Chapter Forty Six

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"How did I know you'd betray us at the first chance you have" Evie growls at Anna.

"Hey, I didn't betray you! You'd of never let these two come with us, so I had to kinda of... Force it upon you." Anna smirks as Harry and Gil hug from behind her.

"Yeah, we're just coming for a wee little visit" Harry says as the three of them try to walk forward, but are pushed back by Jay, Carlos and Mal. Harry pushes Mal back and a blue stone flies out of of her hand and lands on the edge of the bridge. Harry and Mal share quick looks as they both dive for it, Mal barely grabbing it but Harry's hook slides it out of her hand as it plummets towards the sea below.

"No!" Mal screams as she helplessly reaches for it. But a blue tentacle erupts from the ocean and grabs it, then another comes up, and within seconds a familiar face blasts up from the sea.


"Did you drop something?" She called out with a laugh.

"Boss!" Harry and Gil yell happily.

"Uma! It can't hit the water. Give it back before it goes out!" Mal pleads, which causes Uma to laugh more. Her tentacle wrapping around the ember as she plummets back down, a whirlpool forming as she does and within seconds it dissappears. Everyone looks frantically for her.

"You miss me?" A voice calls from behind, they all spin around to see Uma stood there.

"Is it normal for people to change from tentacles to legs?" Anna asks.

"You shoot electricity from your hands." Harry points out.

"Oh yeah, good point" Anna admits  and folds her arms as she scans Uma.

"It's good to see you boss" Harry says as he walks over to her, pointing out his hook which Uma grabs and pulls him over to her.

"You left us" Gil stated to Uma.

"Probably planning her revenge" Mal quips and Uma rolls her eyes.

"It's not all about you. I was trying to find weakspots in the barrier to let everyone through." Uma explains, causing Mal to back down slightly.

"Whatever. Uma, you need to give me the ember. Audrey has the scepter and is putting everyone into a deep sleep on Auradon." Mal tries to explain.

"That's ironic" Uma laughs as she plays with the ember in her hand. "I have an idea. We help you, and you bring down the barrier to let everyone off the island." Uma offers.

"I can't do that" Mal argues and Uma shrugs her shoulders with a sigh, extending her hand and letting the ember hover over the sea below.

"How about now?" Uma asked, receiving a laugh from Anna.

"I like her" Anna comments and receives a small wink from Uma.

"Okay! Fine!" Mal yells and Uma smirks as she pulls her hand back.

"I'll keep hold of this though. Make sure you keep to your word." Una says as she places the ember in the golden shell on her necklace.

"Mal will keep good on her word, Uma" Evie defends.

"Ha. Believe it when I see it." Anna quips and everyone turns to her.

"I'm sorry, whose this?" Uma questions.

"Josh's sister, Anna." Harry tells her, Uma's eyes widen in shock.

"Hold on, when did Josh have a sister" She asks.

"Yeah, we wouldn't mind knowing too" Jay says as he folds his arms.

"We haven't got time" Anna tries.

"We have the time now. I'm not taking us over till you tell us" Mal says and Anna rolls her eyes.

"Fine. I'm Josh's sister. We both come from the Dragon Empire. We are experiments in way, to see what his pure blood would do to his descendants. There are five of us. And monks sneaked us away to different lands. I come from Regentara. Josh was brought to the Isle, but his monk was killed. Three others are somewhere else. Which I might tell you someday. But that's all you get to know" Anna says.

"You... You were there. Weren't you?" Mal asks softly, her expression of anger towards Anna seemingly gone.

"Yeah. I saw what my father did to my home. He burnt it to Ash. Without remorse for the people living there. I was able to escape, and I got to the Isle of the Lost, and was able to slip through the barrier as you all left a year ago" Anna explains.

"I'm... I'm sorry for your loss" Evie says as she reaches for Anna's shoulder and squeezes it softly.

"It is what it is. Josh is my brother. And Audrey is my friend. I'm here to save them, that's all. I honestly don't care what happens to most of you. Harry and Gil are the only two here that I trust." She says, her roughness had returned as she eyed the group.

"Don't worry, we don't trust you either" Evie comments, seemingly hurt that Anna closed herself off from her.

"Aw, that really hurts my feelings blue" Anna comments sarcastically.

"Oh trust me, I'll hurt you." Evie snarls.

"Is that a promise?" Anna smirks, seemingly catching Evie off guard.

"Oh.. Um... Shut up" She stamps her foot against the ground as she spins and walks towards the end of the walkway.

"Anyone else feel some sexual tension there?" Jay asked and everyone nods in agreement.

"Jay!" Evie yells, her eyes burning into him as she glares at him.

"Just sayin" He shrugs.

"Okay, let's go" Mal laughs as her eyes begin to glow green and a mist forms around her, and a dragon emerges from it.

"Sure. She can turn into a dragon. Because why not" Anna sighs, and she hears the faintest of giggles come from Evie, whose face tightens as she notices Anna looking at her.

"You're cute when you giggle" Anna says with a smirk, and Evie's cheek redden as she looks away.

"Bet you're glad you and Doug are done now!" Carlos jokes and Evie glares at him, causing him to throw his hands up. "Come on, you broke up over a year ago!" He defends himself and Evie swirls back around.

"So she's single?" Anna leans in to ask Carlos and he nods.

"Good to know" Anna smiles.

So, I could use the opinion on Evie and Anna. Do you like the direction of a same sex relationship between the two? And the idea of her and Doug not being together? As Doug does nothing for Evie's character apart from that song. And it would be cool for a same sex relationship in Descendants, would of done Gil and Jay but they defo have more of a 'bro' vibe. Let me know what you think?

And I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I will be focusing on Anna and all of them more for Descendants 3 till I can do more with Josh, as all it would be is him and Audrey going around putting people to sleep. But you'll see Josh sooner than you think ;)

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