Chapter Seventy.

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It had been a few days since the meeting, and everyone was on edge with each other. The words spoken still stung. Ben and Mal had barely spoken, unless it was about the coming War. Audrey had spent a lot of time with Ben aswell. Which Josh had to admit, didn't make him the happiest. But him and Mal had spent most of their time together, along with Chad of all people. The three were now in the backyard of Mal's small cottage she had bought a few months ago for herself. On the edge of the woods, the yard inches Way from the cliff that dropped to the ocean.

"I still don't get this all, man." Chad sighs as he rotates his arm around, holding the small sword in his hand tightly.

"You are good with a sword, but you aren't combat ready. I am teaching you how to mix defence and offence to keep your opponent on their toes." Josh explains as he lunges forward, bringing his sword into a tight arc towards Chad's face, to which he blocks and takes a step back. Josh advances again, bringing the arc towards his legs, which Chad jumps and forces his foot into Josh's face, knocking him back. Chad quickly advances and holds the sword towards Josh's neck.

"Yield" Chad smirks and Josh chuckles as his eyes flare up and grabs the blade, as the glowing orange light creeps up the blade causing Chad to drop it.

"Oh come on, that's not exactly fair" Chad laughs as he shakes his hand to cool it down.

"I'm sure in battle it'll be fair" Josh argues and Chad nods.

"Fair point" He concedes as he walks over to the table where Mal was sat.

"You two playing well?" she smirks.

"We've still got work, but he's gonna make a hell of a fighter" Josh reviews and Chad couldn't help but smile from his approval.

"Good, the Empire could attack at any moment. And he could attack anywhere. Here. Arcadia. We don't know anything" Mal sighs as she cracks her neck.

"I don't get it, why is everyone apart. We all know that if was the orb causing the anger." Chad points out.

"What was said was still true" Josh explains.

"I dunno. It seems stupid to be against each other like this."

"We aren't. But apart from preparing for this War, I'd rather not talk to anyone." Mal says in calm anger. Flicking the old book onto the table and sighing.

"Find anything?" Josh asks as him and Chad take a seat by the table, glancing over the array of books that littered the table.

"Small bits. But nothing that will help me get us in there. The Forgotten Plane has earned its name. Access there is impossible to research. I found one extract from an old book saying that there is a blood sacrafice, but apart from that, I got nothing." She tells Josh who nods.

"Keep working" Josh smiles, and he notices Jay running up to the fence of the yard.

"What do you want?" Josh says rather coldly.

"Arcadia is under attack. We got word from their king." Jay explains and the three bolt up from their seats.

"Are we going to help?" Mal asks and Jay nods.

"Ben is organising a small force to go. Audrey is going to send them there. He's asked for you three" Jay explains and the three nod, and run off with Jay towards Ben's Castle.


As the four reach the castle, there were a large amount of vehicles parked outside. Some small, some big. And the four run to the door, a guard nodding as they pass. The four sprint into Ben's office, where he was stood by the table, eyes scanning multiple pieces of paper. His face tight as you could see his mind turning. Jay quickly heads out.

"Arcadia has been attacked?" Mal asks and Ben nods.

"Four hundred ships attacked from the east coast. Arcadia is holding them there for now, but they are out numbered. We are going to save as many as possible. Audrey has volunteered to transport people back here to Auradon. And I'm sending two teams to assist the battle. I've already sent the first. Evie, Anna, Uma and Harry." He explains and Josh nods.

"We need to find our brother or sister there." Josh states and Ben nods.

"Anna said the same. That's her secondary mission. She says you know who they are?" Ben questions and Josh nods.

"Long story, but yes."

"I don't need to hear how right now. Audrey should be back soon with the first lot of civilians. Get ready. You three are going with Carlos and Jay" He commands and they nod.

"The Kings Armoury is open to all of you. Go get what you need" Ben adds and the three head off.

"This isn't good" Josh admits as they rush down the halls, threading through people to get to the armoury.

"No, but we can help save people. Thar what matters" Mal states as they reach the armoury. The guards glance over them before nodding and moving aside to allow them access, already finding Carlos and Jay. They were suited up in a leather outfit, padded on the chest. Carlos had a black quiver attached to his back, along with a bow in his hand. Jay had picked out an assortment of blades, all attached to a belt that ran across his chest.

"I've got my wrist launchers. But having a few more weapons won't hurt" Mal admits as her eyes scan the armoury, walking over and picking up two shortswords and grabbing the sheaths.

"Evie made these. They're secured with some sort of material" Carlos says as he indicates to the table, where leather outfits were lated out. With The Auradon crest emblazed in the center. The three grab them and quickly change. Chad walks over to a sword and takes it, which had a a curve at the tip, and the handle had a bright red strap wrapped around it. The crosshead had simple lion heads on either side which he attaches to his back.

"Are we ready?" Josh asks, grabbing a few throwing knives and attaching them to his waist. They all nod and head back to Ben's office.

As they reach, a flood of pink mist erupts from the room as about twenty people step out of thin air, with Audrey stood in the middle, wearing the same gear as the rest. The people look terrified, many had cuts and bruises on their face before they run out of the room.

"Josh!" Audrey exclaims as she runs over and kisses him. Ben looks up at them before looking at Mal, walking over and bringing her into a tight hug.

"I know we are struggling at the moment, but I love you." He says softly.

"I know, I love you too" Mal smiles.

"Audrey, you ready?" Ben asks as she draws away from Josh and nods, her ring glistening a bright pink as she stands ready.

"Okay. Chad, I want you to stay at where you land. You will be there with Harry as you protect the civilians who come to escape. The rest of you will rush to the East Coast, and help them keep back the attack. We know we can't win, but we are going to save as many people as we can." Ben exclaims and the group nods.

"For Auradon!" Chad yells, and everyone cheers as Audrey opens her arms, energy erupting from her hands as the group are engulfed by it, and as it fades they are met by fire.

So, shorter chapter than the last few. But I want the Arcadia bit to be separate. What do you think, cool direction? I hope so. I've been dying to do a battle for this book since I started it! I can't wait, anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter!

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