through alot these past few years. What got us through it, is our love and dedication to each other. Auradon is our home. And we will damn well do whatever is needed to protect it." She exclaims and Fairy Godmother looks gobsmacked, but nods slightly to acknowledge what Mal had said.

"We really need to know what we are up against. Ben told me all drones sent after the first can't even get close to Regantara. We should sent a scout team to Regantara." Adam suggest and Mal smiles as an idea forms in her head.

"I actually have an idea. Thanks Adam!" Mal says as she heads out, Uma hot on her trail.

"Mal! What's your idea?" She questions.

"Exactly what Adam said. A scout team. And I have a perfect idea of who." She says as the two head off to find Ben.

So, some more development. Audrey showing off her smarts. Uma and Mal having some cool speeches. And we are heading towards the first major part of the story. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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