Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen

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Josh could feel his body was different now. He couldn't put his finger on it, but when he finally came around, his body almost felt foreign to him. Not too dissimilar to when he was under Malificent's curse. But, no one really knew much about werewolves. They were mostly extinct, with the only one seemingly being in his fathers kingdom.

"You've slept for a while." Skylar notes as she spins a blade between her fingers idly. "Got half of your people worried."

"And what about you?" Josh grunts as she pushes himself up on the hammock, looking down at the bandage. The black stain on it didn't exactly fill him with confidence.

"Well, a werewolf would be a useful weapon in this war. But, would you fight with your own mind or would your animal instincts kick in?" Skylar questions.

"Well judging on my limited interaction with one, I'd say a mix of both. The anger he felt for me and Audrey was still there. But his attacks were animalistic." Josh shrugs as he pushes himself off the hammock, able to stand up right. He still had his strength, which was a good sign he thought.

"Well, we shall see. " Skylar hums as she sheaths her dagger and walks over to Josh. "That wound doesn't look well."

"No wounds do" Josh shrugs off as he goes to grab his long coat, but feels a pressure on his wrist. He turns to see Skylar's eyes locked with his, the word worry practically written across them.

"Josh, you are going to get yourself killed if you carry on like this. You know that, right?" Skylark questions.

"Soldiers fight and die, Skylar. And that's what I am. A soldier." Josh responds softly.

"I think your people would disagree with that assessment." Skylar chuckles. "You think they follow Mal into this war? She's a good ruler, I won't deny that, but she isn't who people look to when all seems lost. You have inspired so many people. Hell, you got Valentinians to believe in something other than gold and looting. We follow because we believe in the person who goes and fights, not for the one sat on the Throne."

"Mal knows no one fights for her. As this is so much bigger than her. She rules to see the world return to peace and freedom. I follow because I believe in her, and I love her. So if anyone follows me, they believe in her as well. I wouldn't be where I am now without my belief and love for her" Josh responds, gently pulling himself from her grip and grabbing the coat. "How far are we from Arcadia?" Josh asked.

"About ten hours. We will be arriving at dawn. Hopefully we can get close enough during the later darkness of the night, but that's not a guarantee." Skylar answers and Josh nods.

"We need to start getting everyone ready." Josh begins as he heads for the door, walking out to be met by Beca waiting outside. Her wary eyes scan over Josh before regaining herself.

"You're not dead" Beca notes.

"Your perception is really out of this world, Beca." Josh mocks as he adjusts his coat and checks on the other ships behind them.

"I know. It's one of my finer qualities." Beca retorts. "While you've been slacking off, I've co-ordinated with all the other ships. We shall be a few hundred yards in front of the rest, making it so we make land fall first. Audrey will bring in Sarah, Anna and Jenna to help us hold our ground. Evie and her men will funnel the Dominion along side the Flagship, creating a tunnel for the rest of our men to get on the rowboats and onto land as Jane and Audrey get to work with the portal."

"I would say something snobbish, but it's a good plan." Josh admits. "Not too different from the original either."

"Well, it was a good plan to begin with. Just needed some fine tuning now we know what we are working with." Beca shrugs, but a ghost of a smile played along her lips.

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