Chapter Eighty.

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Josh stood outside the Fortress and looked up at it. It really was quite intimidating. But it explains why Malificent took it over. The power that eminiated from it. It had a certain feel to it. Which he couldn't explain.

"Do ya have to be here?" A snide remark comes from behind him. Josh felt his body tense at the sound of the annoying accent.

"Oh great, the B-grade pirate is here." Josh retorts a she turns to face Harry "I'm surprised you could make your way here. You are pretty thick" He adds and a growl escapes Harry has swirls his hook about.

"Oh how I'd love to ram this lil' thing in ya eye" He says as he takes a step forward, and Josh flicks his hand as two fires erupt from them.

"Try it. I fucking dare you" Josh threatens as his eyes darken.

"Whatever." Harry scowls as he walks past, bashing his shoulder against Josh's. "You're just Mal's bitch anyway" he adds before walking in. Josh could feel his anger bubbling inside him, but he is able to contain it as the fire in his hands dies down.

"Oi Flamey" Uma's voice calls, bringing Josh back to reality as he smiles at her.

"Hey." He says as he walks over and gives her a quick hug.

"How do you work with that twat?" Josh asks. "I had to stop or I'd of slit his throat" he adds and Uma shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't let him get to me. He nearly cost Audrey her life for being selfish. I ain't giving any of my time anymore" She says and Josh sighs.

"I wish it was that easy for me."

"So, how much shit do you think Mal is going to get this year?" She asks as they head into the Fortress.

"With all the breaches and casualties, alot. They just think she sits up in her throne room and do nothing." He says as they reach the end of the hallway and the lights flickering slightly, giving the stone hallway a very creepy vibe.

"I'd like to see any of them do it" She scoffs as she enters the room. The tension was thick, it was almost as if you could feel it. The hateful glares shared around the table made it feel almost alien. As if these people didn't know each other.

"How is she late. It's her damn place" Jay groans, receiving an eye roll from Josh.

"It's called ruling, ass hat. But you couldn't do it with your intelligence" Josh retorts and Jay goes to attack Josh but the doors swing open just behind Josh as Mal enters, all stares now focused on her as she strolled straight to her seat at the top of the round table.

"So. We agreed when we set up New Auradon we would host a War Council every year to see the state of affairs regarding the Dragon War." Mal states with a level of command no one could actually deny, no matter how much they wanted too. "Breaches from outside New Auradon have increased tenfold over the past few months. The Dragon King seems adamant on removing us from the equation completely. But we have fended off every breach they have created..."

"I'm sorry" Evie scoffs as she glares at Mal. "We? You have sat up in your room all this damn time. I've not seen you once actually fight off the attacks!"

"Well I'm sorry that my rule isn't suited to your needs. But my concerns are not of just the breaches. I need to make sure New Auradon runs as well as it can." Mal retorts. "I asked for volunteers to fight off the breaches. I never forced you. So get off your fucking high horse."

"Yeah, you would say that when all your limbs are still intact" Anna throws back, revealing her hands. One was made of metal, electricity surging through the the gaps inside it, seemingly worked by her powers. the mechanical hand flexing with the sound of gears turning heard as she does.

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