Chapter Sixty Two

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The four erupt from the flash of pink energy, and quickly look around as their eyes adjust to their new surroundings. Not that there was much. The land was burnt to a crisp, the once beautiful green land was charred black, with slithers of embers still burning.

"Oh god" Audrey gasps as she glances around.

"They completely destroyed Regantara" Josh sighs as he draws an arrow and readys it in the lowered bow.

"We... This isn't what we came here for. We can mourn another time." Mal said, although the struggle not to get emotional over it was obvious.

"This is truly something else." Hades states as he looks around, his face a mix of both fear and shock. "The fear the people must of felt" He shudders as he walks over to Mal subconsciously, ensuring she is safe.

"Do we even know where we are going?" Josh asks as he looks around for something to head towards. Something that wasn't destroyed.

"We're in the middle of the capital. We as hold head to shore. They'll of most likely come by ship" Audrey suggests and everyone looks at Mal who nods, loading some knives into her wrist launchers and straightening her hands.

The group slowly made their way through the capital, surrounded by half destroyed houses, and the smell of burning flesh was enough to make them sick. But they had to soldier through it.

"Hold it!" Audrey whispers and the four freeze. Audrey's eyes narrow as her head tips slightly. She then indicates to a nearby wall and the four sneak over. And as they do, ten men march through the street that they were just on. Audrey's eyes erupt with a pink glow as she grips the sceptre with both hands and aims the ball towards them.

"Josh, left. Mal, right. Hades you take on any stragglers." She says as a blinding light blasts from the scepter and creates a circle around the group. Josh let's an arrow fly as it inserts directly into his chest. Mal clenched both her fists and two knives shoot out, taking out two men. Josh chucks his bow down and charges forward, unsheathing his sword and with impressive speed and is able to slice through one before the others pull out their own swords to defend. Audrey watches and narrows her eyes on one. She nods towards him and Hades nods as he throws his hand forward, blue energy shooting out and enraveling him. And a skeleton drops from the energy as it fades into the sky. Josh and Mal make quick work of the remaining ones.

"Is everyone okay?" Audrey asks and they all nod.

"Thanks to you. How did you know they were coming?" Mal asks.

"I could feel them. Kind of. It's hard to explain." Audrey says.

"Certain Magic gives off a certain feeling. It seems Audrey here has tuned into the low level magic these people seem to have in them." Hades explains.

"So we have a Dragon Empire scanner? Nice" Josh smirks as he walks over and rips the arrow from one of the dead bodies and slides it back into his quiver. He scans around and nods at a nearby house that was mostly intact. "We should hide the bodies in there. We shouldn't alert them" He offers and everyone nods par Hades who holds his hands out as a blue energy wraps around his hands and he pushes it forward, the energy tangles around the bodies and within an instant, the bodies were gone.

"What did you just do?" Josh asks.

"I disintegrated the bodies. Saves moving them" He shrugs and Josh smiles.

"That makes it easier" Josh admits as he looks around. "We should keep to the shadows. Too many open spaces to be noticed." He commands and everyone nods as they walk over to the edge of a building.

"How far is the coast from here?" Mal asks and Josh shrugs.

"It's an island I've never been too, Mal. How the hell would I know" He grins and receives an eye roll.

"If I remember right and we are in the capital" Audrey starts as she looks around to get her bearings, then points to the large spiral structure not far from them. "That's the Grentunit. It's about a mile from the shore." she finishes. Everyone looks at her in amazement.

"What? I read" She shrugs as she leads the way, Josh held is bow tight ready to draw an arrow within a moments notice. Mal loads up her gauntlets with knives and extends her hands out. Hades had his ember held tight in his hand, a light emeniting through his fingers.


Eventually the group reach the shore, and are horrified to what they saw. It was littered with bodies. And the sand was a dark red, stained from all the blood that was spilled. Some fo the bodies had chunks seemingly bitten out. And the faces that were visible, had fear etched across them. They had died in fear.

"Oh my god" Audrey cries as her hand covers her mouth. Even Hades couldn't stand looking at them, his gaze locking on his ember. His face a mix of sadness and rage. Mal and Josh just had rage flooding through them.  Mals eyes flare with green energy and Josh's fists are engulfed in flames.

"This. This is what we have to stop" Josh growls, his eyes darken as his rage builds.

"No matter what" Mal adds, an equal amount of rage in her voice. "The main army ain't here. But I bet we could get it out of one of them" She says indicating to one of the patrols on the shore. Everyone knew she meant to torture them. And in most cases, it wouldn't even cross their minds. But after seeing what has happened. It was a line they were now willing to cross.

"They're heading across there" Audrey points towards a collection of large rocks. "We can get there first, and have surprise on our side. I could five. We kill four, take the other one prisoner. Take him back to Auradon. To the cottage I used. No one will disturb us out there and there's no one near it for miles. No where to hear the screams" Audrey offers, her shock now replaced with rage.

"Allow me first crack at the bastard."Hades demands and Mal nods.

"And you can teach me how." She points out and Hades smiles.

"Our first family activity" He responds as the four make their way to the rocks. And they got in position. Mal and Josh were nearest to the exit point, able to take them from the right. And as they pass, the two leap out. Josh sends a fury of Fire towards them, causing them to disband from each other and separate them. Mal already took two out, unloading the wrist launchers at them. Josh chucks his bow to the ground and pulls out two knives from his jacket.

"Time to get up close and personal" He says as he runs towards two of them, and they charge at him and send a series of blows towards Josh. He was easily able to defect the blows, dodging and bringing himself up to the side and forcing one knife into his side, a roar of pain erupts from him as he brings the other knife across his throat and the his body flops down.

"You'll pay for that" the other snarls and Josh just grins as he places his knives back and pushes his power into his hands, fire crackles in his hands. The Dragon minions eyes widen.

"You're... You're the Kings Descendant. A Descendant of Fire" He says, a small bit of fear in his voice.

"Oh yes. And tough luck for you. As I'm going to kill you" Josh growls and he charges forward, sending punches backed with fire towards him. Each blow causing him to reel back, burning through his gear to reveal his bare skin. Josh sends one final punch directly into his chest, and the fire wraps around his chest, seemingly keeping him in place. Screams of pain filled the air. And it made Josh smile.

"Which one we taking?" He asks, ready to deliver the killing blow if he can.

"That one. Hades got a bit blood thirsty" Audrey comments. Josh rolls his eyes as he pulls his free fist back and punches the man clean out as the flames around him fade and his body flops to the floor.

"You know if we do this, we are crossing a line we might not be able to come back from" Hades of all people comments. But Mal didn't show any sign of backing out.

"I'm the Queen of Auradon. I will do whatever is needed to protect my land. No matter the cost" She states.

"Whatever it takes" Josh adds as he walks over and throws the body over his shoulders and nods at Audrey, whose eyes flare a bright pink before she taps the sceptre against the floor, engulfing the group and they dissappear.

So, as you can tell this story will be quite dark from now on. But you can't really write a war any other way. So I hope you enjoyed it. I can't wait to write more for this story, its so much fun!

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