Chapter Fifty Three

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"Josh, are you sure you want to go down that route?" Mal asked as she walks over to him, trying to avoid looking back at her friends.

"Mal, we have no choice. Audrey is too powerful, any more time wasted we put the people of Auradon in more danger. We've got to do it. We've got to take her out." He says, obviously keeping his emotions in check. His face was tight, no emotion present on it.

"Okay.... But you won't be the one doing it" Mal, says she looks directly at Josh, her eyes flaring a bright green as she raises her hands.

"For your soul Relieve control" She begins to chant but Josh tackles her to the ground.

"Mal, don't you dare!" He exclaims as he stands up. Mal just looks at him with sadness.

"This is my mess. I've got to fix it" She says as her eyes morph back to green, tears threaten to fall as she raises her hand up.

"For your soul, relieve control. Turn to stone." She chants as a bright green light wraps around Josh and he instantly turns to stone. Mal looks at everyone with tears streaming down her face.

"Here you are alone.
And you deserve it.
Your friends have turn to stone. And that's in you.
You had a cause but did you serve it.
Did you see yourself in a way that wasn't true" Mal sing as she walks over to Josh's stone figure and places her hand in his cheek. Then walks over to, Ben and goes to grab his hand, then pulls back.

"Why tell all those lies.
You feel unworthy
Like there isn't solid ground for you to stand.
But sacrafice is not a firm foundation.
You cannot build a castle on a mountain made of sand" Mal sings as kneels down to Carlos' stone form, and she rises up and walks over to Jay, then to Evie.

"This is not your father's fairytale.
And no, it's not your mother's fault you failed. So when your story comes to light. Make sure the story that they write goes." Mal continues as she walks through the forest.

"Once upon a time. She fought a dragon.
Once upon a time the beast was me.
Once upon a misspent youth
She faced herself. She spoke the truth.
and that's how I see my once upon a time. This time" She sings as she see's Uma and Harry walking away, and sprints over to catch up to them.


Back at the cottage, the stone statues of everyone stood motionless. Only the wind could be heard around them. But one statue began to glow a bright orange, and the stone melted away and Josh steps out and looks around. His hands cascading with flames. His eyes widen.

"Mal!" He yells as he sprints through the forest, his hand dipping into the urn as he runs past it.

He reaches Ben's Castle and he already see's Mal. But as a Dragon. His eyes then's sees the bright blue pirate and sprints over.

"UMA! Harry!" He yells, his hands still erupting with fire.

"Mal's fighting Audrey. She has Celia up there." Uma tells him, her face full of fear. "I... I can't help her" She says and Josh takes both her shoulders.

"Yes you can, Uma. You can. I know you, you have the kindest heart I know. Even beneath all that sass. You need to hold onto that." He says and Uma nods as she holds her sheel tight in her hand as it glistens a bright gold. "Now get me up there" He Commands and Uma looks at him with confusion. "Do it!" He yells and she nods, and his body is enveloped in a bright golden light, and he appears ontop of the tower. Facing Audrey. Her eyes full of rage and hatred, the murky green danced around her eyes.

"Oh, my love. Fancy seeing you here. I saw that Mally here had turned you to stone. I bet that was a sting of betrayal." Audrey smirks, and Josh looked up at Mal who hovered above.

"Mal may not always do what she should. But Mal does what she does because she follows her heart. And she does what she does to keep everyone safe. She will sacrafice everything for the sake of her friends. I can't fault her for that" Josh smiles as a tear threatens to fall From Mal.

"You are blind to betrayal, my love. We both know they abandoned you on the Isle" She yells.

"Because I... We left them no choice. We had become a threat. They had to protect their kingdom. As flawed as leaving us was, they did what they had to... And I'm going to do what I have too." Josh says as he walks forward, his body now embracing the flame as it engulfs him.

"What are you doing" She demands, her grip on Celia's neck tightens.

"Save me! Please!" Celia begs. And Josh stood only a few feet away from Audrey.

"Audrey. Do you love me?" Josh asks simply, which confuses her.

"Why do you ask." She asks, Celia takes her confusion to slip out of her grip and run to the other side of the roof. But Audrey wasn't bothered at that moment.

"Do you love me?" Josh asks again as the flames danced around him.

"I do" She simply says.

"Thats all I needed" He says as he reaches nto his pocket and pulls out the ember. And it had regained its glow. And he chucked it up and Mal swoops in and catches it.

"Uma now!" He yells as he grabs Audrey and twirls around her, holding her arms tight so she can't move.

"Josh! Let me go!" She says as green energy erupts out to battle his flames.

"Audrey. Don't fight it. The flames won't hurt you" He whispers and she seemingly does as he asks, and the flames wrap around her body. And they don't hurt her. But as the ember hits the flames, the whole flame explodes with a bright blue glow. The scepter flies out of Audrey's hand and clatters against the floor. Josh let's go and stands back as Audrey's eyes burn out the corrupting green. And the energy dissipates into the air.

And her body flops to the ground. Josh can hear Uma and Harry cheer on the ground but he sprints over to Audrey. Mal lands and Celia runs into her arms.

"Josh. Is she okay? " Mal asks as he checks her pulse.

"She's not dead. But it's not good Mal" He says as he looks up at her. "We need to get her somewhere comfortable" He says with defeat in his voice.

"We can still fix this Josh" Mal begins, but Josh doesn't listen. He lifts Audrey's body up and leaves the roof, and Mal watches him as the sun slowly rises on Auradon.

So, big climax. I didn't want to take away Mal saving the day, so I just added Josh into it. I hope I did it well. And the next chapter is already mostly written, so that will hopefully be up in the next hour or two! So you won't have to wait long!

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