Chapter One Hundred and Ten

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Josh suddenly felt his nerves skyrocket as Skylar told him that there was going be a trail by combat. He didn't have much experience with them, but as fair as he was aware, they ended in death. And out of everyone who came on the mission, he was the best fighter, so he would be fighting.

"Hang on, trail by combat? Why the hell is that a thing!" Josh exclaims. Skylar seemed to enjoy seeing Josh worry over it, as her smirk was still there.

"Ancient tradition and what not, and we love  a good fight. Proves your worthy of our help. We don't loan our fleet to just anyone, you know." Skylar tells him and Josh lets out a sigh.

"That's just awesome." Josh mutters. Skylar looks up at the person steering the ship and gives them a small nod.

"Don't worry about it, from your little display when you boarded us, I think you have a small chance of actually winning." Skylar teases Josh.

"Not exactly fond of sending someone to their deaths." Josh admits. "You're not my enemy, killing your people isn't right."

"Someone's sure of themselves." Skylar notes, raising her eyebrow in curiosity.

"I've been fighting in this war for nearly six years, Skylar. You don't live as long as me without knowing how to fight." He responds. "I will win, I know I will."

"Huh. You aren't actually being cocky." Skylar comments.

"I know my strengths." Josh replies. "Talking? Not my strong suit. Put me in a fight, I almost always end up on top."

"That a promise?" Skylar grins hungrily, but Josh just ignores the obvious attempt of seduction. "Look, if you want our help, this is the way to get it. Our people have done this for hundreds of years. Whoever we send forward as our champion, they know what they're getting into. If they die, they die knowing they fought well. It's the best we can ask for." Skylar tells him, her voice had a certain softness to it, to comfort Josh.

"Okay." Is all Josh says in response. If this was the only way, he would do it. He has killed someone to benefit the cause before. A completely innocent man at that. If this was the way it had to be, then he couldn't second guess himself.

"But don't worry, it is custom we provide our guests with a day of festivities. You will enjoy yourself." Skylar tells him as she places her hand ontop of his and gives it a quick squeeze. "Just relax, okay?"

"Yeah, relaxing isn't exactly something I know how to do." Josh responds. For some unknown reason, he let Skylar keep her hand ontop of his. It felt oddly comforting to him. Maybe it was because this was the first person who he knew showed an interest because of himself and not his powers?

"Well, looks like you're about to learn." She smirks.


Within the hour both ships had docked on the middle Island, which was the largest. The whole island was one big village. Woode  Houses scattered throughout the island, with roads running through them which would lead to a large patch of land, where all manner of things were happening. Training, drinking. It was definitely not what Josh expected, but it was refreshing to see something other than Auradon or his father's empire.

"So, I'll take you all to meet the elders of our Island. From there, champions for the trial are selected, and the festivities will begin. You're lucky it's only mid day, as it's going to get wild in the night." Skylar explains to Josh and everyone else.

"Hold up, Trail by Combat?" Uma questions and Skylar nods, grabbing a mug of ale from a table they pass.

"I already told Josh about it, he's on board. It's how you earn our respect and get our help is the gist of it." Skylar tells them, and Uma looks over at Josh.

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