Chapter Eight Nine

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Josh stood in the middle of the cell block, his body frozen as Sarah tried to shake him out of the curse. But his eyes were wide, strike by fear as his face was a pale white.

"Because we liked it" Josh mutters, and Sarah's eyebrows knit in confusion as he seemingly comes back.

"Josh, whatever you're hearing. It's not true. It's the Dragon Mages curse. It makes you see your fears, your guilt, everything. Don't let it get to you." She says softly, and his eyes slowly fall upon her.

"I've... I've killed so many people." Josh mutters, his eyes falling back down to his hands. The ones covered in dry blood. How many times has he washed blood of his hands? How many lives have been taken by them? He couldn't even think of how many.

"So this is who was feeding me so much fear and guilt." A voice booms through the room, which brought Audrey out of her own trance. Her hands shook as they fell to her side. Her face full of pain, but her ring bristled with power as she turned to the origin of the voice. A man in silver robes walked towards them, his hands had symbols on the back, which glowed a dark red, as if his blood was powered up. His eyes matched the colour. "The Son of Fire, and the Witch of Auradon. I've heard the stories, the slayer of the Empire. But all that death, it's finally caught up to you." He chuckled. His voice was rough, like grating a knife over a plate.

"Hey, fuck off." Sarah growls as her hands flicker with electricity, her eyes darken as rage bubbles under her skin. She could feel her blood filled with energy, begging for a release.

"Ah, the woman who couldn't be cracked. But then again, you can't show someone their fears when it's already a reality." He smirks.

"Take one more step, and I'm gonna fry you." She threatens, but he just laughs. Josh and Audrey stood still, eyes wide in shock.

"Please. You've gone years without using those powers of yours. You're not a threat." He tells her, and she responds with flinging her hand forward, a surge of electricity blasts from her fingertips. But all it took was for him to waft his hand aside, and the bolts of electricity curved around him. "Pathetic." He scoffs as he clenches his fists, and the symbol glows brighter as a red energy engulfs Sarah, and she could feel an immense pressure building against her, compressing against her skin.

"Let me go!" Sarah yells as she tries to struggle against it, but she couldn't do anything.

"You heard the lady" Dragimer states as he points his sword forward at the Mage, Vegal followed suit as they stood Infront of Sarah.

"Traitors" The Mage growls, his face morphed as rage bled through his expression. His hand unclenched as Sarah relaxed as she felt her body come back into her control as the two ex Dragon Soldiers charge towards the Mage.

"Josh! You got to snap out of this!" Sarah calls out, but Josh didn't register her voice. His eyes still were locked on his bloody hands.

"Those hands have taken the life of thousands, haven't they?" Beca asks. "Thousands of possible families torn apart by you. And for what? So you could control."

"That was never why I did it" Josh responds as he looked up, and stood behind Sarah was Beca. An calculating look on her face.

"Oh really? So tell me, why did you do it?" She pushes.

"I did what I had to so others could live a better life." He answers

"Not on the Isle." She points out and Josh sighs.

"I... I was under Malificents Curse."

"Yes, a good way to get rid of the guilt. Cast it onto someone else." She scoffs as she stepped forward, going through Sarah. He noticed Sarah's mouth moving, but no words were coming out. As if he was deaf. The world around him was almost silent, with only Beca's voice filling it.

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