Chapter One Hundred and Five.

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As Josh enters the Castle, he and Jenna let out a fury of Ice and Fire, moulding together before splitting up and striking the oncoming forces that sprinted down the large hallway. Harry and Hades charge forward first, Harry ducking over a sword before forcing his own into the stomach of the attacker. He quickly yanks the sword out and spins it in his hand. Hades grabs the nearest guard and throws him into the wall, before brandishing a throwing dagger and inserting into the guards head.

"Anyone know where to go?" Jenna asks as her and Josh pull back their powers, as the bodies of the Dragon Soldiers covered the hallway.

"I'm just heading forward and hoping for the best." Josh responds.

"Glad this was so well thought out." Jenna quips as she pulls out her battle axe, with the blade of the axe emitting a white mist from it.  The pattern on it glowing white, and she nods at Josh to lead the charge. His hand tightens around his sword as he grabs his shield from his back. His eyes burned brightly as the four charge through the castle.


George charges into the Throne Room, where his father sat in his throne, surrounded by ten Savages.

"What brings you here in such a hurry?" The Dragon King asks.

"We're under attack, Father." George tells him. The Dragon King straightens in his throne as his focus changes.

"Impossible. I'd of known of an invasion force." He comments.

"Oh it's not an invasion force, it's Josh, and he's got Hades and Jenna with him." George responds. The Dragon King nods before pushing himself off the throne. His eyes burned with power as his gold and black robes burned from him, and replaced by a black suit of armour, with golden accents running along it. The Dragon Empire insignia was emblazed on the pertruding shoulder pads as a sword appears in his hands, similar to Josh's previous one, but it had gold run around the handle, with a golden dragons head on the bottom of the handle.

"It appears your brother has come for his revenge." The Dragon King states.

"Well, he ain't getting it." George growls as his hands flare with black flames, his eyes engulfed by the darkness as he walks over to his father.

"Sire, you should stay back. We will protect you." One of the savages states. The Savages wore leather armour, all plainly black with the Empires Insignia on the back. All of them held two shortswords as they walk down the staircase from the throne and stood ready facing the door.

"I think it's time to see if my Savages are equipped enough for the Auradonian threat." The Dragon King states as he lowers his sword, watching expectantly at the Door.

"Dovahkin!" Hades voice bowels through the throne room as the Door is blasted open, shards of the iron door fly across the room. Hades eyes are completely engulfed by blue flames as the ember ignited brightly in his hand, and the other held a lifeless corpse of one of his men. Hades throws the man to the floor as Josh, Jenna and Harry step into the doorway.

"Hades." The Dragon King states. "Have you really got a death wish to come to my homeland? With four of you?" He asks.

"It's more than enough to kill you, you bastard." Jenna says through gritted teeth, her eyes full of anger. The Dragon King lets out a light chuckle.

"It's cute you think that, Daughter. But you've come here, so I must entertain you. Savages, attack." The Dragon King Commands and the savages charge forward. Hades charges forward, dodging each of the Savages attacks before he reaches the bottom of the staircase and leaps up, sending a blast towards the Dragon King. George drags a wall of flames up between Hades and the two of them. Josh sighs as he brings up his shield to block an incoming attack, and drags  the shield to his left, causing the savage to stagger that way. Josh then brings down his own sword upon him, but the Savage is able to block the attack and land a swift kick into Josh's stomach, knocking the wind out of him as he stumbles backward. Josh is able to regain himself as the Savage brings his sword down upon him. To his left he see's a other Savage bringing his sword upon him, to which he brings his own sword to block.

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