Chapter Hundred and Six

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The news of Audrey's resurrection sent waves throughout Auradon. Whispers of sacrifices, dark magic, all manners of evil things were speculated to be the reason Audrey came back. It did not bother Audrey nor Josh. The People who needed to know knew the way Audrey was brought back.

"The ring looks good on you." Audrey mused as she tilted her head slightly, inspecting Josh's hand.

"A pink ring does rather suit me, doesn't it?" He jokes as he runs his hand through his now light brown hair. He felt no need to dye it orange now his powers were gone.

"Although, I will need it back. It is sorta the source of my powers." Audrey points out. Josh looks down at the ring before sliding it off his finger and placing it in her hand.

"It was always yours, Audrey." He smiles as she slides it back onto her finger. The instant it touches her, the gem in the center glows with a fierce pink energy, as the same energy fills Audrey's eyes, her whole body tensing up from the power flooding through her.

"Oh, that does feel good." Audrey chuckles as the energy fades from her. Audrey then looks around. They were sat on a bench within Auradon City. It was amazing how quickly it was rebuilt. Some damage could still be seen, building still partially destroyed. But it was almost like it use to be. The fountain no longer had Beast in the centre, however. But a statue of Ben. "I can't believe we actually got Auradon back."

"It came with a great cost though." Josh states, causing Audrey to turn to him and sigh.

"If I had to die to retake Auradon, I'd happily make that call again, Josh. Auradon is our home, and I'd die for it. Hell, I did." Audrey tells him as Audrey found herself looking at his eyes. She had only known his eyes when they were marked by fire.  But now they were as if the ocean were in his eyes.  A degree of calmness to them instead of the fury that use to be beneath.

"You're staring." Josh notes.

"I could barely remember what your real eyes are like. I only saw them twice, before they were taken by the flames." Audrey comments. The back of her hand grazes over Josh's cheek. She wasn't even sure why she did it.

"Well, it definitely feels wierd not having my powers. Feels like I had them for my whole life." Josh says, looking at his hand, flicking it as if flames would erupt from his fingertips, but it never did. "I feel lost without them." He admits, and Audrey looks at him with guilt in her eyes.

"Josh..." Audrey begins.

"Audrey, don't. This isn't on you. It was my choice. I hate not having my powers, I won't lie. But I would much rather be without them if it meant bringing you back." Josh states, his eyes locked on Audrey's who just nods, her eyes shone with unshed tears.

"You've given up so much for me, Josh. I don't even know how to repay you. I mean, how do you repay someone who literally brought you back to life?"

"You help us win this war, Audrey." Josh smiles, his hand resting ontop of Audrey's. "Anyway, I'm gonna go find Beca. Make sure someone hasn't killed her." Josh says as he pushes himself up. "Or make sure she hasn't killed someone." Josh adds and walks through the courtyard, hearing Audrey's faint laugh as he does.


Josh was surprised to find Beca within Auradon City. Sat at the fountain that was situated in the heart of the city, her eyes locked on the blue crystal as it glowed with a dim light in the heart of it, with a slightly confused look.

"Feels wierd, doesn't it?" Josh comments, bringing Beca out of her thoughts.

"Your telling me." Beca chuckles, bringing her eyes to Josh for a moment before returning them to the crystal. "It's like..." She trails off as she is trying to find express what she was thinking.

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