Chapter Fifty Two

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"Hey, the guys are back!" Celia yells as she pulls the door open and runs out. Mal is straight through the door and runs directly into Ben's arms, hugging him tightly as she buries her face into his shoulder. Josh locks eyes with Anna whose hand was intertwined with Evies.

"Well this is something new" He smiles as he walks over to his sister, who wraps her free arm around him. Uma walks directly towards Harry and they share a quick hug.

"You okay?" Ben asks as he withdraws from the hug.

"I'm so much better right now. Are you okay?" she asks, her eyes widening as he nods. "What's this" She asks as she runs her hand across his beard."Oh yeah, I could get use to this" She smirks.

"You like it?" He asks as he messes with it.

"I love it" She smirks. He then notices Uma and smiles.

"How did I know you'd be part of the solution?" He says and Uma let's put a warm laugh as she walks over.

"What about..." She indicates to her mouth about the fangs.

"I kinda like them" He shrugs and Mal shakes her head.

"So, what's with the two of ya?" Harry asks Evie and Anna. "Ya was at each others throat last time I saw ya" He adds and Evie shrugs.

"I... I just stopped letting my hate get in the way. I'm new to this whole gay thing. I... I just hope you all accept me for it" She says to everyone. Mal furrows her eyebrows.

"E, you're still you." She says confused. "Why would who you date change that?"

"I mean, I could be psycho" Anna shrugs and Mal laughs.

"THEN I'll be worried for you E. But if you're happy, I'm more than happy" Mal smiles.

"Auradon is safe place, Evie" Ben says. "You can be who you want here. That's what I strive for. So if you feel comfortable with your sexuality here, then I've done my job as king" Ben says and Evie smiles widely at Ben, a tear falling down her face.

"Thank you, Ben" She says softly as she wipes the tear away.

"I kissed Gil once." Harry points out and everyone looks at him with surprise. "Uma went crazy with a song. Was a heat of the moment kinda thing." He shrugs.

"What's my name" Uma smirks.

"SHRIMPY!" Gil yells and everyone laughs. And to them all, it felt like they had finally put aside their differences.

They were friends.

"So what's the plan?" Uma asked Mal, and she looks at her surprised. "Hey, you're the one whose going to be Queen" She shrugs.

"If I can find my mom, we could get her the wand and see if she can revert everyone back" Jane offers.

"That's not a bad back up plan." Mal admits. "If we can't stop Audrey, we might need to take her out" She adds and everyone looks in shock, all but Josh. Mal meets his eyes. "I'm sorry Josh, but it might come to that." She says and Josh nods.

"I know. But if it comes to that... I should be the one who does it" He says and Mal shakes her head.

"No, Josh. You love her. You shouldn't have that burden on your shoulders." She argues.

"Which is why it should be me. I did this to her. I gave her the curse. If it becomes the only way, I should be the one to free her" He says and Mal just looks at him with sadness. She could see the guilt he feels for this. For everything that had happened. Harry walks over to Josh.

"Boss, I can do it. I'm ya first mate for a reason." He offers as he places his hand on his shoulder. Josh locks eyes and reaches for his hand.

"I know, Harry. But I won't burden you with my mistakes. If the Ember doesn't work to free her, then I will be the one." He says as if it was final. Josh still carried a commanding presence to him, so much that everyone decided against arguing.

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