Chapter Thirty Nine.

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Josh and Anna regain consciousness exactly where they were. The two look around quickly, their eyes locking and they could tell what they saw was real. The looks on their faces said it all.

But they couldn't dewell on it right now.

"Boss, we got movement. The Cartel are movin' their troops. Vertigo mansion on the east side. Gil knew it was the best place on the east side so he kept a few lookouts" Harry explained and Josh looks at him for a second, his mind still reeling.

"Babe, you okay?" Audrey asks softly, squeezing his side slightly.

"Yeah, um, sorry. Good work Gil." He nods at him and Gil smiles, happy with his work. "We should move quick. A small force of us storm and take them out stealthily... Harry, you any good with stealth?" Josh asked and he smirks.

"Oh laddie, me and Gil have sneaked into so many places. We are your guys." He says and Josh nods.

"Anna?" He looked at her and she raised her eyebrow.

"Do you forget you never noticed me when I first met you?" She pointed out and Josh nods.

"Audrey, you take the rest of the pirates and sweep the perimeter. Make sure none escape" Josh says and Audrey nods.

"Let's go" He says and everyone moves, Josh walks over to the door to the captains cabin and grabs the sword which was leaned against the wall aside of it.


Josh and Anna were attacking from the east entrance, crouched down next to a building providing a dark shadow for them to hide in. The two wore a tight leather outfit. Leather trousers and jackets with masks covering the bottom of their faces.

"When will they be in position?" Anna  asked, looking around wearily for anyone sneaking up on them, a small dagger held tightly in her hand.

"Soon. We know the signal, then we storm in. We are meeting in the foyer, then going through. Gil says the leader will most likely be in the main office. One entrance, no windows. Easy to defend. Then we will have to fight our way in." Josh explains and Anna nods.

"Got it... So, you wanna talk what happened. With our father?" Anna asked and Josh sighs.

"It felt wrong. Just seeing him. And to think we come from him, it's just... Wrong. I've done some bad things, but  wiping out a whole country, it just isn't what I want my legacy to be link too. I mean, don't get me wrong I plan to invade Auradon. But I ain't slaughtering everyone. It just isn't right. Mindless genocide." Josh says.

"It was wierd seeing them all though, for me. I mean I knew about them. But seeing them, was something else. It is true. Isn't it? We are the ones to stop him." Anna admits. "The only good thing about it is we know his plan. To take over everything. So atleast, the other places can prepare. Maybe they can stop him, and the fall of Regentera meant something." She says and Josh reaches and squeezes her shoulder gently. He was going to say something, but a small burning stone was shot into the air.

The signal.

Time to move.

Josh and Anna sneak in through a small window located on the top floor and gently touchdown on the ground, scanning the room quickly. It seemed to be an old study room, with the books now scattered across the floor. But no one was in. Which Josh didn't like. This was an obvious access point, why wasn't it covered. Josh looks at the slightly open door and sneaks over, peering into the small gap which lead into a small hallway. And still no guards.

"I don't like this. This access point should of been covered." Josh states then it dawns on him. It should of as soon as he realised there was no guards in the room.

A trap. But before he could do anything, the windows they accessed through was smashed as two men fly in, swords drawn as their eyes narrow on the two. And the door bursts open, and another man manages to grab Anna.

"Don't move or a slit her throat." He threatens and Josh smirks.

"You really don't know who you just grabbed do you?" He says, his eyes darken as a flame erupts from his hand. And Anna's explode with light as her hands crackles with electricity and she grabs his arm, the electricity surging through him and his body spasms uncontrollably and Josh spins around and pushes his hand forward, the flames blasting from his hand and splitting into two, wrapping around the two men and burning them. The sound of sizzling flesh quickly fills the room before they drop to the floor.

"We gotta move, find Harry and Gil" Josh commands and Anna nods, heading towards the door. Her hand still sparking with electricity as the two quickly head through into the corridor, and are met by four men coming from connecting rooms. Anna smirks as she raises her other hand, electricity surging from her finger tips.

"This is going to be fun" she smirks as she hovers her hands together, letting the electricity build up as the sparks collide with each other, quickly becoming a large ball, and she flings it towards the men and it explodes with contact with the first one, vines of electricity blasting off and striking each of the men, sending them flying down the hall and falling to the floor, life drained from their eyes.

"Damn, not bad sis" Josh pars her shoulder as he runs down the corridor, turning and sprinting down the stairs, Anna right behind him and the two reach the bottom, and sprint towards where Gil explained the office was. And when they arrived, the large double wood doors were wide open, and they could see Harry and Gil held by men, and a woman stood in between them, a smirk on her face.

"Did you really think you could sneak up on me? I knew exactly where your scout was, I let them see us. You took the bait." The woman smirks at Josh.

"You really messed with the wrong person" Josh growls as his hands ignite and readys to blast the woman. But she raises her hand and the men press a knife against both Gils and Harry's throat.

"I bet you could kill us all. But I also bet I could slice their necks before you burn the room down. So I'd think very carefully how to play this. I mean, if you don't care about these wankers then do what you got to do. But I bet you can't sacrafice their lives for your conquest"She smirks, she knew exactly how Josh worked. And it pissed him off. His eyes darkened, almost being completely engulfed in black, which matched the flames that spit from his tensed knuckles.

"Whats it going to be, Flamey. Are you gonna kill us and them. Or are you going to save the" She teases as she walks over, her hand dancing around his shoulder as she got up to his face, her eyes burning with glee. She was loving this.

"Josh, let us die. She's going to kill us anyway. I ain't afraid to die for the gang." Harry says as he looks directly at Josh. This made it so much easier for Josh.

He raises his hand and opened it, the flames bundling together and igniting into one large fireball.

So, what do you think Josh is going to do? I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for lack of updates, been real busy. But I got time off work (Not Corona just lucky I booked this time off) so I'm gonna work on this more!

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