Chapter Eighty One

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"What do you mean we are going to win the War?" Josh questions Mal.

"Whenever I wasn't dealing with New Auradon, I have been planning on an attack back on Auradon. I mean, it won't be a full on assault. We dont have the numbers. But we do have the skills for strategic attacks on key points. They'll have outposts through the country, and if we take them, and if we push fast and hard enough we can take our home back." Mal explains. "But that's not the focus right now. We need to get back and scout, find what we need to know. We need to know the forces they have on Auradon, the arsenal, defences. And we can't work it out from here."

"Okay, I follow. But when we take it back, we are going to be open for retaliation. And that's something we can't fight against. So I hope you have a plan for defending it." Josh points out.

"I've had five years, and alot of time to research it. I can make a new barrier. And with Royston allowing us to study his DNA, we know all of the Empire's people have traces of Some sort of Dragon DNA in them. Different from what I have. And I can make it so people with that DNA marker disintegrate when trying to get through."

"Okay. I'm liking this idea" Josh smirks as Mal pulls a Map of Old Auradon onto the table.

"Okay, so we will come on from the South Side of Auradon. I expect some guards there, but we can work around that." Josh states as his eyes follow up from their entry point. "We will most likely hit the Castle first. Then we can use the Security system and have a look on the Isle. If it's still standing, that is" Josh suggests and Mal nods.

"Most of the Cameras are hidden out of sight. And the security system has some serious protection on it. And Ben had a secondary system hidden in his wierd experimental lab thing. I doubt they even know about it, so it might be worth checking it out. If not, we are going to need to go old school and scout." Mal adds and Josh smiles.

"Well what are we waiting for?" He says and Mal smirks and offers her hand out.

"Josh, would you do me the honour and accompany me to Dragon Empire Territory?" She asks and Josh lets out a small chuckle.

"Oh Mal you know just how to woo me" He winks.

"I have some things I want to pick up, meet me at the barrier bridge in ten minutes." Mal smiles warmly at Josh. The fact that he had stuck by her through everything was something she loved about him. The loyalty he had for her was something she had never seen.

Not even from Ben.


"Sire, the attacks on the Isle are going as planned. We are opening more breaches and getting more through." A Savage tells The Dragon King, who nods slowly.

"Good. Magic has its boundaries, and we are weakening the barrier and eventually it will fade. And we will one able to wipe out the last of the Old Auradon. How goes the settlements there?" He asks.

"Some of the buildings were left, like the Old Kings castle, so we have begun exploring it. But the people we had sent to settle have found suitable area's to create towns." The savage answers, causing the Dragon King to grin.

"Good. I will visit it in the coming months, I would like to see how they are coping with the change" He tells the Savage, who nods.

"I will set up a visit, Sire. Do you need anything else?" 

"Bring him" He simply requests, and the Savage nods and heads out of the Throne Room.


Josh glanced around the area around him. It was very much out of place on the Isle, even with the barrels, netting and all manners of different tooling covering it, it had a very Auradon style to it. A sort of elegance which was lost on the Isle.

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