Chapter Ninteen.

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The land was scorched. Small flames still were dimly lit across the battlefield. The screams of the burning victims echoed through the valley. They were screaming for help. But it would never come. A group of men were slowly walking around, checking all the bodies to see if they were dead. One walked over to one and flips it over, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Please, no! Don't kill me!" He begs the man who stood above him. He was a Dragon Minion. His eyes flared with joy as he pulls out his dagger and kneels down to him.

"Now, that is pathetic. You Regants are meant to be honourable warriors. But you beg for mercy by your enemies. Pathetic" He says as he brings his dagger against the man's throat and slices it open, blood splattering all over his armoured suit and he sighs as he stood up.

"Great, you stained my armour." He says as he kicks him over, leaving him to bleed out on the floor.


After a few hours, the men had now killed all the remaining survivors of the battle. And had gone back to the shore they had arrived on. Large metal ships filled the shoreline, all with cages on them with Dragons inside. But they were not captive, they were tamed by Dragon Masters. Men who had a connection to the Dragons, and had control over the beasts. On the largest ship stood the Dragon King on the deck looking over the Land he had just invaded. A proud smile on his face. Behind him was a Dragon, larger than the others. It's eyes were blood red, with pure hunger written on them. It's scales were a pure black, as if it was darkness itself. It sat in the cage, it's eyes locked on the Dragon King, as it waited for his command from him.

"My people! You have done well. We took over the land of Renegade, it is now under the rule of the Dragon Kingdom! The land is covered in our fire, and with that fire, we will temper the land for it to be fit for the Eternal Dragon Empire!" He yells and his army yells in agreement.

"We lost good men during the battle. And we will pay our respects. We will search the land, and find a piece of land where we will Bury our fallen. It will become a beacon of honour to our people! We honour the Fallen! We do this, for them. We do it for their families! So they can live a better life!"He yells. His people did not have to answer, he knew that they respected him and would do as he says. So he turns on his heel and walks towards the cage. He stretches his hand into the cage and the dragon bows its head into his touch, a calm sound comes from the dragon.

"Next battle, Abbadon. We will spar" He promises and the Dragon growls in excitement. He hears footsteps behind and he turns to face two men. They were not in the standard attire of his minions. But wore a more packed version of the armour it was a dark red.

"Ah, my Savages. Did you find them?" He asks. Savages were the elite of the Dragons army. Trained by the Dragon King himself. They were the highest trained in combat, espically in the ancient ways.

"No, my Lord. There are no signs of the girl." One responds and he sighs.

"That is a shame. I do not like that we keep loosing them." He says.

"They are all unknowns, my Lord. They were raised by others. Who knows what they were taught. And without getting reports from any scout parties we sent to all the lands, we have no idea what had happened to them. They could be dead for all we know" The other Savage says and the Dragon King nods.

"Maybe that is true. I had hoped to meet them. They are said to be powerful" The Dragon King comments and the Savages nodded.

"Are you worried about the Prophecy, my Lord?" One of the Savages asks and the Dragon King nods.

"I am. The Children are powerful. They were when they were taken from us. The Monks hid them well from me. I know that carrying out our expansion is dangerous, with these Children running about. But... I won't let my people suffer. I made an oath, all them years ago, too protect my people. And I will do just that." The Dragon King says and one of the Savages nod, but the other looks confused.

"What is the Prophecy, my Lord?" He asks and the Dragon King chuckles.

"Ah. Told to me by one of our Soothsayers. When The land of Dragons grow, five children will face it. Children of the Dragon. And with an almighty fire, the Immortal rule will burn." He recites and the Savage nods.

"The five children taken by the Monks fifteen years ago?" He asks and the Dragon King nods.

"Yes. My own offspring. I wanted to see what would come of them. Would my dragon blood do anything to them? But they were taken before I could tell their full potential. But I just need one of them to fight by my side, and then the prophecy was wrong" He grins as he looks back over the land. "Or if they are already dead, then we have nothing to worry about." He states as he looks over the burning land. A view that filled him with Joy.

So, We now know more about the Dragon King. And they have invaded another land! Yes it's an original place, as they don't show you anywhere other than Auradon in the films. And yes, Josh comes from the Dragon Empire. And there are 4 others who also come from the Empire. What do you think they will be like? Think they will be like Josh? Let me know how you felt about the chapter!

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