Chapter Forty Three

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Josh, Audrey and Anna had now been in A week, and they were watching everyone. Taking mental notes of what they had to do to make sure they win.

"Today they'll be bringing back the kids from Auradon." Josh comments "I'm glad Harry and Gil didn't stop them, it gives us an excellent opportunity. Today and tonight, everyone will be too focused on them.  We can make a move on Malifcents Sceptre. Then we can make our move on Auradon"

"And look, here comes Mal and Benji" Audrey says with distain in her voice. And the three get closer to see what is happening. Blending in with everyone

"What's up Auradon!" Ben yells with a smile into the microphone. "Thank you so much for coming to meet our new arrivals! They'll be here soon" He smiles and Josh let's out a small growl. He wasn't going to let Ben take all the glory for giving the Isle kids a better future. That was his. "It worked out pretty well for the first four." He winks at Mal. Then takes her hand and a deep breath. "Mal it was this spot that we met not so long. I feel like I've known you for my whole life." He says then nods at Doug.

"Whats happening?" Anna asked.

"Did I mention, I'm in love with you." He smiles and Doug begins to play his guitar. "I met this girl who rocked my world like its never been rocked. And now I'm living for her and I just won't ever stop. I never thought it could happen to a guy like me" Ben sings as he gets down on his knees, and pulls out a small box. "And now you've got me down on my knees" He finishes and opens the box and reveals a ring. Everyone gasps in amazement and Mal covers her mouth in shock, fighting back her tears.

"Mal, will you marry me?" Ben asked. Audrey tensed up at the question. It was still a sore subject for her at times. She still believes that the throne should be hers.

"Yes, I will marry you" Mal says and everyone cheers. And Josh felt his anger and hatred dissapate, his eyes burn a bright orange. Like old times. And he cracks a small smile, feeling love flood through him.

"Good on you, Mal" He whispers. Anna catches it and smiles at her brother. It was a while since she saw his true self. And after her confrontation with her father, she had a feeling something else was happening to her brother. So she took any chance she could to see his true self. But too soon, his eyes are enveloped in darkness as it takes back over him.

"We got our distraction. Let's move." Josh commands and the three head off, Anna lags behind as she casts a glance at the girl called Mal, but chases after the two.


Mal, Ben, Evie Jay and Carlos arrive on the Isle in a purple limo, and jump out and are greeted by everyone. Met by cheering, full of hope that they will take them from the Isle.

"Hey guys! I hope Dizzy, Celia, Squeaky and Squirmy are ready for their new life" Ben cheers and everyone echoes his cheer.

"Right here!" Dizzy sings as she runs over to hug Evie and the two climb into the Limo, Jay and Carlos run over to the twins and take their stuff and help them.

"Let's roll out of here" Celia says as she chucks her bag into the boot and slides Into the and Mal laughs.

"It's like a mini me" She says to Ben who nods in agreement. And the Limo sets back off and goes through the barrier. But as the barrier begins to close, the crowd stumbles to the side as a blue headed man marches through and pushes his hand through, a blue stone held tight.

"Its Hades!" Evie yells and the limo screeches to a halt and everyone piles out. Jay instantly charges forward but Hades blasts him, then Carlos, then Ben. Mal's eyes glisten a bright green as a mist engulfs her, and a dragon erupts from it and soars above.

"Mal be careful" Ben yells as Mal goes for a strike, but energy blasts out of the stone and hits Mal, and pushes her back. Hades hair ignites a bright blue. Mal is able to let out a strong gust of wind to blow him back, allowing the barrier to snap shut as energy erupts from it as it closes.

Mal lands on the top of the Limo, holding her chest in pain, her nose blooded up as she nearly collapsed off the limo, Ben just catches her.

"Mal, are you okay?" He asked and she shakes her head, wiping the blood off from her nose.

"No. He was draining my powers. If he had gone on any longer, I would be ot worse" She admits. The group looks over at Hades who had a small smirk on his lips before walking off.

"Okay, let's go" Ben tells them and they all pile into the Limo.


Damn it!" Harry yells as he strikes a box with his hook, sending it flying." How the hell are we meant to get off the Isle now!" He growls.

"they'll be taking more kids, man. We'll go then." Gil points out and Harry shakes his head.

"Nah. With Hades pulling that stunt, they'll probably not be back for a while. We're stuck" He grunts as he walks off back to the docks, Gil not far behind.

Short chapter, but I'm really getting into writing this again. I'm currently rewatching the 3rd movie! Yay! Did I mention I have the biggest crush on Sarah Jeffery? She's great. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Next one might be out in the next few hours, or tommorow for sure!

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