Chapter Sixty One.

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"Mal! You called. Are you okay?" Ben runs into the meeting room the group had been in earlier that day.

"Yeah, sorry if I worried you. I just had an idea thst couldn't wait... What's with the eyes?" She questions as she caresses his cheek.

"Oh, I gave myself magical powers." He shrugs and her eyes raise with worry. Then she glared at Josh.

"What the hell did you do!" She yells and Josh rolls his eyes as he folds his arms.

"Mal, chill. It was my idea. Josh just helped." Ben tells her and she huffs and pouts at him.

"I'm not happy you didn't tell me about this. Is there anything else I should know?" She asks.

"A few projects I've got going. You'll see soon enough." He answers. Josh chuckles ever so slightly. If only she knew. "What was your idea anyway?" He asks as the door swings open, revealing Audrey, Josh and Hades.

"I was summoned. Felt wierd" Hades states as he walks into the room. His presence commanded everyone's attention. He was definetly powerful.

"Woah. That was... Wierd" Josh shivers as he walks in behind him, his hands entangled with Audrey's.

"Your dad pointed out we need a way to know what's coming. A scout team. And I have already thought of a team... But there will be risks... Espically for you Audrey" Mal says almost apologetically.

"If it means protecting Auradon I'm all for it" Audrey replies with no confliction in her voice. Something that made Josh smile.

"What do you mean risks?" Ben asks as he folds his arms.

"Audrey will need to use my mother's sceptre." Mal replies. Josh felt Audrey's hand tighten against his as her face becomes still with fear.

"No way! That is too risky!" Josh says.

"Okay, do you know how to teleport around the world?" Mal asks with a slight bit of venom in her voice. Josh goes to reply but Audrey squeezes his hand to gain his attention.

"Babe, it's okay." She whispers. Josh looks at Audrey before nodding tightly.

"I'm not going to bring Audrey without a safeguard. That's why my dad is coming. We know he can use the ember to its full potential. And if Audrey feels my mother's influence coming back over her, my dad can cast it away. Me and Josh  will take on any resistance we come across." Mal explains.

"Okay. It's not a terrible idea now." Josh admits and Mal winks at him.

"I don't know Mal. I could just send another scout team. You are important here." Ben tries but Mal shakes her head.

"We need Intel quick. This will be the quickest way. We will be away days at most." Mal tells Ben who lets out a large sigh before nodding.

"Okay. I'm not happy about this. I'd rather you be here safe and we find another way. But you're right. We need Intel." He says.

"Don't worry, I'll keep her safe" Hades tells Ben who smiles and nods. He knew that Hades would. If anything was obvious, was his love for Mal.

"I'll go let everyone know what's happening." Uma says as she leaves the room and Ben sighs.

"Go get ready. Meet at the museum in an hour." Ben commands as he strides out of the room. The four share a look.

"Is there an armoury around here?" Josh asks and Mal smirks as she indicates everyone to follow her.


They come across a large wooden door, two guards posted on either side, swords held on the wall next to them ready for a quick attack.

"Open it up." Mal commands and the two nod, pushing it open and revealing a room filled with all sorts of weapons. The walls were lined with swords, daggers, knives, Bow and Arrows. And one caught Josh's eye. A silver metallic bow, with gold indentations running across it. He grabs it and holds it in his hand. It felt good, light, easy to manipulate.

"I'm having this bow" He smirks as he grabs a quiver of Arrows and sling sit over his shoulder. He had his sword and daggers already, he was happy he now had a ranged weapon.

"Oh I like this" Audrey laughs, causing Josh to turn to see her holding a metal staff, the ends were sharpened into small blades. And she twirls it around effortlessly and stops it as the end is a few inches away from Josh's face, which has a wink added to it from her.

"Auradon has some spiffy stuff" Mal laughs as she pulls out two gauntlets. The fingers and palm were black leather, but ontop of the hand had a mechanism. Mal grabs the small bag of throwing knives that were beside it and places on top, aims it at the wall and clenched her hand into a fist. And a knife erupts from the mechanism and inserts itself into the wall.

"Oh that's cool" Mal laughs and everyone turns to Hades who shrugs.

"I'll use my ember" He says and Mal reaches into her pocket and chucks it him as the group leave the armoury and head for the museum.


"Ben, Are you sure about this?" Fairy Godmother asks as they stood where the Sceptre was kept. Her eyes glancing at it with fear.

"Yes. It's a risk, but I trust Mal. And I trust Josh. And Hades, and Audrey. They will do this. And we've got to gather Intel. This is going to be the quickest way to do it." He argues. Fairy Godmother sighs as she nods.

"You are the King, but I'm not happy about this. It was only a week ago since Audrey went mad. Aren't you worried you're not leaving enough time?" She asks and Ben shakes his head.

"Time isn't a luxury we can afford right now." He tells her as the four walk into the room, Audrey's eyes lock with the scepter as her breath catches in her throat. Fear rolls over her.

"I'm sorry that you have to do this again Audrey. I wish there was another way" Ben apologies.

"Don't worry about it Ben. I can do this" She answers as she walks towards it. She could still feel its pull. As if it was wanting to control her. But it doesn't realise she isn't to be controlled.

She will control the sceptre. And she takes the last step and grabs the scepter. Instantly feeling the power surge through her, an almost burning feeling flooding through her veins. Everyone watches green energy surge off the sceptre, wrapping around Audrey but disintegrating before it can touch her, instead a bright pink energy emerges from her body, as if it fought the evil magic off. And suddenly, the green energy stops and fades away. The top of the sceptre no longer was a green ball, but glistened with a bright pink glow.

"What... Did she do?" Mal asks.

"She.... She overwhelmed the Sceptre." Hades comments with utter surprise. "She literally destroyed Malificents evil magic found in the sceptre. And replaced it with her own." He adds.

"How powerful is Audrey?" Josh asks.

"Stronger than we thought" Fairy Godmother points out. And to that, Audrey turns around and smiles.

"Are you ready?" She asks as she spins the scepter around. Mal turns to face Ben and pulls him into a passionate kiss.

"I love you" Mal whispers as she pulls away, and Ben's hand grabs hers as his thumb strokes the ring found upon it.

"And I love you" He smiles as he steps back. Mal turns around and walks towards Audrey, as do Hades and Josh.

"Be careful" Ben says moments before Audrey taps the sceptre against the floor, and flurry of energy enravels the group.

So, we got the scout team. What do you think to them? And I kinda liked giving the three different weapons, espically Mal's. And Audrey overtook the sceptre. How powerful is Audrey really? I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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