Chapter Twenty

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Josh found himself in the woods, his eyes slowly scanning around. He felt his pulse throb against his neck, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up from the wind lightly blowing against it. His ears were on high alert, listening for even the smallest of movement around him. His hand resting on his belt where one of his knives were hidden. He only stood there for a second, but it felt much longer. But he heard the rustling of leaves behind him. It was only faint, but he knew the wind wasn't strong enough to blow them. Someone was behind him. He grabs his knife and sweeps his leg under him, feeling legs fly off the ground, and he twirls his body to face the opposite direction as the knife presses against their neck.

"Close, but you missteped. You stepped on them leaves. The wind wasn't strong enough to move them. So it gave away your position." He says with a grin as Audrey sighs from underneath the knife.

"I'm getting better though, right?" She asks with a smile and Josh nods as he puts the knife back into his belt and offers her his hand and helps her up.

"You're much lighter on your feet. You can effectively sneak, but you need to learn to keep track of your surroundings. One misstep could get you killed" He told her and she nods.

"Want to go again?" She asks.

"Not today. It gets boring standing still for hours on end, sorry babe" Josh smiles.

"Make it up to me?" She smirks and Josh walks over, wrapping his hands around her neck as the two, share a short but sweet kiss. "Okay, you're let off" She chuckles as she takes Josh's hand in hers and they head back to the school.

"Don't suppose I get some bad ass clothes like you at any point? All that leather is hot. Imagine what it would look like on me" Audrey comments and Josh laughs warmly.

"Talk to Evie, maybe she'll make you something up" Josh tells her and she nods.

"When are you going to teach me how to use a weapon then?" She asks.

"When you can successfully sneak up on me. So thst could be a while" Josh jokes, receiving a smack on his arm. "No, I will teach you soon. But when I give you one, you can't show it off. Remember we are not meant to have them. But you were adamant on learning to protect yourself. And I think if we are together, and me being a target, it's not a bad idea you being able to fight." Josh say as they reach a bench just outside the school and take a seat, Josh's arm wrapping around Audrey's shoulder.

"How did you learn?" She questions Josh and a fond smile perks up on his lips.

"Mal taught me. Say what you want about her mother, but she knew how to fight. She taught Mal, and Mal taught me. If you ever see me and Mal fight, we will have very similar fighting style compared to say Evie, Jay and Carlos. We were all taught different." He explains and She nods.

"God, I wish you never had to grow up over there. It sounds awful" She sighs.

"Yeah it is. But we make do. Uma must be having the time of her life right now, she will basically own the Island now." Josh thinks outloud.

"That's Ursula's daughter, right?"

"Yeah. One mean bitch aswell. One hell of a swordswoman. She has this sort of pirate crew, their main turf is a pirate ship found on the Bay of the Isle. Its nice. I saw it once, when she tried to sway me to join her crew. Probably the best place to defend on the Isle. Only one point of entry, so you don't have to watch your back" Josh explains, causing Audreu to chuckle.

"You're cute when you go all strategic"  She jokes and Josh rolls his eyes.

"Oh, someone's a joker" He retorts but kisses the top of her head softly. "It's weird though. That use to be my life, having to live so strategically. Make sure I knew everything of the area. But now, I barely have to think about it. I'm happy here. Something I never thought I'd feel about somewhere." He says and Audrey looks up at him and rests her hand on his cheek, a gesture he happily leaned into and relished in her touch.

"I love seeing you so happy" She whispers before leaning in for a kiss, Josh's body arches back, and Audrey's fits together perfectly as she leans into his. Her arms wrapping around his neck as his hands wrap around her waist. The kiss gets more passionate, and more heated quickly. But as it did, Josh felt his inside burn as he pulls back from the kiss and growls in pain.

"What the fuck" He says as he holds his chest. He looks up at Audrey and her eyes were filled with worry.

"What's wrong?" She asks as she takes his hand gently in hers.

"I... Don't know. It was like a burning pain inside me. It felt... Wrong. Like it wasn't my fire." He tells her. She looked confused, and Josh couldn't blame her. He was confused himself.

"Do you want to go see Fairy Godmother?" She asks and Josh shakes his head with a small smile.

"I'm probably just tired. I'm gonna have a nap. I'll text you later?" He asks and Audrey nods slowly. She wasn't keen on him being left alone, but she didn't want to push so she gives him a quick kiss before he strands up and walks off.


Josh walks into his dorm and walks straight over to his bed, pulling his jacket off and chucking it into his bed. He extended his hand and flicked it, a flame erupting from it, hovering over his hand as he bent his fingers up and down, and it danced around them gently.

"Oh, thats fun. Not!" a voice echoes inside his head, the colour of his flame flickers for a split second. He couldn't even register what it changed too before it changed back. Josh rushed over to his mirror and looked at his eyes. There was something different about them. They looked... Darker. Like something was hidden beneath them. But he couldn't tell what.

So, more Josh and Audrey! Yay! And she is learning to fight. And I got Uma mentioned in the Story, hopefully sizing her up quite well ready for Descendants 2. And setting up Josh's next arc. Audrey will also be part of the Descendants 2 story, as it helps me advance my plot and... I just love Audrey. All I'll say is, her turn in Descendents 3 will be built up alot more :) hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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