Chapter Sixty Eight

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"That was close" Josh sighed as he emerged from the pink spiral of mist, bending over as he gained his breath. He looked at his hand and sighed, the leather gloves he had on were now scorched. "And I kinda liked the outfit" He adds and Audrey chuckles slightly.

"I can get you another, my love." She states as she threads her hand through his and squeezes. Josh looks around and realises they were back in Auradon. They were stood in Ben's office within his castle. He let's out a sigh and leans against the desk.

"I know we went to see their armada. But if that's the guarding in one town, then we wouldn't of survived if we got caught." Audrey explains.

"No, it was a good move." Mal says as she furrows her eyebrows "It's strange seeing somewhere have so many guarding. I don't think people are as happy with their home than they seemed" She points out.

"One way to trump a chance of a resistance, strip away hope" Hades comments and Josh nods.

"I think we can call this a success though. We found a place to use as a base of operations if we attack the Empire. And we know the fighting capacity of the guards. We just need to know what their soldiers fight like" Josh says.

"The guards were well trained. So if the soldiers are more skilled, then we could be in trouble" Mal sighs.

"Not with us leading the charge" Josh winks and Mal rolls her eyes.

"I wonder where Ben is" Audrey comments as she notices his absence in his own office. Mal notices that his sword was no longer displayed on the wall.

"He's done something. His sword isn't here" Mal points out, her face displaying a hint of worry.

"Let's go see if anyone knows anything" Josh says as he heads out, the other four following shortly behind.


Josh walks into the dorms for the school, as Jay and Carlos were yet to move out. Mal grabs his wrist and narrows her eyes.

"Somethings not right." She says softly as her eyes scan the room subtly. And Josh noticed it was quiet. A bit too quiet for his liking. He felt his hand surge with power, his eyes glistening a bright orange.

"Oh, you are an observant one, my child" A voice booms from the balcony above them. And Josh recognises the voice. He swings around and forces all his power into his hand, a wave of fire erupts from his hand towards where the voice comes from. But it is easily deflected by him. Hades face tightens with rage as his eyes locked the with king. An old anger. Ancient, even.

The Dragon King.

"But your powers are still pathetic" He grins as his sharp eyes lock on Josh.

"Oh yeah? Come down here and I'll show you exactly how powerful I am" Josh says through gritted teeth. He could feel his anger bubbling under his skin.

"Josh, who is that?" Audrey asks, her face full of worry as her hand grabs his. Feeling the heat against his skin.

"The Dragon King" He whispers, and everyone's face widens in surprise. But then replaced by anger. Hades steps forward, his hair igniting as he sends a powerful wave of energy towards him, which is met by a dark red energy that clashes with Hades, sparks fire out of the crossfire, all different colours.

"Not bad" The Dragon King smirks before using his other hand to send a dagger, which inserted itself into Hades leg causing him to stop his attack.

"Don't you dare hurt my dad!" Mal yells as her eyes flood with a green energy. But the Dragon kig shakes his head.

"How about you all stop pointlessly attacking me." He says as he heads for the stairs. His presence seemingly demanding. As if you had to look at him. His battle hardened eyes scan the four. "Where's your sister, my dear boy? I would of like to see her." He asks.

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