Chapter Sixteen

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"Why do I have to wear a suit" Josh complains as he pulls on the arms of the jacket.

"Because, If this is my last chance to show off my skills, then you are going to be my Mile" Evie smiles as she taps Josh on the cheek. The four were in the girls dorm.

"I got to admit, I don't hate this dress" Mal says as she looks down at the dress. It was gorgeous, Josh thought. Showed a side of Mal that he hadn't seen before. She almost looked... Happy.

"I'd hope not, I made it" Evie smiles a she walks over and takes Mal's hand in hers.

"You look amazing, Mal." Evoebsaus warmly, and Mal responds with a warm smile of her own.

"Thanks, E. Really. Its nice to be able to look nice one last time" Mal says. And the five share a look. Were they really sure this is what they wanted? It wasn't so bad here. Even if everyone hated them now, it was still safer than the Isle. Especially with Villians running around.

"Guys..." Josh begins but is interrupted by a knock on the door. Evie walks over and opens it, revealing Ben whose jaw drops as his eyes set on Mal.

"Woah..." He utters out. "Mal, you look.... Perfect" He smiles and Mal blushes as she looks down. Josh had to do a double take, he had never seen Mal blush.

"You didn't do half bad yourself" She says and Ben laughs.

"Not half bad was what I was going for. Really sells that I'm going to be king" He jokes and Mal laughs, and he smiles proudly that he made her laugh. "Shall we?" Ben says and Mal nods, walking over and wrapping her arm around Ben's.

"I'll see you guys later."Ben smiles, Mal waves quickly before the two head off. Josh straightens his jacket as he goes for the door.

"Where are you going?" Carlos asks.

"To pick up Audrey." Josh says.

"I thought she hated us?" Jay asked and Josh shakes her head.

"She doesn't. I just want my last moments to be with her before everything goes to shit" Josh says and the three smile with understanding.

"Go get her tiger" Jay says, Josh nods with gratitude before walking out himself.


Josh stands outside the door. He felt nervous. And he didn't like it. He never felt nervous before. But then again, this could be his last time with Audrey. So he wanted it to be amazing. So he straightens himself up and knocks on the door, and it opens almost instantly.

"You know I could see your shadow under the door right?" She grins, but Josh couldn't come up with a comeback as he was speechless. She looked beautiful. Her hair was done up tightly, the pink dress with white lining throughout. Something about her seemed angelic to him.

" Oh... I never knew what beauty really looked like. Until now" Josh says, and Audrey couldn't help but let a wide smile form on her face before grabbing Josh and pulling him into a deep kiss, their bodies molding together perfectly. How was that possible? Josh couldn't figure it out. But it just felt right. Josh slowly pulls away as he takes her hand in his.

"Are you ready?" Josh smiles and Audrey nods, stepping out and closing the door behind her.

"Let's do this" She smiles.


The two were situated by the bottom near where Ben was to be crowned King. As soon as him and Audrey took their place, Josh quickly scanned to see where Jay, Evie and Carlos were. And they were up at the balcony. Josh gives a small nod to them, one they gave back as he let out a deep breath.

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