Chapter Seventy Four

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"Mal!" Josh exclaims as he walks towards her, where she stood with Evie and Jay.

"Hey" Mal smiles as she scanned Jenma up and down. "You're the ice girl, aren't you?" She adds and Jenna nods.

"Yeah. I have some information about the Forgotten Plane" She states, Mals eyes widen where Evie's and Jay's furrow in confusion.

"The what?" Jay questions as he folds his arms.

"No time. What you got for us?" Mal asks.

"To access the Forgotten Plane we must sacrifice a innocent life." She plainly states, not trying to sugarcoat the idea at all.

"Oh shit" Mal sighs as she looks down. "Well there goes that idea." Mal says.

"Are you sure?" Jenna asks and Mal nods.

"I'm all for winning this. But I won't kill an innocent life. Because if I do, what makes me better than The Dragon King?" Mal states and Jenna nods.

"I get it. I was the same when I found out"

"Was?" Mal asks.

"Now I wish I did it, to save my people." Jenma states before she walks off, leaving Josh with Mal, Evie and Jay.

"How's Ben doing with the new arrivals?" Josh asks.

"Alot of meetings." Mal laughs slightly. "But we did something good. We saved so many people today. It shows that we are better." Mal says and the three nod.

"And have a really powerful girl with us." Audrey's voice calls from behind, Josh turns to see her leaning against the castle wall with a smile.

"Might do" He smiles back as she straightens up and walks over to him, wrapping his arms around her and planting a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Really, Audrey. What you did was amazing" Evie smiles.

"Made me never want to mess with you" Jay jokes as he winks.

"I don't know why you'd want to mess with me before, I'd kick your ass then!" Audrey retorts with her own wink, and the five share a laugh.

"Where's Carlos?" Jane asks as she walks over to the group. Her face stricken slightly with worry.

"I haven't seen him since we got back" Josh states, sharing a look with the others. They all had the same look. Worry.

"Where the hell could he be?" Mal questions, her voice strained, and her face showed she already knew the answer.

"Maybe he got transported somewhere else in Auradon?" Evie points out, but Josh and Mal shake their head.

"It's been too long. He'd of made contact by now. Something's happened to Carlos." Mal states, and the group share a look of horror.

"I'll go check around." Audrey says quickly as she trails away from the group, her hands shaking. Carlos surely had to be here. Otherwise, losing him would be her fault.


Carlos could feel the heat. Feeling like his skin was melting away. Feeling the blood trickle down his face as he endured another punch.

"I'll ask again. Who is the girl!" The man who puncher Carlos yells. Carlos looks up at the man. He wore a weird outfit. The dragon empire symbol was emblazoned on the leather chest, but spikes covered his arms. And his face was marked with scars.

"You'll have to be more specific. I know a lot of girls" Carlos spits blood at him, which seemingly angers him. Carlos struggles against his chains, which had been fused with two rocks either side of him.

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