Chapter Fourteen

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It was now officially family day at Auradon Prep, and the four headed out towards the quad, dressed as formal as they could. Josh kept pulling on the arms of his suit jacket, it was incredibly uncomfortable.

"God why do we have to come to this" Josh grumbles as they left the dorm building.

"Because we need to keep the impression of us liking it here. And that means turning up to this family day and being nice to everyone" Mal explains and Josh nods, pulling his jacket sleeve again. But Evie catches his hand.

"If you keep messing with my work, I'll cut your fingers off" Evie says with false sweetness and Josh's eyes widen as he pulls his hand away from her.

"I think I can deal with it now" Josh comments, causing Jay and Carlos to laugh.

"You know that material you're wearing is incredibly flammable" Josh says with a smirk, causing the two to stop laughing. The five approach the top of the staircase as they hear singing. They look over to see Ben, Audrey, Lonnie, Doug and others singing. The five share a glance before walking down slowly to mingle.

After a while, Mal was called up by Ben to meet his parents. Evie was tasked on looking after dude as Jay and Carlos began to stuff their faces with food. So Josh took the chance to walk around, see the big deal of this family day.

"Fancy seeing you here" A voice calls from behind him, causing him to smirk as he turns to face Audrey.

"Well it was either this or play video games. Video games got outvoted sadly so here I am" Josh says and Audrey chuckles.

"Very funny. It is a nice day. Even without my parents here, I enjoy it.

"Why is no one here?" Josh asked as he grabs some punch from the waiter who walks past.

"No, my Grammy is here. She's just mingling at the minute. But it's nice to see everyone so happy. We even have games later. Sounds childish, I know, but it's simple." Audrey smiles as she looks at everyone and Josh smiles warmly at Audrey.

"Even I've got to admit, even with being an orphan, it's nice to see what a family looks like. A insight of what could of been I guess." Josh says with a vacant smile, before feeling Audrey's hand in his own and squeezing it.

"Know there are people who care about you. Like me" Audrey smiles as she kisses him on the cheek.

"Oh, Audrey. Who is this young man." An elderly woman says as she walks over. By how she was dressed, Josh could already tell this was her grandmother.

"Hey, Grammy! This is Josh. The guy I've told you about" Audrey says.

"Oh, yes. The Isle boy. Its nice to meet you. Audrey has told me alot about you, young man." She smiles as she shakes Josh's hand.

"I hope it's good." Josh chuckles.

"Not all. But I understand that where you came from, you can't be all good." She smiles. It was weird, Josh didn't expect her to be nice to him.

"Yeah. But now that I'm here, I hope I can be different" Josh smiles at Queen Leah.

"And so you should. But you are a different case than the others. They were raised by their parents. Their blood will be espically tainted by evil" She says, her voice full of distaste. Josh felt his anger surge as he spins around and storms off.

"Really, Grammy?" Audrey sighs.

"Oh, don't tell me you think that they are good people! They are the offspring of killers, of kidnappers and God knows what else!" Queen Leah snaps, and Audrey shakes her head quickly.

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