Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two

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Josh felt odd to say the least. He remembered the last time he was here. He looked upon what was a battlefield covered in blood and fire, and it was surprising how much nature had already began to repair itself.

But he could still see her. He could see Anna's lifeless body on the floor. No matter how much nature tried to erase the memory of it from its soul, he could see it. He could see her in Jenna's arms. He could hear the sorrowing scream that erupted from Jenna.

It was almost too much for Josh.

"You never even came to their funeral." Audrey comments. There was no venom behind her statement. And Josh hadn't gone. He couldn't bring himself to it. It had almost killed him when they said goodbye to Audrey. But saying goodbye to his best friends and his sister? He knew he wouldn't have been able to deal with it.

"I know." Josh responds. "I just... couldn't do it."


"Because facing that much loss? It would've killed me, Audrey. I know they are gone, but saying goodbye to them? Cementing that I will never see them again? I couldn't do it."

"Okay." Audrey nods. "You came to my funeral though, didn't you?"

"I nearly didn't." Josh admits. "I was to blame for your death. I knew it was my fault you died that day. If I hadn't come, and I hadn't nearly lost to George, you'd have not died."

"That's bullshit, Josh." Audrey scoffs. "We were losing that battle, if you and Hades hadn't turned up, we would have all died. You saved us from what was quite honestly going to be a massacre."

"You know." Josh begins, his eyes softening slightly as he takes a deep breath. "I was so focused on Anna's death, it took about a week for the rest to hit me. And when it did, I couldn't even control my body. It felt like it had paralysed me."

"Grief hits everyone at different times. And sometimes it hits people harder than others." Audrey replies. "You know, Carlos went mute for like a month. He wouldn't talk to anyone. He would just do what he needed to do and leave. Then, he just broke down. Middle of a meeting with Mal, no cause. Just his mind finally accepting what happened."

"How is Mal?" Josh asks. It was something he hadn't asked since he left. If he was honest, it scared him to ask when someone could tell him. If he knew she needed him, he would come. And he knew that he would most likely have never left her side after that.

"She's..." Audrey falters. It seemed she was going to lie, but thought better of it. "Struggling. She lost her best friend, Josh. She lost Evie. And with you leaving, she felt like she had lost you aswell. It hadn't been good for her."

"Oh god." Josh mutters. They had finally reached the fort that Mal was in.

"What you did, Josh, was a dick move. You are meant to love Mal and you let her suffer alone." Audrey tells him. Josh respected Audrey's honesty right now. He needed to be held accountable for the added hurt he caused.

"I guess it's time to face the music." Josh breathes as he walks towards the gate. The two guards noticed Audrey and nodded, signalling the man stationed on the watch tower to open the gate.

As they entered the courtyard, Josh noticed a group of people. They were all holding swords, albeit poorly, and watching the woman who stood in front of them. The group looked over to Josh and Audrey, causing their teacher to also look.

Uma's eyes widen at the sight of Josh, and she quickly turned and dismissed her students before sheathing her sword and marching over.

"You've got some nerve showing up." Uma growls. "We've not heard shit from you in months. And what, you just decided to pop in for a friendly visit?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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