Chapter Seventy Nine.

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After the Invasion of Auradon, the Dragon Empire didn't stop their conquest. Within weeks they had began assaults on Daleium, and won within a month. And then Sylaa. After a year, the battle was won and the Dragon Empire stretched over the whole world. They held the power of the world. And the kingdom planted it's seeds on every land. It was a New World Order, created under the banner of the Dragon.


Five years later...

Josh marched through the streets, recieving looks from everyone he passed. His hand tight on his sword, covered in dry blood. His outfit was a black outfit, tight around his body which showed off every line of muscle he had. His shoulder pads pertruded out slightly, and were a dark orange, which matched his now short hair. As he walks up to Malificents old hideout, he is stopped by two guards. Their armour was basic, made up of any metal that could be found on the Isle and it showed. Cracks covered the chestplate, and rust grew on its shoulders. And the helmets only covered the top of their heads, with leather straps coming down the side and latched on their chin.

"Come on, you know it's me" Josh growls and the guards share a look before standing aside and opening the door. Josh storms in, passing Jay and Evie who simply nodded at him. Jay's hair was now short, much like Carlos' was back in Auradon. And he now supported a beard. Evie's look was alot pre natural now, her hair no longer the blue it once was, but almost black. And she wore no make up now, and now dawned a scar than ran across her left cheek. The two wore similar outfits to Josh, but Jay's had a utility belt that ran across his chest with all manners of weapons, and Evie's was a dark blue.

Josh hated the hallways here, they deceptively long, with all manners of rooms that got confusing real quick. But he had been here that much he knew the way blindfolded. But still, hated the place. Eventually he reaches the stairs and he walks up then, and the whole room had changed. In the middle was large round table, with a map of the Isle with all manners of symbols with arrows to different areas of the Isle.

"Another breach?" A voice comes from the platform, Josh looked up to see Grants old Throne, the pipework splitting off in different directions, but had been now painted gold with a symbol of a crown emblazed in the middle of the backrest. Behind it stood the Queen of New Auradon as the Isle was now called.

"Yeah. They had a ship bombarding the west side. A few dozen got through. Me and Audrey were able to fight them off as Jane closed up the breach" Josh says as Mal turns and nods. Mal had changed alot since they lost the war with the Dragon Empire. Her once bright purple hair was now a much darker shade, which was almost always braided for some reason. Her outfit was similar to Josh's in many ways, but it was much more packed up with a weave underneath. She had a sword holstered on her left side, the tip of the handle had a golden dragon moulded onto it, the eyes glowed a bright green. The outfit itself had strips of purple running down it, with three crown emblems emblazed on her chest piece.

"Still awkward working with Audrey?" Mal asks. And Josh shakes his head.

"We broke up months ago now. But we know how to fight together. That's all that matters" He answers and Mal nods.

"Good." Mal simply says as she walks down to the table, writing down a small symbol of a dragon and drawing an arrow to where Josh had fought of the attack.

"These breaches are becoming more frequent. I think the Dragon King isn't happy with us being secluded anymore" Mal observes.

"It probably doesn't help that three of his children are here." he points out and Mal nods with a small chuckle.

"Probably not." She admits as her eyes scan the map of the Isle, which had now been split into sectors. They managed to find some old generators and opened up the coal mine, allowing them to power the Isle, opening factories for items various items, most recently armour. This was known as the Industrial Sector. The next sector was domestic, where people lived on the Isle. It was crammed, but it was better than nothing. The next sector was the training grounds, where people like Harry, Uma and sometimes Josh would help train people up to fight if the need ever came. The last sector was where they were now, the War Sector. Or most people called it the Royal sector. It was where everything to do with the Dragon War happened, where weapons, Armour, all manner of war supplies were stored, along with the fortress where the two were now, where most of planning happened for  New Auradon now, and the future. "When do you think this new armour will be ready?" She asks.

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