Chapter Eighty Eight

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Josh and Audrey land in Auradon, near the century mountains. The ground they stood on was somehow still charred, with only small collections of grass sprouting out of the ground. As he straightens up, he looks around to get his bearings.

"I'm going to pay helping you when I get back." Audrey comments as she steps to Josh's side.

"Probably." Josh admits and the two share a chuckle. "I am glad you came though." He tells her.

"Well I still owe you from helping me with the curse." She replies with a quick wink. "So, where abouts is Sarah?" Audrey asks.

"She's in that castle you showed me in the Century Mountains." He tells her and she nods.

"Okay, I can try get us there." She tells him as she clenches her fist and the ring glows pink and as she opens her hand, the pink mist envelops them, and they find themselves in a hallway. The moss-covered walls were made of uneven stone, with torches hanging from them by rotting wooden arches. Josh unsheathed his sword and held it ready, with Audrey's ring still eminating a dim glow.

"That saved us alot of time." Josh states as they begin down the hallway, Audrey keeping an eye behind them.

"Well being an all powerful witch does have its advantages." She admits. "Any idea where she is in here?" She asks and Josh shakes her head.

"She just mentioned the castle in the mountain, I remembered our first date." He explains and Audrey nods.

"Makes it slightly less difficult."

"But all the more fun" Josh smirks as they come across a door. The door had recently been reinforced, as shiny metal covered the door, with old edit pieces showing behind them. Whatever was behind the door, was new.

"Think we are heading in the right direction" Josh comments as he pushes the large door open, and the whole atmosphere of the place changed. The stonework was much more neat. The stones had been carved to the same size, with the wooden arches not showing any rot on them.

"Stop!" A voice calls from Infront of them, and two soldiers lock onto them. Audrey rolls her eyes and simply flicks her hand, and pink energy jumps on them from thin air and they collapse to the ground, their screams muffled from the energy that was attacking them, and their bodies go limp within seconds.

"Damn, that's... Scary" Josh admits and Audrey smirks.

"Power always is, darling." She winks as they head on through the castle, Josh a few steps ahead as he checks each corridor before walking down it.

As they reach a four way corridor, the faint noise of screaming could be heard. And the two share a look. Audrey nods as if she could read Josh's mind, and the two head towards the screams. They kick down a door, and are met by ten men. It was some sort of break room, as they were all sat around with a wooden cup in their hands.

"So, we going to fight now or after the break?" Josh asks, and the soldiers look at him, and they knew exactly who he was.

"Could we let you through, and you don't kill us?" One of them asks.

"Dragimer, we can't! The king will kill us"  Another exclaims and the man who seems to be Dragimer shakes his head.

"That's the King's son, and the Auradonian Witch. Do you really think we stand a chance?" Dragimer questions.

"Hold up, witch!" Audrey exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air.

"I think it's a compliment?" Josh tries.

"Oh yeah, you are really powerful." Another states as he stands up.

"So you want to us to just go without fighting you?" Josh asks and the ten of them all exchange looks before nodding. Josh decides to push it further. "I mean, letting us through could realistically lead to your death. And you letting us through kinda seems like you don't care about being a part of the Dragon Empire"

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