Chapter Ninety.

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Josh stepped out of the most of energy as they arrived back in Auradon, his sword extended to his side incase anyone tried to attack Dragimer or Vegal. And he was met by a swarm or guards, all pointing their swords at the two.

"Now now, put the swords down." Josh tells them, his eyes flare slightly and his veins burn bright with an orange glow. "Don't have me make you" he adds and the guards share a look, unsure of what they should do.

"Well that was completely idiotic of you." Male voice calls from behind the swarm of guards, who stand out of the way. Mal stood with her arms folded and her leg perked up slightly.

"Yeah, well you know me. Had to do it." Josh replies as he sheaths his sword and his eyes darken back to their original colour, and his veins relax. Mal's face is unreadable for a few seconds, before a smile cracks and she runs and wraps her arms around Josh. A warm feeling flushes through Josh's body, as he returned the embrace.

"Hey, I Helped" Audrey chimes in, poking her head near the two as Mal and Josh laugh.

"Still a great team I see. I'm glad you didn't lose that." Mal observes, with Audrey and Josh sharing warm smiles.

"As am I" Josh responds as his eyes drift back to Sarah, who stood a few feet away. Which Mal notices.

"You must be Sarah" Mal comments and Sarah tightly nods as she scans over Mal. "Well, I'm glad you are safe. I'm sorry I didn't allow a large task force... Or one at all. We are planning an attack on Auradon, and I had to keep my focus on it." Mal explains.

"I understand. You couldn't risk an entire operation on a single person." Sarah smiles at Mal. "But I can't say I'm unhappy that Josh cane to get me." She adds as she sends a warm smile towards her brother.

"He has a habit of doing the right thing, even when ordered not too" Mal smiles, and Josh sends a smile back. But he see's another woman behind Mal, which was Beca. A smug smile on her face.

"Oh yeah, always do the right thing don't you Flamey. I mean, let's not count the thousands you've killed in cold blood. But then again, they were bad. Depends on context, don't it?" She smirks.

"I thought I got rid of you" Josh sighs in his mind. Knowing Beca would hear it.

"Oh no, I'm enjoying keeping you company" She laughs as she walks over and runs her hand through his hair, her good eye locks with his before gently tapping her index finger against his forehead. "This a great place to be." She whispers before she fades away.

"We have a plan, by the way" Mal tells Josh, pulling him back to reality.

"Can't be that good, I wasn't there." He jokes.

"You're not that good, Josh" a voice calls from where Mal had stood when they arrived. Evie stood with her arms folded as she glared at Josh.

"Oh, I dunno, Evie. I've saved your skin a good number of times." Josh jokes, but the look on her face shows she wasn't joking.

"And you've killed an innocent person." She adds, and the guards around him to spring their swords back up. "Which if I'm right, is against the Laws of Auradon." She adds. Josh's eyes lock with Mal's who had a shocked look on her face. She was stuck in a bind. If she said she allowed Josh to do it, then she would most likely be taken off the throne. And the last thing they need right now is a lack of leadership.

"Back off." Sarah growls as she steps forward, her eyes surge with electricity as it jumps between her fingers.

"How do you feel your brother killed an innocent person to find you?" Evie questions Sarah, whose eyes narrow on her.

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