Chapter Fifty Six.

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"Audrey!" Aurora cries as she envelops her granddaughter into a tight hug. Josh stands up and walks over to Hades.

"You saved her. I owe you my life" Josh says as he offers his hand. Hades takes Josh in before he shakes it.

"You owe me nothing. I did this for Mal." He tells Josh. He knew he didn't mean it in a malicious way. But it showed he cared for his daughter.

"in any case, I'm in your debt" Josh says and Hades nods.

"Well, be hard to pay it back when I'm back on the Isle." He laughs, but the laugh was empty. He offered his hands back as a guard fixes his binds back on.

"Look after Mal for me, would ya?" He  asks and Josh nods.

"I will" He  says simplyand Hades smiles at Josh, then looks at Mal and gives a silent nod as he is escorted out. Mal watches him for a second before chasing him out.

"Josh" Audrey calls out and Josh turns around and walks over, offering his hand and Audrey takes it and plants it on her own cheek. Josh smiles warmly as he sits on the side of her bed, allowing her to cuddle up to him.

"I love you" He whispers.

"I love you too." She replies as Josh kisses the top of her head. Mal walks back in, a single tear falling down her face. Audrey sits up and faces Mal, and looks behind her at Ben.

"I am so sorry for what I've done. All I wanted to do is hurt you. Hurt everyone." She admits.

"We know it wasn't your fault. The curse you had was powerful." Mal says as takes a step closer. "I should be the one apologising. I should of never left you on the Isle. I shouldn't of stolen Ben off you... There's alot I am sorry for." She admits.

"Me too. You deserved better than how I treated you Audrey. And for that, I am truly sorry" Ben says and Audrey smiles at the two.

"Thank you" She smiles. Then Evie, Carlos, Anna and Jay walk in. And Audrey's face lights up at the sight of Anna.

"Anna!" She exclaims and Anna smiles as she walks over and wraps Audrey into a one armed hug.

"I'm glad to see you're okay." Anna smiles as she pulls away from the hug.

"I'm glad you are okay too. I am sorry for all I put you through on the Isle. It.... It's complicated" Audrey sighs and Anna rests her hand on Audrey's shoulder.

"I get it. Don't sweat about it" Anna says as she walks back to Evie.

"Thank you for saving me, Mal" Audrey says as her eyes focus on her. "I know that killing me was the easiest option. But you didn't." She smiles.

"I am not who you should be thanking, Josh chucked me the ember." Mal says and Audrey shakes her head.

"No, you could of easily still killed me. God knows I was trying to kill you. But... Thank you. You are truly fit to be the Queen of Auradon" Audrey says and Mal bows slightly to Audrey.

"Coming from you, that means alot" Mal smiles. Then she looks around and smiles at her friends. "I think we should give Josh and Audrey some privacy" She says and everyone nods in agreement. Aurora leans and kisses the top of Audrey's head before leaving. Audrey smiles at Josh as she shuffles and he takes his place next to her, and she leans into him. Her head resting against his chest.

"I am so glad I'm rid of all thst anger and hatred. It is a massive weight off my shoulders" Audrey admits as she let's out breath. "It never really felt like my own, you know?" She adds.

"I do. Did you ever hear Malifcents voice from time to time?" He asks and Audrey nodded.

"Yeah. Always pushing me to do the worst thing. It was easy to fight to begin with but I couldn't fight it these past few weeks" Audrey admits.

"I'm glad we are free of it. But I'm glad we had it. You know, without it, we'd not know Harry and Gil as well as we do." Josh points out.

"And we might of never found Anna" Audrey adds and Josh nods.

"I will miss them" Josh admits and he feels Audrey nod.

"I'll miss them too."


A few days later, it was Mal and Ben's engagement ceremony. And everyone was getting ready.

"One thing I liked about the Isle. No suits" Josh groaned as he pulled on the arms of his black suit, which had flames emblazed all down the arms. His tie was a dark orange, along with a white top. Of course, it was Evie's design.

"I don't know how you can complain. You look sharp" Carlos says as he closes his laptop and sits up from his bed.

"Uncomfortable" He defends and Carlos shrugs. "Why can't I just go in my jacket"

"Not exactly formal attire" Jay points out. Josh sighs as he turns back to the mirror and runs his hand through his hair. Which he finally had cut. The sides were shaven down, but the top was styled up. And orange dye had been applied. So his hair looked like one massive flame.

"Oh, I guess I can cope with it for a day." He shrugs as he fastens the buttons on the jacket and spins to face Jay and Carlos. "Man I missed this" He smiles.

"What, complaining about wearing a suit?" Jay winks and Josh laughs.

"Just... Feeling good. Feeling happy. It's been a long while since I felt that" He admits.

"It hasn't been the same without you here, man." Carlos states as he places his hand on Josh's shoulder.

"I'm sure Lonnie will be happy to see you at the party."Jay points out. "She's only just got back from her vacation thing"

"It'll be good to see her too." Josh admits. "So, you gonna ask her out or not?" He asks and Jay's eyes widen in shock.

"I don't know what you mean" He stumbles and Josh laughs.

"I mean, I saw you two last year before I went all psycho. And I bet they flirt like hell" He says as he points to Carlos who laughs and nods.

"It... It's just not the right time, you know. Espically after what just happened" Jay says.

"Or what just happened is exactly why. You never know what's coming, best to do what you want to do now or you could regret it" Josh says and Jay smiles and nods, grabbing his suit jacket and heading out.

"You've gotten wise" Carlos comments and Josh laughs, but it was empty. As he remembered what the Dragon King said. That Regantara was the first in his conquest. He isn't going to stop. Auradon will be a target. And other places will be aswell. "Yo, Josh. You okay?" Carlos asks as he wabes his hand in front of Josh's face.

"Yeah, sorry. Lost in my own thoughts" Josh says. He would bring it up another time. For now, he will enjoy himself. "I'm gonna go pick up Audrey, see you at the party." Josh says as he heads out.


"Coming!" Audrey's voice calls from behind the door and a few seconds later it swings open, and the sight mesmerises Josh. She wore a beautiful light pink dress.

"Is it too much?" She asks, looking down at herself nervously.

"You look perfect." Josh says softly as he holds out his hand, which she takes and smiles.

"You don't look half bad yourself" She winks and Josh let's out a heartful laugh. "Evie's design?" She asks and Josh nods.

"She was very excited to have her mule back" Josh shares and the two share a laugh as they head for the party.

So, more Audrey and Josh as usual. But I added the part with just the guys as I've barely developed their relationship, so I felt it was right to add it in. So, the party is next. And we all know what's coming!

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