Chapter Forty Four.

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"Nows our chance" Josh smirks as his hands ignite with a black flame, Audrey following him with green mist dancing around her hands.

"Guys, you know it's heavily guarded right? I thought we chose now so it would be less guarded" Anna asked.

"This is light guarding" Josh points out as they begin walking up the stairs.

"Oh god" Anna sighs as her eyes light up and her fingers sizzle with electricity.

"Hey, what are you doing here!" One of the guards call and Josh pushes his hand out, flames blasting fron his palm and hitting him. And within seconds, the other guards charge at them. Audrey laughs maniacally as she draws her two daggers and chucks them up, the mist dances around them keeping them in the air and she extends her arms out then pushes them inward, the daggers flying into two guards. Anna runs forward, building a charge in both her hands and let's it fly towards the guards, knocking them out instantly.

"God this feels good" Josh smiles as he stands over the unconscious bodies. And he turns and walks into the Museum.

"More guards?" Anna moans as she steps forward, pulling out her small dagger and charging towards them, pulling to the left and using her momentum to push her self onto the wall and bringing her dagger across one of the guards chest, then leaps off the wall and tackles him onto the ground and grabbing his head and smashing it against the floor. She leaps up spins around the other, getting him into a headlock and bashing it against the wall.

"Damn girl. You got some anger" Audrey winks at Anna as she passes her.

"Rich from you" She sneers and Audrey shrugs as she kneels down to one of the unconscious guards and frowns.

"Joshy. Can I kill one? I feel ever so bored." She pleads and Josh walks and smiles, kneeling down and giving her a passionate kiss.

"Of course babe" He smiles.

"No! You said you wouldn't kill innocents!" Anna yells and Josh looks at his sister with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, they aren't really innocent. They are blocking the way to freeing the Isle" He says and Anna would normally not say anything, but this was different.

"No. He hasn't done anything wrong. We agreed, no killing. If you kill him. I'm out" She threatens and Josh stares down Anna and growls.

"If you go against me, I ain't afraid to kill you." He threatens back.

"Don't kill him, and you won't have too" She tells him and He shakes his head.

"Kill him" He commands and Audrey drives her dagger straight into his throat, a quick spasm of the body occurs but nothing else. Anna looks down at the dead guard then back at Josh.

"You're on your own. And I'm gonna make damn sure I stop you" She vows before sprinting off. Josh watches her and growls.

"Let's go. We dont have much time" He tells her and she nods and the two charge through.


The two left a path of bodies in the wake as they brush through the curtains and see the sceptre, stood in the centre of the room. The green crystal glowing bright.

"Somethings pulling me, it's so magnetic.
My body is moving not sure where its heading.
All of my senses have left me defenceless
This darkness around me is promising retribution
The price that we are willing to pay is expensive.
There's nothing to lose when you have lost it all" Josh and Audrey sing, and Audrey grabs the Sceptre and the mist dances around her, her hair morphs into a dark pink, and her suit had taken a much more Malificent look, pink and black instead of black. She grabbed Belles crown she had taken on her way to the sceptre and placed it on her head.

"This feels right. The true Queen of Auradon." She smirks as she walks around Josh, twirling around the room, the sceptre leaving an energy trail as she does.

"Love the new look babe" Josh comments and Audrey raised her eyebrow with a dangerous look in her eye.

"I think you need a remodel aswell" She says as she flicks the staff, and the mist dances around Josh and instantly falls. His once black outfit was now sleeveless, abd was now red, but with a black flame emblazed all around it. His short hair was now dyed orange.

"Oh, yeah. That works" She comments as she walks over and captures his lips with hers.

"I'm glad you like it. And now we have the sceptre. Let's make our move" He states and the two march out of the Museum. But as they walk through the lobby, they catch the news and see Hades in it.

"That son of a bitch nearly escaped" Josh says as he slides into the seat, knocking the guard out of it.

"Isn't that Hades?" Audrey asked and Josh nods.

"Oh yeah. He's even more powerful than me, you and Anna combined. He is literally a God. There's a reason we didn't mess with him. Even without his powers he'd still take most of us out. If he escaped, Auradon would of been toast." He admits. And Audrey knew he was serious. It was rare he would admit someone is more powerful.

"We should get a move on. We have a certain Queen-to-be to visit" Josh smirks and the two share a laugh as they head off.

Damn, I'm really blasting out chapters. I must say, I'm really looking forward to the next one. Josh and the VK's will reunite! Yay! Well I'll love writing it, you'll hopefully love reading it. But in the book itself, it won't be pretty. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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