Chapter Seventy Five.

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The group emerge from the mist, and they look around, and they could barely recognise the place they had been only a few hours prior. The charred ground was all that could be seen, with very little evidence there were any civilisation that use to be here.

"This is where we left. This is where the camp was" Audrey states as she looks around, her eyes trained on the floor. There were different footprints in the ground. "The footprints don't give any indication to where Carlos went. I could about twenty different size feet." She analyses before looking up, searching the land around them. "We should look for any sign of activity. If they caught him, they'll have him somewhere here... Hopefully" Audrey adds.

"They'll be high up. Good vantage point for a camp. And harder to reach for any enemies." Josh states and Audrey nods.

"Yes, well let's get a move on" Jay says impatiently as he goes to march ahead, but Josh puts his arm out to stop him.

"Jay, slow down. Don't let your emotions get the better of you" Josh cautions but Jay's scoffs.

"Are you for real? All you do is let your emotions drive you. So don't you dare tell me not to do what you do" Jay pushes his arm out of the way and begins up the hill. Josh sighs as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Hey" Anna says softly as he indicates for the others to catch up. "Don't worry. We're gonna get Carlos back" She smiles slightly. "Jay's just... Well, not exactly thinking straight. But emotions can drive someone as much as they can hinder them, as long as they use them correctly."

"Yeah, but I fear he isn't using his emotions correctly. If we find Carlos, there's every chance he will just storm in. If we find him, we need a plan." Josh sighs as the two begin to head up the ash covered hill, feeling the ash warp against his boots. He could somehow feel it, feel the flame that wanted to escape it. The left over from the massacre.

"He's head strong, but not stupid." Anna points out. "He knows we'll need a plan. Even with me, you and Jenna. We could easily get outnumbered. He knows we need a plan" She comforts and finally Josh nods.

"I know. Its just... Everything has happened so fast. My dance with evil, the attack on Arcadia. I just feel so... Worn out" Josh admits and Anna grabs his hand and the two stop, her eyes searching her brothers, and she did see it. The tiredness behind them.

"Well hopefully after we rescue Carlos, you can rest." She smiles slightly as the two catch up with the others.


A few hours later, the group eventually got to a large look out point on the hill, and hid behind the rocks as they see a tent pirched up looking over at the devastation.

"I counted at least ten guards on the perimeter. There must be more around." Audrey states as she tenses her fist, the ring glowing ever so slightly.

"Why wasn't there any guards on the way up? There should of been outposts at least. This isnt right." Josh says, leaving a sense of worry flowing through the group.

"And there's no ships on the shore" Jay points out as he indicates over the lookout, where only hours before hundreds of ships covered the sea. "Not even a single ship."

"I don't like this" Josh swallows. "Something about this doesn't sit right." Before he could continue however, a scream bellows from the tent. The scream of someone that made the group tense up.


"Fuck this" Jay seethes as he emerges from behind the large rock and heads towards the tent. Almost instantly the guards clock him and charge towards him. Josh already flicks a rope of fire that enravels one of the guards and sends them flying off the cliff. And Anna had already zapped another, with such power the armour melts against the guards skin, with a few seconds of screaming before his body flops to the floor. Jay eyes lock with two incoming guards and pulls out two daggers, charging forward and forces the daggers into their stomachs, before yanking them out and walking past their collapsing bodies, blood pooling out of their chest as it darkened the ash on the floor. Jenna eyes become fully white as she slowly knee's down, and the moment her hands touch the ground, the area around them freezes as a two paths of ice form, heading towards the guards. The moment the paths touch the guards, shards of ice erupt from the ground and impale the guards, blood staining the ice as they die instantly.

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