Chapter One Hundred and Seven

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Josh quickly shifts his weight to the side, feeling the sword cut through the air barely an inch from him. Next thing he knows he has back footing, feeling the leaves crunch under his feet. His eyes cast left as he see's his attacker rearing back their hand for another strike. So he kicks the leaves under his foot towards them, blinding them for just a moment. But that's all he needed. He quickly drops to the floor and sweeps his attackers legs, causing them to crash to the ground.

"Told you I could beat you without even lifting a finger." Josh comments as he brings his hands from behind his back, a smirk playing on his face.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. You're good." Jay mumbles before letting out a sigh. He offers his hand and Josh helps him up. He brushes himself off as Josh walks over to the nearby rock and takes the two water bottles, chucking one over to Jay.

"How come you wanted to train with me, anyway?" Josh asks as he takes a big gulp of water before wiping the layer of sweat that covered his forehead.

"Well, I could be doing more in this fight. I know you're our best fighter, so I thought you could teach me a few things." Jay answers as he presses his bottle to his head, letting it cool him down.

"I was our best when I had my powers. I don't know if I am now." Josh argues.

"Dude, no. You were good before your powers. They were simply an arrow in your quiver. A good one, I'll give you that. But it's not your whole arsenal." Jay reminds him.

Josh was struggling without his powers, although he'd never admit it. He had spent so much time relying on them that they were basically a crutch for him. But now, he wasn't sure he'd be any use to anyone.

"Anyway, I see your controlling your body more. Each attack needs to be controlled. The more control, the more accurate and quick your attacks can be." Josh points out. "And don't forget to switch up your attacks with your sword. Follow the same pattern, and you can be read and be very easily countered."

"Why aren't you teaching everyone to fight again?" Jay asks. "I mean, I know Uma and Harry are damn good, but you should be doing that."

"I'm not in the right headspace. I'd push them all way too hard." Josh answers honestly. He wasn't unaware that his teaching style was rather dangerous even when he was in the right headspace. He doesn't hold back. He had injuried Audrey many times when he was training her. But it made her a better fighter.

But teaching people who he didn't care about and who could barely hold a sword? He wasn't sure if he'd be able to reel it in enough not to seriously hurt them.

Jay nods as he leans against the large rock, looking up at the open sky above them. The sun beaming down on his face as he closes his eyes.

"Do you ever think about our life before all this? That small period of time where we could just be happy here?" Jay asks.

Josh knew he didn't. He was aware of his father's intentions to invade back when he was the leader of the pirates. He has had no grace period during these past few years. Always going from one problem to another.

"No." He answers honestly. "My life has been a shit show for as long as I can remember." Jay opens his eyes and looks over at Josh. And this time, he fully took Josh in. And he could now see how heavy the toll this fighting had took upon him. He looked a good few years older than him, even though they were the same age. That could be from all the scars that had healed on his face, or from his eyes. They looked like eyes of an old man. Someone who has seen so much. Experienced so much. He had no idea how Josh dealt with it all.

"Well, I hope someday that you will experience peace." Jay replies.

"I don't think that day will ever come." Josh tells him. "I don't think I'll live to see the peace of Auradon." He admits. Jay was going to ask what he meant by that, but Josh straightens up and draws his sword. "Come on, let's get back at it."

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