Chapter One Hundred and Twenty

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The battlefield felt silent as Josh looked upon his father, who dawned the black steel armour. His sword was tight in his father's hands, which matched the look in his eyes.

"You should've stayed in Auradon, Son." The Dragon King states. "You were safe there. Impressive bit of magic, I must admit."

"Well, trapping us on a small island helped us think outside the box." Josh responds coldly, his eyes drifting around to the carnage that surrounded them. Many looked at the two, and decided very quickly that they wouldn't get involved. Which was understandable. Both sides feared them.

"Well, you could have joined me, Josh. You could've ruled Auradon and taken your place as the heir to my throne." The Dragon King smirks. "Hell, I would've gladly given you the kingdom as Auradon."

"I'm not its ruler. You killed its rightful ruler all them years ago." Josh growls as his hand tightens at his waist.

"He was no King!" The Dragon King barks. "He had never known suffering, or pain. He was raised in a new country where anyone deemed different was pushed aside. A true king would've made examples of them, shown his people to fear him and his judgement."

"Ben wasn't like that, Father." Josh responds in calm anger. "He was a just man. You are the reason he is dead."

"Maybe so." The Dragon King shrugs. "But if you expected a war without loss, you were clearly mistaken child, as you are mistaken now if you think you have any hope in winning this war. I have thousands of men, ready to lay down their lives to defend the homeland."

"You're not the only one." Jenna yells as she leaps towards their Father, a fury of snow colliding with him. The attack surprisingly caught him off guard, the shards of ice slicing his face as he brings his arm up to protect himself.

"Insolent Child!" The Dragon King yells as he wipes the single drop of blood the flows from the cut along his cheek.

"Sara, now!" Jenna bellows and the Dragon King is hit by a surge of electricity, wrapping around his body, begging to burn his skin.

"You think you hold any power?" The Dragon King questions as he pulls his hand up towards Sara, the electricity latching onto his fingertips before pulling Sara towards him, pulling his sword across her stomach.

"Shit." Josh mutters as he draws his sword, leaping up and striking his father. He channeled everything into his attack, ensuring his sword placement was perfect. His father managed to block the attacks, but it stopped him from attacking. He had no ability to tell Jenna what to do, but only hoped she knew.

"I see the flame has gone, son." The Dragon King observes, locking his sword against Josh's. Josh adjusts his sword so that his father couldn't unlock their blow with any ease, the tip of Josh's sword pointing directly into his father's heart.

"Very insightful, father." Josh mocks. "But did you see yourself failing to me, when I am powerless?"

"I haven't lost, dear son. Nor are you powerless." The Dragon King smirks as he forces his knee into Josh's stomach, forcing their swords to unlock as Josh staggers back. "But, you can't win against me."

The whole air rips apart, Even Josh could feel the energy of the portal opening by the shore, being sucked from the air leaving only the cold.

"Oh, we weren't trying to win." Josh chuckles as he straightens up. "Only distracting you."

Pink energy explodes around Josh, with Audrey stepping forward. Her eyes burned with power, as her eyes set upon the Dragon King.

"Impossible." The Dragon King mutters.

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