Chapter Fifty Eight

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It was a beautiful day in Auradon. The sun shined brightly upon the land. The feeling of freedom still danced around as people once stuck on the Isle now enjoyed the freedom Auradon gave them. It was a step in the right direction. But not everyone was relaxed.

Josh brought his sword in a tight arch, which Anna rolls out of the way from before letting off a fury of electricity towards him. Josh pulls up his sword and the electricity hits it, building up the blade as he charges forward. As he gets within a meter he chucks the sword to the side and rolls so he can force his fist into Anna's stomach. She stumbles back as she arches over, and Josh takes the chance to pull his foot into her face, sending her to the floor.

"How are you more a dick without curse" Anna chimes as she stretches her jaw. Josh laughs as he walks over and helps her up.

"I'm not a dick. I just have control of my emotions, so I have better control of the fight. Emotions cloud your judgement in a fight." Josh explains as the two walk over to the side of the room and sit on the bench. The two were in the fencing training room, which was now fully padded out so their powers didn't destroy anything.

"I mean, you were full of anger on the Isle. And you kicked everyones ass." She points out.

"Because everyone else we fought was angry, I was just more powerful. Anger makes someone go more offensive. They keep throwing punches till they win. On the Isle, not a bad way. Against an army. Not so much. You always got to read your enemy. Find their fighting style, chip away at them till you can take them out." He explains and Anna nods.

"Yeah I know. I was trained by my monk, remember" She states.

"Not good enough apparently" Josh smirks as he takes a sip from his water bottle. Anna elbows him as she leans forward.

"So, I think we should tell Ben. I know we said we wouldn't ruin their happiness. But they could end up getting married in a year. That's time we cannot afford to lose in preparation." Anna states. "I've seen what lack of preparation does. It isn't pretty" her expression was dark, her eyes locked on the floor.

"I know. But we should tell everyone. Audrey, Ben, Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Uma, Gil, Harry, Lonnie, Jane, Doug. We cannot keep this a secret amongst us all." Josh points out and Anna nods. She bites her lips as she looks at the ground. And Josh notices. "Your not saying something. What is it?" He asks.

"You know, no matter what happens. Me and you are destined to fight in this war. And we make it to the end of whatever happens." She says.

"That's if the prophecy is real. It could be not true at all." He points out.

"No. It's real. Me, you, Jenna, George, Anna and Sarah. We all are going to fight in this war." She sighs.

"I know" He admits as he runs his hand through his hair. "But we can't do it alone. We will lose." He adds.

"Then let's go find Ben" She says as she gets up, helping Josh off the bench and they head off to find Ben.


"Purple is a must for the wedding" Mal smiles as she walks down the stairs from the Castle her and Ben lived in. Her hand tight around his.

"Trust me, I know." He chuckles as he takes in the view around him. The beautiful greenery that surrounded the land was blissful. His eyes glance over the the group of people leaning against the wall. A sight that warmed his heart. As they weren't just people from Auradon. But also from the Isle. He looks down at Mal's ring and smiles, bringing her hand up to kiss the ring.

"All this is because of you." He says softly.

"I had some help" She smiles as she wraps her arms around his neck.

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