Chapter Thirty Two

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"How are you feeling?" Josh whispers as they snuck into the Factory, Audrey following closely behind him. Harry had noticed on his first time there that there were small doors either side that allowed for stealthy entrances, and the four were sneaking around to reach the overlooking platform to have the advantage.

"Sir!" A man yells running in, his sword in his tight hand. "Our guards outside have been slaughtered. The Pirates are here!" and Josh and Audrey freeze in place, consumed by the shadows so they remained unseen. And Josh could just make out Harry and Gil doing the same thing. Grant stands up from his throne made off all manners of pipes and metalwork, situated at the centre of the wooden platform they were all on.

"Well don't just stand there. FIND THEM!" He yells, causing all his followers to straighten up and nod, and they begin to head out. Josh looks over at Harry and nods and the four emerge out of the darkness.

"Well you guys suck at Hide and Seek" Gil says as he draws his sword along with Harry.

"Is this all you brought?" Four of you? I have Men all over this Island who will come at my command." Grant smirks, but Audrey steps forward with her own smirk.

"I mean, that would be a problem. If we didn't have our own crew already ransacking the Isle and taking out your men" She tells him and his dace distorts with rage.

"You have lost, Grant. Do the best thing. Surrender. And I won't kill you" Josh offers. He knew that he wanted to kill him. But... There was a small part of him that felt like he had to offer a peaceful solution to all this.

"I will never surrender! I don't command men through cowardice. But with strength. I won't give myself up to you" He sniffs and Josh nods once, and Nods at Harry who returns a nod. Him and Gil jump off the Platform together, Audrey following them down as Josh draws his knife and spins it in his hand.

"Then you will die" Josh says as he rushes forward, his two advance guard try to stop him but with an impressive set of movements, he slices their throats open and they collapse to the floor holding their necks. Josh leaps in the air and brings his knife down, But Grant pulls his own sword out and blocks the attack and forces Josh back. The sword ancient markings covering the blade, and each side of the hilt had dragon heads emerging out. The eyes were a jewl of some kind, with a orange glow. Amber possibly.

"Nice sword." Josh says and Grant chuckles as his hand reforms it's grip on the black leather handle.

"An ancient Dragon Empire sword. Its killed thousand. You will be its next victim" Grant smirks as he advances on Josh, bringing the sword in a quick arc. Josh just manages to step back and evade the attack, and allows a small opening for a swift kick into Grants stomach. Josh takes the chance and forces his foot into Grants stomach. Grant reels back, the air knocked out of him. But he quickly recovers as he brings his sword up to block Josh's strike. But the knife was small, So Josh dropped it from his grip, ducked down, grabbed it with his opposite hand. He twirls around and brings the knife across his stomach, the blade ripping apart the skin and organs. As he yanks the blade out, Blood erupts from the wound covering Josh's face.

"How... How did you do that?" Grant asks, his voice quiet due to not being able to take a deep enough breath.

"You forget who I am. I'm The Flame King" Josh smirks as he grabs his head and quickly jerks it to the side, hearing it crack. Grants body flops. Life gone from his eyes. Josh revelled in the feeling of taking someone out who posed a danger to the Isle, and especially the kids on the Isle. As Josh looks over the platform, he See's the three take out the last of the guards. Audrey had just striked one, who was now bent over and Audrey took the chance and rolled over his back and quickly sliced open the last guard, before forcing her foot backwards with such force, it snapped the guards neck.

"Is that all of em?" Harry asked as he looked around, cautious. His hand was still tightly wrapped around his sword.

"We won." Josh smiles and the three cheer below him. But Josh's eyes fell on the ancient sword Grant used. He felt... Drawn to it. Like it demanded to be his. So he grabs it. And the instant he does, his mind floods with images.

"Who are you?" A man asks. His face completely consumed with blood. Even His eyes, All that could be seen was the small speck of green in his left eye. His body was completely destroyed, with his chest covered in cuts.

"I am the commander of the skies. The liberator of the Forgon tribe. I am. The Dragon King" The man behind says before he brings his foot up and forces it back down, completely obliterating the now dead mans head, blood and bones erupting around.


"Sire. The Forgon Tribe has now joined the Dragon Clan. The entire Land is now ours. Its not our old home... But we are hidden from everyone else. We can thrive here" A woman says, dressed in a full body robe. Her face almost covered, but with metal, shoulder pads, the head of a Dragon on either side.

"Finally! After years of fighting, we can now become the Dragon Empire again." The Dragon king announces with a smirk.

"Sir. We have all been wondering. Why did we leave? The Land was plent for us" A soldier nearby asked.

"We are destined to be hidden from the World. The Dragon Empire must become fully independent for the future of the whole Empire. Only then can we fulfill our destiny." The Dragon King tells him.

"And what is our Destiny?"

"That is something you should not concern yourself with, my friend. Our Destiny will take centuries to come. You will sadly be gone, but I will survive. And I will claim our Destiny for every single person who dies. The Empire will never Die" The Dragon King explains before he heads off towards the large Tent.

Josh feels his mind return to him, his hand tight on the sword but the crystals in the eyes of the sword begin to glow. It looked exactly like his eyes did when he accessed his powers.

The pieces were slowly coming together now.

His powers are from an unknown source.

The assassins were sent after him.

The Dragon Empires writing gave him a sense of unease.

And now, the sword gives him these visions and now it reacts to his touch. He wasn't born on the Isle. He wasn't born in Auradon.

He was born into the Dragon Empire.

So, not too much happened. The group took on the Eternals and completely anialated them. And Josh receives visions and finally discovers some of his heritage. What do you think his reaction will be. Will he be happy? Sad? Angry? Let me know!

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