Chapter Thirty Six.

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"That was a dick move" The woman in charge of The Cartel growls as she draws her own sword.

"You've lost the element of surprise now. I'd leave before you are taken out" Josh offers and the woman laughs.

"Please. We are more than capable of taking on some pirates. Attack!" She tells and her gang begins attacking the pirates, and she charges forward towards Josh, bringing her sword down quickly on him, and he is just able to block and deflect it to his left. She brings it back quickly and goes for another strike, with such force even with a block it causes Josh to stagger back slightly and the woman takes the chance to force her sword forward, slicing his jacket. And this angered Josh. It was one of the only things that connected him still to Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos.

"You shouldn't of done that" He says with calm anger as his eyes flare with a dark glow, his hands ignite with her as the fire crawls up his sword, and he advances in her.

Anna quickly dodges a strike from one of the assassins and backs up slightly. The man growls at Anna who smirks. She adjusts her stance as he charges forward, and she is able to twirl around his arm, grab his wrist and with a swift move snap his wrist, causing him to drop the sword. She ducks and grabs it mid fall and forces it into his chest. She pulls it out and then throws it at another assassin with impressive strength, inserting it perfectly between their breasts.

Back with Josh, he was striking swiftly and with some force, the Cartel leader was barely able to keep up. But as he was striking with anger, she was able to scan his fighting style and see a chance to strike. As Josh pulls his sword back and goes to strike again, she puts her hand up and grabs the sword, feeling his glove melt into her skin. She bit back a scream as she kicks him back. The pirates had the advantage here, with it being their turf and now they had a lot more of them. They were outnumbered. And she was badly hurt now, she needed to heal.

"FALL BACK!" She yells and she pulls out a small ball and smashes it against the floor and the whole sock erupts into smoke, and as it fades the assassins were now gone. The pirates look around, hands tight on their swords as they do.

"Where are they?" Audrey asks, her voice warped by anger as her eyes were glowing green. Her hands pulsating with a mist-like energy.

"They must of retreated... So, what's with the green mist thing?" Josh asked and Audrey looks down at her hands, a green mist dances around her fingers as she raises them in curiosity.

"I don't know. I didn't even think magic worked here" She said, slightly confused.

"Well Powers seem to work differently than spoken magic. As it's written into a person's DNA. Maybe it can't counter that" Anna suggests. "Like mine and Josh's powers once unlocked bond to us on a cellular level. Whatever you have, must of done the same"

"Oh... Cool" She smirks as she lowers her hand and the energy fades, and her eyes return to their normal colour.

"Anyway, back to normality. We have a problem. The Cartel are powerful. And highly skilled. And are good at keeping hidden. Uma was careful what she did with them. Angering them is never a good move." Harry says and Josh sighs.

"Mal wasn't fond on pissing them off either. But they made the first move. They have started this war. So we have no choice but to fight back. And we will win" Josh states.

"How can you be so sure mate?" Harry asks and Josh shrugs.

"I'm not. But what choice do we have. If we are seen to be weak, we will have alot more people gunning for us. We need to play it smart. Which for now, means playing the defensive." Josh states.

"Why? Me, you and Anna could take them all on. We could wipe them out" Audrey says and Josh shakes his head.

"We don't know how many people they nor their firepower. We can't attack until we know that." Josh counters.

"Please. I could kill them all" Audrey scoffs.

"You have had powers for five minutes, Audrey! Stop being stupid!" Josh snaps at Audrey and she steps back, her eyes mixed with pain anger before she storms off. Josh sighs a she rubs his forehead.

"I'll go make sure she's alight boss" Harry says, Josh sends a thankful smile before he jogs after her. Josh watches them before walking onto the other end of the ship, looking across the sea and at Auradon. Anna looks over at Harry and Audrey before walking over to Josh.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She asks as she stands beside him.

"A penny isn't enough for my thoughts" He replies jokingly as he lets out another sigh. "I just wish Audrey had stayed on Auradon." He tells her and Anna furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Well she was actually born on Auradon. Not the Isle. I was there for abit. With four others. Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay. It was kinda a rehabilitation thing for 'villains'. And funnily enough it worked. But that's where I met Audrey. And it was nice over there. Everything is. And Mal fell in love with the King, Ben. So she took on alot. And it became too much for her. So she came here. And I came with her. Evie, Carlos, Jay, Audrey and a girl named Lonnie. But alot happened and I joined this crew. And so did Audrey." Josh explains and Anna nods.

"But she seems to handle herself well." Anna points out.

"I trained her. But... She wasn't born here, Anna. She doesn't know how it's like here. How bad it really is. And I'm scared that I'll lose her here. That she will do something she hasn't thought through, and get herself killed" Josh admits, his eyes locked on Auradon. Anna places her hand gently on his shoulder. "Its just... What type of leader am I if I can't keep the person I love safe" He sighs.

"You are a good leader, Josh." Anna tries to tell him.

"Not as good as Mal. Or Uma. They knew what they had to do" Josh let's out with a small chuckle.

"And so do you. You said you've only been in this a few days. You took out another gang already. And I've already said, Harry follows you like you've always been leader. You were a born leader Josh, no doubt about it" Anna smiles. Josh let's out another sighs, but finally smiles as he turns to face Anna.

"I'm glad you came here, Anna. It's nice having a sister. I mean, Mal was like my sister. But having an actual sister. It's... Nice" Josh tells her and Anna nods, Josh wraps his arm around her shoulder and she rests her head against him.

"I feel the same way" She smiles, and the two stand and watch the calm ocean, with the sunset slowly dawning upon it.

So, this is the third time writing the last 700 words as Wattpad keeps deleting it. So when I click publish, I really hope it works 😂. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Another Anna and Josh heart to heart. And the pirates kicking ass! More to come soon!

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