Chapter Eighty Three.

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"Is he in?" Josh questions as they approach the set of buildings in the Domestic district. A set of old shops that had been turned into flats of sorts.

"One way to find out" Mal says as she knocks on the door, gripping her stomach slightly. Now the Adrenaline had faded, it was hurting alot more. After a few moments the door swings open, Carlos stood there, white hood over his face.

"What do you want?" He asks, a slight hostile tone in his voice.

"Mal got banged up, I stopped the bleeding but I was hoping you could give her a once over." Josh tells him. He looks over at Mal, who sent a small smile at him. He thinks it over for a fee seconds before opening the door fully and moving to the side, allowing the two in.

They walked into a small room, which had an old hospital bed with a bunch of medical tools on the coffee table next to it.

"What happened?" He asks as Mal sits on the bed, shrugging her jacket off and pulling off her top.

"She got swiped by two Dragon Soldiers. But they were... Different. They were more skilled in a way." Josh tells Carlos.

"Where was this?" He asks as he pulls of Josh's makeshift bandage and inspects the two cuts.

"Auradon" Mal simply states.

"Oh" Carlos says, slightly surprised. "I thought we were trapped here"

"Jane and Chad got us a way to get through. Allows us to make windows through the barrier." Mal explains. "Me and Josh went and tried to see what had happened. We got to Ben's old castle, and we fought two of the Empire's guys. Way more skilled than the usual. They managed to get me."

"Well luckily it isn't deep. Didn't seem to strike anything important. I can stitch them up if you want, and I'll keep and an eye on the progress" Carlos offers, Mal flashes a smile and nods.

"That'd be great, thanks"

"Okay, I'll get set up" He says as he grabs an old office chair and swings it over, then begins sorting though all his tools.

"Hey, you can go. I'll come find you later" Mal says softly to Josh

"Are you sure? I don't mind staying" Josh questions.

"Yeah. I think you should go check up on everyone. See how they're doing. And tell them I want another war council meeting in two hours. We have some things we need to discuss."

"Okay. I'll see you later." Josh whispers as he squeezes her hand and smiles before heading out.


Josh finds himself at first at Evie and Anna's place. Not the place he expected to go first, if at all. But he felt like he had to talk to them. They had managed to find an old cottage near the edge of the Isle in the Royal District. Mal had gave her the go ahead of having it, before everything had happened. They had done it up well, so much it almost looked out of place in New Auradon. As he walks up to the door, it opens before he could knock.

"I saw you coming. What do you want?" Evie asks, annoyance evident in her tone.

"I'm not here to fight. Just to talk." He says as he holds his hands in the air.

"Okay. Fine. Come in" She says as she moves out of the way, allowing him in. They walk into what was made to be a living room of sorts. Anna was sprawled across the large sofa, her battlegear chucked on the table next to it.

"Just come back from a breach?" Josh asks.

"And you just came back from a mission. Want to carry on stating the obvious?" Anna spits.

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