Chapter Ninety Three.

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"Tyren, Get your father." The young woman says to the child. Her dirty blonde hair put in a messy bun as she pours the stew into the large bowl, spluttering on contact with the bowl. Steam slowly floating from it as it bubbles ever so slightly. The child nods and runs into the next room, and returns with a man with short black hair.

"Smells lovely" he smiles, the clattering of his armour echoing in the small kitchen. Her eyebrow raises slightly at the sight of the armour.

"Why are you wearing that?" She asks, putting down the stew.

"There's word of an incoming attack. The King's library and his Castle here has been attacked by the Auradoinian's witch. All of our villages are on alert. I need to be ready." He explains and she sighs.

"Always an excuse, Ren. You spend every hour in that armour!" She exclaims and the man lips tighten.

"I am protecting our family!" He yells back, a vein across the left side of his face bulging. "These Auradonians are monsters. They will kill us all of they attack here!

"Always some excuse. Next thing your going to tell me you are a Dragon Rider and you need to attack New Ayradon!" She argues and he growls before shaking his head

"I don't need this. I'm going back to my guard duty." He sighs as he heads towards the door, grabbing his sword which leaned against the frame before yanking the door open and slamming it.

"Mum. Dad is just protecting us. Serving our king is the highest honour!" Her child says.

"It isn't, Tyren. There are always more important things in life." She sighs as she chucks the stew on the side before leaving the room.


"Anyone notice there's more guards on duty then we were told there would be?" Chad points out as they stood on a hill nearby which gave a vantage point on the town. About twenty wooden houses were grouped together, with a large stone tower stood in the middle, glass all around the top with a walkway surrounding it.

"Word spreads fast, apparently. I'm guessing Audrey and Mal have already begun their attack." Evie guesses.

"I would say we should scout the manning situation, but if the others have started their attack, we dont have time. We have to take control quickly so we can help Mal." Uma states and everyone nods.

"Position of the houses mean there's a lot of points they can get the jump on us. This village was made for attacks. If we are going for it, we need to stick together." Chad points out.

"I can cover us from behind with a shield, but cant protect the from otherwise we can't attack." Jane offers and Evie nods.

"I'll take the charge. My powers can take out the bulk, the rest of you can take any stragglers." Sarah says, her eyes calm as she looks at the village.

"Moving like that could be slow. It does leave us open to getting overwhelmed" Uma points out.

"But it's a solid plan." Evie argues and Uma nods in agreement.

"Wasn't saying that, just pointing out the disadvantage of it." She tells Evie.

"Enough talking. Let's go." Evie says and the five head down towards the village. As they reach it, Jane pulls out her wand and flicks it. An blue shield erupts from it as it surrounds the back of them. Sarah flicks her hands as electricity crackles, and everyone else draws their weapons. The first guards see them and draw their swords and charge forward. Sarah pushes her hands out as electrict erupts from her fingers, latching into their bodies causing them to spasm out of control before flopping to the floor. The five walk through as they reach the first set of houses in the village. Eyes lock onto them as a ringing bell booms over the town.

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