Chapter Sixty Nine

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Ben enters his castle with Harry, Uma, Evie and Anna. Harry seemingly got what Uma wanted, as when he met up with them he nodded and smiled. And as he enters, he finds Audrey, Mal, Josh and Hades grouped in the foyer. He runs over and engulfs Mal in a tighe embrace, bringing a smile to the Purple haired girl.

"Oh, hey" She laughs as she returns the hug. Anna walked over to Josh and wraps her arms around him.

"Glad you didn't die" She smiles, Josh returns the hug but couldn't bring a smile.

"Something happened, didn't it?" Uma questions and Josh nods as Anna retreats from the hug. Ben glances over at Josh, whose face was a mix of fear and worry.

"What happened?" Ben questions as he steps forward towards Josh.

"We should have everyone here. And... I want Chad in on this" He says, and everyone's eyes widen in shock.

"Chad? Why?" Evie asks.

"He's an expert sword dueler. I saw it in fencing. Almost as good as me. And he can be of use." Josh explains and Ben nods.

"Okay, let's meet in the conference room upstairs in an hour." Ben commands as he heads upstairs, Mal following shortly behind as he hand fixes with his.

"Okay, I'll go find Chad. I think he will need an explanation to what's happening" Josh states and the group nods. "Find everyone else" He adds and he walks out of the Castle to fi d Chad.


Chad was on the tourney field, stick in his hand as he flicked a ball and sent it flying. His eyes following the ball before going for another.

"Hey, take a break" Josh shouts from behind him, causing Chad to jump, leading to Josh laughing. "Sorry man, didn't mean to scare you" He chuckled, which Chad matched with his own.

"No problem, Just getting in as much practise as I can." He states and Josh nods as he steps forward, causing Chad to tense up slightly.

"So look, you've been on the out of what's been going on. And I'm sorry. But now, we need you... I need you" He corrects himself, causing Chad to furrow his eyebrow in confusion. "Look there's a war coming to Auradon. A war that has already struck Regentara. And possibly Arcadia, or other places. And I've asked for you to join us with preparing." Josh explains.

"Why?" Is all he can asked, with a surprised tone to him.

"I've seen you duel, your an expert swordsman. Well in fencing. But I bet your not bad with an actual sword" Josh smirks, which caused Chad to smirk himself and shrug.

"I mean, I am pretty good" He boasts. Normally it would piss Josh off, but confidence right now is needed.

"Good, well you wanna help us? Totally understandable if you don't but we could really use you" Josh asks.

"Of course" Chad said without a seconds thought. Which surprised Josh. He thought he'd have to Convince him. Maybe he wasn't as selfish as Josh thought.

"Oh, good. Well come on. We are meeting soon. I'll catch you up on the way." Josh states and Chad nods, chucking his stick on the ground before following.


"I thought the Dragon Empire was just a legend?" Chad asks as they enter the conference room, they were the last ones to get there.

"Not at all, Chad. But we kept it quiet where we could. Especially now with what is coming" Ben explains for Josh who nods in appreciation before taking a seat. As Josh looked around, all his friends were there. Jay, Carlos, Mal, Evie, Ben, Audrey, Lonnie, Jane, Uma, Gil, Harry and Anna. With Chad now sat with the group. And in the corner, stood someone who Josh could of sworn he recognised.

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