Chapter Fifty Five.

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"Funny how one girl can cause such havoc." Hades smirks as he looks around the room, his eyes focusing on Josh. "Surprised you're still here." He comments and Josh steps forward, his fist igniting into a flame. Ben goes to stop Josh but Mal pulls him back.

"Make one wrong move. I take you out. You got that?" Josh says in controlled anger, his eyes flared as he faces Hades down.

"Crystal. I know this princess is someone you care about." Hades nods. "She knows her way around a dagger, doesn't she" He winks as he steps forward, Ben's father directly in his path and a low growl comes from him. And Hades matches it as they stare down.

"Dad!" Mal exclaims impatiently, and Hades stops and looks at his daughter and shrugs his shoulders. He holds his hand out and Mal places the ember in it, and his hair ignites with a bright blue flame as a grin forms in his face.

"Oh that's the stuff." He smiles as he quickly jolts his hands up, Josh already had his hand pressed on Hades back ready to burn him.

"Calm down flame boy. I need my hands for this" Hades says.

"Well don't think I'm moving my hand" Josh tells him and Hades shrugs.

"Have it your way." He sighs as Ben has his cuffs taken off and Hades flexes his hands, then walks over to the front of Audrey's bed.

"This is going to get bright." Hades comments as he extends his hand with the ember in it and creates a circle motion with it, and the whole room is filled with a dark blue glow. His eyes erupt with power as he swirls his hand, energy syphoning out and being absorbed into Audrey.

But the energy blasts back and send Hafes across the room and into the fireplace. Josh is the first on him as he holds his hand out ready to strike him with a flame.

"That wasn't me." Hades sighs as he holds his hand up for Josh to help him up. "This is going to be more complicated than I thought." He says.

"What do you mean?" Ben asks.

"It's not just her body thats locked down, her mind is trapped inside itself. It's what generated all the hatred. She's stuck inside it" Hades explains and Josh hears Aurora choke a sob.

"What can we do to fix it?" Josh asks.

"Someone is going to have to go into her mindscape. Find her, and bring her back." He explains. "Someone who shares a connection with her. Someone she will recognise." He adds and everyone looks at Josh.

"What's going to happen when I'm in there?" He asks.

"You will come across everything that feeds Audrey's anger. What scares her. My best guess is, dark versions of yourself and everyone here." Hades guesses and Josh sighs.

"This is going to be fun" He mutters before nodding, taking a seat next to Audrey's and taking her hand in his.

"I'll keep her way out open as long as I can. But if I sever the connection with you still in her mind, you'll die." He warns Josh.

"Do it" He says and Hades nods. And all Josh see's is a blinding blue light before he is swallowed into darkness.


"I dont love you!" Ben's voice echoes, jolting Josh into focus as he looks around. He was in the school. But it wasn't exactly that. The walls were completely black, as if they were a shadow. The floor was covered in blood, but green energy seeped out.

Malificents curse.

Josh reaches for his sword and pulls it out, holding it ready for any attack.

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