Chapter Twenty Three

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Josh finally caught up with Carlos and Jay and they were walking through the Locker area, and a bunch of girls kept saying hello to Jay. They all wanted to go with him to Cotillion.

"Why do you torture them? Just pick someone to go to Cotillion with already" Carlos said to Jay who laughs and shakes his head.

"I'm going Solo. That way, I can dance with all of them." He states.

"I can't tell if that is a sweet thing to do or you just want to be a player" Josh chimes and Jay just grins and shrugs his shoulders.

"Hey, guys. You are the experts.... If I wanted to ask someone to Cotillion, how would I go about it?" Carlos asks Rather sheepishly.

"Listen all you gotta do... Is look like us" Jay grins and Carlos rolls his eyes and a chimes a fake laugh, but Josh pulls him to the side slightly.

"Look, all you gotta do is say what you feel. Your heart won't betray you" Josh says and Carlos smiles at Josh and gives him a quick hug.

"Thanks" He says and Josh nods.

"Anytime my friend" Josh replies and Mal walks over and Jane goes to walk up to her but Carlos intercepts her and they begin talking, although by Carlos' face expression it didn't go amazingly well, and Jay goes and Mocks him.

"Hey, you!" A voice calls from behind him and he turns to see Audrey. She had adopted a much more VK look. She wore a light pink leather jacket with a rose emblazed on the back, and had lines of blue going down the arms. She had leather jeans on with the same style, with the blue lines running down her outer leg. Suited with some long boots, a shade darker than the rest of her outfit.

"Well hello there" He said as he leans in for a quick kiss and wraps his arm around her as the two watch Jane talk to Mal. But as she does, they see Mal's eyes turn green and Josh walks forward and takes her aside.

"You okay?" He asks quietly, and Mal doesn't speak. But Josh could see how defeated she felt here in Auradon. But she shakes her head and smiles at Josh, the look now gone.

"I'm fine!" She says and goes to walk away.

"Can I talk to you later?" He asks quietly and Mal nods.

"I got a date with Ben so come to my room after that" She tells him as she walks over to Ben and the two head off.

"Are we going on a date?" Audrey asks and Josh smirks as he looks at her.

"God, you love copying them don't you?" He jokes and Audrey laughs and shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe that's why they get all the attention." She says and Josh laughs now.

"Yeah nothing to do with Ben being the King at all" He says, but he whisks her away for a small romantic picnic he had organised.


"So, How's Mal holding up with all the Events? I mean, I was trained for them and even I'd be a mess in them. They are so much effort" Audrey asks as she takes a bite out of a strawberry. Josh smiled as he could tell she was genuinely was intrested and cared.

"I think its getting to her. She is under so much stress. I wish I could help" Josh, sighs as he takes a bite from his sandwich.

"Well, if anyone can live up to the challenge. It's her. She banished her own mother, who is the Queen of Evil! She can do anything" Audrey says and Josh couldn't help but smile at how Audrey talked about Mal. It was such a welcome change to how she first was. So he leans forward and takes her lips in his, tasting the strawberry on her lips as the two fall onto the blanket in each others embrace.

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