Chapter Ninety Four.

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Mal, Anna, Jenna and Carlos seemingly leap into existence from thin air, landing in the small forest clearing near the Castle. Mal bit back a main as her arm burned with pain, clutching it as her head shakes.

"Fuck that hurts." She mutters to herself, the skin blistering around the rune.

"Mal, you good?" Carlos asks quietly as he walks over to her side, inspecting the blistering rune.

"Just hurts." She laughs lightly and Carlos shares the laugh.

"It's just a mild Burn. I can clear it up, gimme a sec." He says as he reaches into his pouch and pulls out some soapy water and pours it on a thin piece of white cloth, gently wiping it.

"Ah fuck! That hurts!" She bites.

"It will, I'm just cleaning it. Make sure it doesn't get infected." He chuckles before discarding it, then pulling out a tub of clear thick liquid, which he dips his finger in and applies it. "That should soothe the pain, but I'm sure adrenaline will kick in soon so you won't be able to feel it." He tells her.

"Let's hope." She stated as she straightens up, Jenna and Anna walking towards the two.

"We are clear here. No one is around." Jenna states, her hand emitting a slight mist from them, with small ice crystals forming in them.

"How are we playing this?" Anna asks as she pears through the trees towards the large staircase that goes up to the castle.

"Four of us, possibly hundreds of them. It's a hard call... But I think we can over power them. Carlos stays back and takes out any stragglers." Mal suggests. "It's why I brought the two of you with me. Without Josh, I needed the power." She adds.

"Makes sense. The Castle is in the centre of Auradon. We need the biggest hitters on it." Carlos admits. "why I'm here and not Sarah I don't know."

"I met Sarah a day ago. She is an unknown. She could of cost us the Castle. I know your good with a dagger, and can help us with any injuries. Case in point." Mal indicates to her arm.

"I hate to agree with Mal, but she's right." Anna sighs. "Seriously, we have one shot at this. We need to be coordinated. Mal, you take the front. You're the most powerful out of the three of us. Me and Jenna will be on either side of you. Carlos, you keep back." Anna says with a sense of authority. Everyone nods in agreement. Mal's eyes flare a bright green as they narrow, her hands flexing as green energy emits from them.

"Let's go." She says as she heads towards the staircase. Anna and Jenna either side of her as Carlos keeps a few steps behind. Mal took no time to send the first strike. A wave of energy erupts from her hand as it wraps around the soldier posted at the bottom of the stairs. She pus her hand towards her and the soldier flies towards them. Jenna thrusts her hand out as a fury of icy mist hits him, freezing him instantly. She forces her fist into him, breaking him into thousands of pieces.

"Does anyone else think that there should of been more guards here?" Carlos points out, feeling suddenly very tuned to his surroundings. And the others knew he was right. The castle was a strategic place, and the Dragon King wouldn't leave it with one guard, even on the staircase. And Mal's eyes widen in realisation as she looks up, seeing men all above them, crossbows against the wall, all aiming at the four.

"Well well well. This is such an unexpected surprise." A dark voice calls from the top of the staircase. The four look up to see George. His dark, soulless eyes locked upon Mal with a malicious grin on his face. "Very predictable. See, your timing was almost right. But... Your team hit the school an hour ago. And my father, in all his wisdom, knew what was happening. An attack on Auradon. And he knew that the Castle would be attacked." He taunts, but his eyes furrow slightly. "Although, I do wish you had brought Josh with you. I have unfinished business with him." He adds.

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